Linchpin Some,mes it’s really hard to be a Linchpin ! Richard Meyer

It's hard to be a linchpin

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Why is it so hard to be a Linchpin and why is there so much really bad marketing out there ?

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Page 1: It's hard to be a linchpin


Some,mes  it’s  really  hard  to    be  a  Linchpin  !  

Richard  Meyer  

Page 2: It's hard to be a linchpin

 Linchpin  Help  !?  

•  How  can  I  be  a  Linchpin  when  the  resistance  is  so  strong  in  my  organiza<on  ?  

 •  How  can  I  be  willing  to  be  unloved  when  I  am  reviewed  on  

“how  well  I  get  along  with  others?”  

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Working  in  corporate    America  today    

•  Endless  mee<ngs  •  People  afraid  to  make  decisions  •  Cube  farms  •  Mangers  who  can’t  manage  •  Poli<cs  are  oIen  more  important  than  knowledge  and  

capabili<es  •  Processes  revolve  around  the  company  not  customers.  •  OIen  do  not  have  <me  to  think  about  what  you  are  doing  

because  volume  of  work  is  overwhelming.  

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Endless  Mee<ngs  

Symptom:  •  You  don’t  even  have  <me  to  sit  and  think  

because  you’re  oIen  booked  in  mee<ngs  from  morning  to  night.  

Treatment  •  Decline  mee<ngs  that  you  don’t  need  to  

be  part  of  with  an  explana<on.  •  Suggest  one  day  a  week  there  be  no  

mee<ngs.  •  Keep  mee<ngs  small,  issue  notes  with  

ac<on  items.  •  Ensure  that  all  mee<ng  have  an  agenda  

with  specified  <me  allotments  for  each  item.  

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People  are  afraid  to  make  decisions  

Symptom:  •  Managers  are  afraid  to  make  decisions  

without  geSng  input  from  too  many  people.    Treatment  •  Linchpins  take  risks.  •  Quan<fy  the  result  of  delaying  key  decisions.  •  Use  your  authority  to  make  decisions  based  

on  your  posi<on  descrip<on.    

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Cube  Farms  

Symptom:  •  How  can  I  think  when  I  have  no  peace  and  

quiet  ?  

Treatment  •  Work  at  home  if  your  manager  will  allow  

you  but  ensure  that  you  answer  and  send  emails  so  they  know  you  are  working.  (yes,  they  don’t  believe  you  are  actually  working!)  

•  Pick  up  your  stuff  and  go  to  a  mee<ng  room  even  if  you  have  to  book  it  in  advance.  

•  Schedule  some  “quiet  <me”  to  clean  up  you  desk.  

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Managers  who  can’t  manage  

Symptom:  •  There  are  a  lot  of  managers  who  can’t  manage  people  

or  <me  which  means  you  are  oIen  on  the  receiving  end  of  more  high  priority  work.  

Treatment  •  Learn  how  to  manage  up.  •  Ensure  that  your  successes  are  seen  by  senior  

managers  by  sending  out  emails  with  what  we  learned.  (show  them  you’re  a  Linchpin).  

•  If  your  manager  won’t  promote  you,  you  need  to  promote  yourself.  

•  Your  manager’s  boss  should  know  about  your  past  successes.    If  not  this  is  a  warning  sign  that  your  boss  is  not  on  your  side.  

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Ten  Habits  of    Incompetent  Managers  

•  Bias  against  ac<on  •  Secrecy  •  Over-­‐sensi<vity  •  Love  of  procedure  •  Preference  for  weak  employees  •  Focus  on  small  tasks  •  Allergy  to  deadlines  •  Addic<on  to  consultants  •  Long  hours  •  Does  not  give  you  reinforcement  and  only  remembers  the  nega<ve  

when  it  comes  to  review  <me.  

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Poli<cs  is  oIen  more  important    than  knowledge  and  capabili<es  

 Symptom:  •  The  people  who  seem  to  get  ahead  in  your  company  are  

oIen  the  ones  who  are  well  connected  and  liked  vs.  the  people  that  get  things  done  and  are  indispensable.    

Treatment  •  Don't  get  trapped  in  someone  else's  game.  •  Establish  affilia<ons  of  mutual  advantage  with  important  

people.  People  will  always  be  able  to  refer  you  to  other  jobs.  Be  the  good  guy  who  does  your  job  well.  

•  OIen  the  rules  of  office  poli<cs  are  unwriaen.  You  learn  them  as  you  go  along  

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Processes  revolve  around  what’s    best  for  the  company,  not  customers  

Symptom:  •  Processes  revolve  around  people  in  your  company  not  your  

customers.  There  is  very  liale  value  added  to  your  brand/product/customers.  

Treatment  •  Ask  “why  are  we  doing  this?”  and  “what  value  is  this  going  to  have  for  

our  customers?”  •  Don’t  just  point  out  the  problem,  recommend  solu<ons  and  ask  “why  

don’t  we….?”  •  Lead  don’t  follow  

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Volume  of  work  is  too  great  

Symptom:  •  You  don’t  have  the  <me  to  do  good  quality  

work  because  you  have  too  many  deliverables.  

Treatment  •  Manage  up:  go  to  your  boss  and  tell  her  that  

you  have  priori<zed  your  workload  and  as  thus  you  want  her  to  help  you  manage  your  deliverable  dates.  

•  If  your  manager  disagrees  you  are  being  set  up  to  fail  so  beware  of  her/his  mo<va<ons.  

•  What  projects  deserve  100%  of  your  quality  <me  vs.  what  projects  need  75-­‐50%  of  your  quality  <me  ?  

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Hey  !  Nobody  said  it  was    going  to  be  easy  

But  it  can  be  done  !!  

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The  best  changes  are  oIen  

evolu,onary  not  revolu,onary  

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Don’t  take  what  you  read    too  literally  

•  I  love  Seth  Godin’s  books  but  take  what  he  as  wriaen  and  ask  yourself  “how  can  I  apply  what  I  learned  within  my  environment  to  make  it  beaer?”  

•  Change  is  oIen  easier  said  than  done,  especially  in  today’s  matrix  organiza<ons  where  you  have  to  have  a  lot  of  mee<ng  to  arrive  at  even  minor  decisions.  

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Step  1:  Understand  your  environment  

•  Iden<fy  the  key  influencers  within  your  organiza<on.      –  What  makes  them  <ck  ?      –  What  are  their  issues  ?  

•  How  can  you  gradually  win  them  over  to  your  side  ?  –  Not  all  baales  are  fought  in  one  area  .  


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Step  2:  Start  small  •  Seth  energizes  all  of  us  and  we  want  to  go  full  speed  ahead  but  oIen  

organiza<ons  are  not  built  for  hard  charging  Linchpins.    In  fact  they  fear  them.  

•  Develop  an  internal  ac<on  plan  to  implement  your  Linchpin  ac<vi<es.      

•  Your  objec<ve  is  to  “become  indispensible”  but  others,  especially  senior  mangers,  also  have  to  see  you  as  insensible.    

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Step3:  Learn  from  mistakes  

•  Acknowledge,  to  yourself,    that  you  are  going  to  slip  up.  •  Don’t  make  the  same  mistakes  twice.  •  Ask  yourself  “what  did  I  learn?”  

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Step  4:  Always  move  forward  

•  We  must  become  the  change  we  want  to  see.  •  If  you  don’t  always  move  forward  you  risk  rever<ng  back  to  where  you  

started  and  losing  all  your  great  work.  •  Share  what  you  learned  and  document  your  accomplishments  with  

your  managers.  

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But  keep  in  mind  your  situa<on  

•  Speed  is  a  compe<<ve  advantage  today.  •  The  longer  you  wait  to  implement  change  the  more  customers  you  

could  lose.  •  Priori<ze  the  things  that  directly  add  value  to  your  customers  and  to  

consumers  not  necessarily  to  people  within  your  company.  

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Final  thoughts….  

•  Work  to  live,  don’t  live  to  work  even  if  you  love  your  job  take  <me  to  appreciate  the  aspects  of  life  that  we  take  for  granted.    Use  ALL  of  your  vaca<on  <me.  

•  Never  stop  learning.    A  Linchpin  always  moves  forward  and  knowledge  is  a  great  way  to  stay  indispensable.  

•  Don’t  get  frustrated  look  as  barriers  as  challenges  to  be  overcome.  

•  Don’t  be  naïve  and  think  that  everyone  wants  what’s  best  for  the  company.    Too  oIen  people  want  what’s  best  for  themselves  not  the  company.  

•  Be  aware  that  a  lot  of  people  are  afraid  of  losing  their  jobs.  •  A  lot  of  companies  oIen  want  the  “cheapest”  person  to  fill  a  

chair  not  the  best  person.  •  Never  underes<mate  your  abili<es.    Keep  a  file  of  your  

successes  and  pull  it  out  when  you  get  down.  

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About  me  

Richard  Meyer  •  My  resume    hap://www.richardameyer.com  •  My  marke<ng  BLOG    hap://www.newmediaandmarke<ng.com  •  MY  DTC  BLOG    hap://www.worldofdtcmarke<ng.com    


