How to Promote Clickbank Products Without a Website Step by Step Presented By Dakanda https://tinyurl.com/HowtoPromoteClickbank

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How to Promote ClickbankProducts Without a Website

Step by Step

Presented By Dakanda


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Most online marketers know ClickBank (and if you don't I'll explain exactly what it does just below) but few of you guys ever made money from it.

And when it comes to affiliate marketing, specifically affiliate marketing networks, ClickBank is the biggest name out there.

Is it even possible to learn how to promote ClickBank products without a website? It sure is, and I am here to guide you through this awesome process!

Cool title, but what you really want to know is how to promote ClickBank products without a website properly and with no “fluff” attached right? You see many people think that you need a website to make money. This statement is somewhat true, but don’t worry you won’t always need a website to make money with affiliate marketing.

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Usually people sign up, check out a crappy product and wonder how it can actually make sales. Then, they try to throw some random traffic at it and seeing that nobody bought it, curse at the platform and call itcrap. Sounds familiar.

2014 was the first year we tried to make some moneyoff the platform and we ended up making $37,075 off it without trying very hard (ClickBank has always beenconsidered as a secondary monetization method, so far, for our businesses

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I have good hopes to bring this number to around $60,000-100,000 this year, scaling some of the tactics I will be revealing bellow.

But let's jump right in with a little catch up lesson, for those of you who don't understand what I'm talking about right now.

What You Will Learn In This Ebook

What ClickBank is and how to use it to make thousands of dollars monthly

• How to pick products to promote

• The most common ways to promote ClickBank products

• The unique funnel we use to scale up our sales

• How to build these funnels

• How to scale them up and take over the offer

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What Is ClickBank?

For those unfamiliar, ClickBank.com is a marketplace where product owners list their products in hopes of attracting affiliates who would promote their products in exchange for the commission.

ou can earn as much as 75% commissions on certain products.

One reason for such high payout is that they focus purely on electronic contents (Digital Products, e-books, etc…).

As the distribution cost is practically zero, product owners are able to expand the commissions for the affiliates.

Now, there are actually 2 ways to profit from ClickBank:

1.Make money promoting CB products as an affiliate.

As an affiliate marketer, you can jump right in, create your unique affiliate links for thousands of products (more on that later) and start pushing traffic right away. You will also see your earnings in real time.

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2.Sell your own products on CB.

As a product owner, you can add your product to the database and ClickBank will take care of all the checkout and e-commerce part, as well as offering an affiliate program for it.

This is great if you don't want to handle the technical part ofthings but you have to know that the platform will take

quite a bit of money off your sales ($1+7.5% of the sales).

That's why if you start making some serious sales volume, you may want to move out of the platform eventually. But when you get started and only make a few hundred dollars per day, it's a great help to not have t o deal with all the tech stuff.

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Pros & cons of ClickBank

I really like ClickBank and I think it's a fantastic place for new affiliate marketers to get started without the hassle of more advanced affiliate networks. There's no cap, you don't need to be approved for 90% of the offers and you can start selling straight away.

Trust me, that's a huge plus when you get started and have no track record to show to those big networks.

Here's a short lists of the pros & cons of the platform

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How to Pick the Right Product to Promote

The best way to get started on ClickBank is to start as an affiliate, promoting pages that have already been optimized,in order to build your sales funnels.

Much like keyword research for SEO, picking the right product to promote on ClickBank is extremely important. Nomatter how good you are at promoting, if you push traffic toa sales page that doesn't sell, you will not make much money.

Here is a short video of me going through the ClickBank marketplace to find juicy products to promote

The Different ClickBank Metrics

Initial $/sale:The average amount of money affiliates make per sale.

Avg %/sale:The % of the sales price affiliates take as a commission on average.

Grav:Gravity, the number of affiliates that sold this product in the last 12 weeks.

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Avg Rebill Total:Average $ affiliates take as a commission as a result of rebills

Avg %/Rebill:% of rebills paid to the affiliate, on average.

What is a great product to promote?

Here are the things we look for when it comes to screening offers to promote:

• Low cost initial offer with up to 3 upsales

• Video sales pages & "native" sales pages (pages that feel like content)

• Products with good reviews online (low refunds = more money and less list burnout)

• Gravity above 20 (means that the page converts fairly well)

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Creating your affiliate links & TID's

In order to know where your conversions come from, the best practice is to create a new link each time you put a linksomewhere. This way, you will be able to tell which emails/pages convert and which don't.

In order to create a tracking ID, when you create your link simply add it in the "Tracking ID" field as per the screenshotbellow

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How Everyone Tries to Make Money from ClickBank

If you read on other online marketing blogs, you'll see a ton of "tactics" to make money with ClickBank. Some of them work and some of them clearly don't work.

The issue most of these tactics have, apart from the last one, is that they have very limited preselling. People are thrown to sales pages without knowing exactly why they are there or who is this guy trying to sell them an information product.

From our experience, preselling is HUGE. You need to give people valid reasons why they should buy the product and ifyou can be that 3rd party giving a recommendation, your conversion rates will 5-10x very often (hint: that's what I do all over Authority Hacker).

Additionally, repeat exposure to the offer does very very wellfor us. More on that later though.

Let's have a recap of the most "common" ways people makemoney with ClickBank, before I show you our secret sauce.

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How to Promote ClickbankProducts Without a WebsiteOK GREAT, LET’S GET BACK ON FOCUS HERE……


Article marketing is the first resource I want to look at and in particular a site called EzineArticles! .As your probably already aware this is one of the largest and oldest article directories around. That’s fantastic Shaun, I here you cry…but how does that help us learn how to promote ClickBank products without a website?

Most people at this point would scream “but EzineArticles doesn’t allow affiliate links in the resource box”…

WELL my friends this is true and why would you want to do this anyway? Direct linking is for less experienced marketers!

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Here is what you need to do. Of course you are going to write a fantastic article and then in the author resource box is where you can add a link, but not too an affiliate link, but a well organised and attractive information page on your own domain name.

As, I mentioned earlier you won’t need a website, all you need to do is create a page NOT A WEBSITE!!!


You need to create a page because of 2 things. EzineArticleswill only allow top level root domains, what do I mean by this? Well, you need to have your own domain name such as http://example-domain-name.com/. They will not allow anything like http://clickbank-example-product/your-id.com/.

The second thing is that by creating a great page for the product your trying to sell will really set you apart from a lotof marketers who only direct link or use the product landing page. You page will be unique, highly informative and will stand out!!

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So, I hear you asking Shaun what is this“page”you keep talking about?? Well, before we get into that I just want to highlight one thing. Having a page or I guess a type of squeeze page is definitely one of the best ways to make money with ClickBank. It’s obviously not the only way, but itis one of the best.


So, you have a domain name and hosting account. You can make a page with something like leadpage I will go into a specific post of how to create these pages in the future, but I do want to give you a basic understanding and some greatinformation briefly in this post. So here is an overview of what a great page would include:-

•Visual aid such as videos or graphs or pictures. A big part of affiliate marketing is pre-selling and when you can pre-sell properly you have a much better chance of making a sale. Let’s just go through an example. Say, you were promoting a product on how to use google AdWords here is what you can do on your page. You canhave three or four training videos on how to use AdWords and how to setup campaigns properly.

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•You want a benefit driven headline and one that captures people emotions.

•You need to have “call to action” buttons and reasons for people to visit the product.

Ok so there is just a few things to think about. I just wanteda basic look at this and like I said in future posts I will go into more detail. But that is resource 1 and how to use article marketing properly to promote a product.

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Twitter is another great way to promote ClickBank Products, but like any form of marketing you need to understand the golden rule and that is:


I am being serious here, well there are no such things as“spam police” but on major sites like twitter there are spam filters and clever robots that watch for spam. Most people will just create an account buy fake followers and every like they post will be an affiliate link. Well, your smart and you know this is not the right way. This is how to do it properly!

You can create your account at twitter and then start addingimportant information such as profile information etc. Look you don’t need to be a professional company or have huge following, you just need to do this right and engage with people. Then it will work. You will learn how to make sale and be awesome!Below is what twitters homepage looks like encase you have never visited….

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Ok, so here are some pointers on how to promote clickbank products without a website with twitter:-

1.Consistently add followers and engage with like minded people.

2.DONT SPAM (remember the spam police)

3.Add content and participate in daily discussions and add informative tweets…

4.When you have built up relationships, you can simply drop your affiliate link in a tweet, use url shorteners suchas bitly.com etc

5.Thank people for retweeting or liking your content!

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Direct linking / banners.This one is the most common and very often least profitable. The tactic is simple. Find a somewhat related article on your site and slap a banner on the sidebar or in the middle of the article, without any form of preselling the product specifically.

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Because the traffic is somewhat related to the offer, some people will convert. However, your EPC (earning per click) will be very low because the product does not come recommended by the author.

This system for me is the best out there for the following reasons:

•You keep your front end clean of commercial offers meaning you can get tons of links/shares etc.

•You can target viral topics or high traffic keywords relatedto the problems the offer solves meaning there's no trafficproblem.

•It can run 100% without PPC, if that's not your thing (many of those run purely on organic for us)

•You're building an email list meaning that you own the audience. This means that you can sell more things to them once they reach your main list, and the value of yourmedia property is greatly increased and compounds over time.

Let's dive into each element of the funnel and how you can execute each of them:

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Traffic & content

This one is pretty straight forward. If you create value only content, getting links using these tactics and getting shares is fairly easy. There's 3 main ways I recommend you to go after traffic:

•SEO -If you're going to create content, you might as welloptimize it for search engines. If you want more info on implementing SEO for your authority site.

•Facebook- Pretty much all audiences are on Facebook and you can get very cheap traffic.

•Content distribution networks - I don't have a ton of experience with these but judging by the number of people running this tactic across networks like taboola andoutbrain I imagine this must be fairly successful. This works especially well if you're covering a widespread issue.

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Email Marketing

This is where things start to be fun. As opposed to people trying to throw traffic to a sales page once and then have no chance to see those visitors again, you have their contactdetails!

When you get started, I recommend to only set up a 3 part autoresponder. It's enough to know if the offer is going convert or not. Here's how I break it down:

Email 1 - Features & Logic

In the first email I first send them the link to the lead magnet a second time (the excuse to email them) and ask them if they saw the offer (affiliate link). I then go on and give a bullet point list of why I think they should get it as well as maybe 1 testimonial to give it credibility and start easing into the emotional realm. I'll usually finish with a question, opening a loop making them want to open the next email.

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Email 2 – Emotions

In the second email, you email them to answer the questionyou asked in the previous email and start (excuse for the email). Then you go on and help them visualize themselves having solved the problem and all the things they could do when it is solved. In the case of weight loss for example it could be:

•Being more attractive and finding the love of your life

•Not being ashamed when people look at you anymore

•Having more energy / being able to do more

•Not dying early

Simply elicit positive emotions of all the great things that could happen and link it back to your product.

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Email 3 – Scarcity

In the final email of the series you want to push people to

take action right now. This is when you use a mixture of

limited time offers (discounts, bonuses etc if available with

the offer) and guilt people for not taking action

You can use sentences like: "Einstein defined insanity as thefact of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" or "You need something new if you really want to change your life".

This is when you want to make sure the product actually delivers. If I guilt someone into buying a product that actually helps them lose 20lbs and live a better life, I'm happy I did it.

If you guilt low income overweight people to buy a crappy pseudo science product and they lose both money and hope, you're not a great person.

These sales tactics are powerful and work but you have to have ethics when using them.

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Remember, we want to sell MANY things to our prospects sothe first product better deliver! Really helping people makes you more money.

If you're thinking this is a lot of work, and it really isn't, thenimagine how happy you'll be when your daily emails go out and you see money trickling in that way (wait, was that visualization?)

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Once people have gone through the 3 part autoresponder, simply add them to your main broadcast list and email themyour next pieces of content. If they're interested, they'll opt in and enter a new mini sales funnel.

This is a great way to not burn your email list while constantly selling. Those who don't opt in never get sold to, until they are interested enough to download your lead magnet. At this point, you're seen as a great value giver since your front end is always pure value.


Now that you've built the initial funnel, let it run for a little bit. Perhaps start building a second one and after a while, decide if it's worth spending more time on it.

If it's making some sales and you want to expand it, all you need to do is pick one area and expand it. These include:

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•Creating more SEO content around more keywords related to the product you're selling.

•Link building your existing content to improve its rankings.

•Using paid social to grow the traffic to your content.

•Expanding your autoresponder from 3 to 12-15 emails to increase sales.

•A/B test your pop ups and opt ins to increase opt in rate.

Owning the offer

When you've reached a certain scale, you should already be making several thousand dollars per month. At this point, it's time to start considering swapping the affiliate offer withyour own offer.

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This will allow you to keep all the money coming in and control things such as:

•The upsales

•The sales page

•Being able to buy traffic directly to your sales pages

•Have affiliates make money for you by promoting your product

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