
Larynx 1

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  • 1. Laryngeal Cartilages Paired Unpaired: Arytenoid Thyroid cartilagecartilage Cricoid cartilage Corniculate Epiglottiscartilage Cuneiformcartilage

2. Thyroid Cartilage Hyaline cartilage Largest Encloses the larynxanteriorly and laterally Two alae, laryngealprominance, thryroidnotch, inferior andsuperior horn, obliqueline, thyrohyoidmembrane Ossification 3. Cricoid Cartilage Hyaline cartilage Strongest Shape: Signet ring Ant. arch and post. lamina Only complete annular support of the larynx Articulates w/ Inferior cornu of the thyroid cartilage Cricothyroid and cricotrachel ligament 4. Epiglottis Fibroelastic cartilage Leaf-shaped structure Forms the sup. Part of the ant.Wall and sup. margin of theinlet Petiole small narrow portionof the glottis Thyroepiglottic ligament Hyoepiglittic membrane Medial and lat. Glossoepiglotticfolds, epiglittic valleculae Epiglottic tubercle 5. Arytenoid Cartilage Mostly hyaline cartilage Responsible for opening and closing of the larynx Shape: three sided pyramidal Apex aryepiglottic fold Muscular process post. and lat. Cricoarytanoid muscle 6. Corniculate Cartilages Fibroelastic Small cartilages above the arytenoid and in the aryepiglottic folds 7. Cuneiform Cartilages Firboelastic cartilages Elongated pieces of small yellow elastic cartilage in the aryepiglottic folds Triyicial cartilage in thyrohyoid membrane 8. Laryngeal Joints Cricothyroid Joint Cricoarytenoid Joint Between inferior cornu of bet. base of the arytenoid the thyroid cartilage and cartilage and the facet on facet on the cricoidthe upper border of the cartilage at the junction oflamina of the cricoid the arch and lamina cartilage Two movements: rotation, Two movements: rotation, glidingsliding, tiltingResult in changes in theResult in approximating, length of the vocal folds tensing and relaxing the vocal folds 9. Laryngeal Ligaments Extrinsic Intrinsic Quadrangular Thyrohyoid membraneand ligamentsmembrane Conus elasticus Cricothyroidmembrane and (cricovocalligamentsmembrane) Median cricothyroid Cricotracheal ligament ligament Epiglottis Vocal Ligament Thyroepiglottic lig. 10. Extrinsic Ligaments Thyrohyoid membrane pierced on each side by:1. Superior laryngeal vessels2. Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve Median thyrohyoid ligament thickened median portion Lateral thyrohyoid ligament thickened posterior border- where cartilago triticea is often found helps to close the inlet of the larynx during swallowing 11. Extrinsic Ligaments Cricothyroid membrane and ligaments The fibrous median cricothyroid ligament produces a soft spot and it is at this point the airway is closest to the skin and is most accessible May be pierced for emergency cricothyrotomy tracheotomy 12. Extrinsic Ligaments Cricotracheal Ligament Attaches the cricoid cartilage to the first attached ring Epiglottis suspended in position by membranous connections to the hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage and base of the tongue 13. Intrinsic Ligaments Fibro elastic membranes Divided into upper and lower parts by theventricle of the larynx Quadrangular membrane Upper part of the elastic membrane Boundaries Epiglottis , arytenoid, corniculate cartilage, falsecord Free inf. margin constitute the vestibularligament, covered loosely by vestibular fold 14. Vocal ligamentExtend from the junction of the laminae of thethyroid cartilages to vocal process of arytanoidIt forms the skeleton of the vocal fold and thefree edge of the conus elasticus 15. Intrinsic Ligaments Conus elasticus (cricovocal membrane) Composed mainly of yellow elastic tissue Boundaries Inferior: superior border of cricoid cartilage Superoanterior: deep surface of angle thyroid cartilage Superoposterior: vocal process of arytenoid cartilage Thyroepiglottic ligament 16. Cavity of the Larynx Divided into 3 parts: Vestibule Ventricle Infraglottic cavity (subglottic space) 17. Vestibule boundaries: Anterior: posterior surface of epiglottis Posterior: interval between arytenoidcartilages Lateral: inner surface of aryepiglottic foldsand upper surfaces of the false cord 18. Ventricle Saccule conical pouch at anterior part Vocal cords, Glottis Adduction: Abduction:Phonation, slit-likeappearanceRespiration, wide andtriangular 19. Subglottic space between vocal cords and lower borderof the cricoid Preepiglottic space a wedge shaped space lying infrontof the epiglottis Boundaries: Anterior: thyrohyoid membrane Anteroasuperior: hyoid Superior: vallecula Posterior: part of the epiglottis Lateral: hyoepiglottic ligament 20. False Cords (ventricular bands), vestibular folds Anteriorly: angle of thethyroid cartilage Posteriorly: bodies of thearytenoid cartilage Space between them rima vestibuli Protect from entering foodparticles to the larynx True cords, vocal folds Voice production Protection of lower respiratory tract Anteriorly,: angle of thyroid cartilage Posteriorly: vocal processes of the arytenoidcartilages Enclose vocal ligament, and a major part ofthe vocalis muscle Space between them rima glottis 21. Laryngeal Muscles Extrinsic Muscles Intrinsic Muscles Depressor group Muscles of the inlet of theinfrahyoid muscles larynx Transverse and oblique arytanoid, Elevator group aryepiglottic, thyroepiglotticSuprahyoid muscles, Muscles of the vocal foldsstylopharyngeus muscles Adductors - lateral Thyrohyoid musclecricoarytenoid Abductors post. Cricoarytenoid Tensors cricothyroidRelaxers Thyroarytanoid (oneband of inferior deeper fibers are 22. DepressorOriginInsertion ActionmusclesSternohyoid (C2, manubrium ofoblique line of thedepresses/stabilizesC3)sternum and thyroid cartilagethe hyoid bonemedial end ofclavicleThyrohyoid (C1) oblique line of the lower border of the elevates the larynx;thyroid cartilage hyoid bonedepresses/stabilizesthe hyoid boneOmohyoid (C2, superior border inferior border ofdepresses, retractsC3) of scapula near hyoid boneand steadies thethe hyoid duringsuprascapular swallowing andnotch speaking 23. Elevator OriginInsertion Action musclesGeniohyoidinferior mental body of hyoid pulls the hyoid bonespine of mandible boneanterosuperiorly, and shortens(C1)the floor of the mouth andwidens the pharynxDigastricsanterior belly-intermediate depresses the mandible anddigastric fossa of tendon to body raises the hyoid bone. Also, it(Ant. CN V; mandible,and greater horn steadies the hyoid bone duringPost. N. VII) posterior belly- of hyoid boneswallowing and speakingmastoid notch oftemporal boneMylohyoid mylohyoid line ofraphe and body elevates the hyoid bone, floor ofmandible of hyoid bonethe mouth and the tongue(V) during swallowing and speakingStylohyoidstyloid process of body of hyoidelevates and retracts the hyoidthe temporal bone bone, thereby elongating the(VII) bonefloor of the mouth 24. ElevatorOriginInsertionActionmusclesStylopharyngeus styloid posterior andelevates the pharynx and(CN IX) process ofsuperior borders oflarynx and expands thetemporalthyroid cartilage with sides of the pharynxbonepalatopharyngeusmuscleSalpingopharyngeus cartilaginousblends with elevates the pharynx and(pharyngeal plexus) part of the palatopharyngeuslarynx and opens theauditory tube muscleorifice of the auditory tubeduring swallowingPalatopharyngeushard palate lateral wall of tenses the soft palate andand palatinepharynx pulls the walls of theaponeurosis pharynx superiorly,anteriorly and mediallyduring swallowing 25. Muscles Controlling the Laryngeal InletIntrinsicOrigin Insertion ActionMuscles Interarytenoidmuscular process posterior surface of draws arytenoid m., oblique of the arytenoid the contralateralcartilages together, cartilagearytenoid cartilage, adducting the vocal (RLN)near its apexfolds (closure of glottis) Thyroepiglottic inner surface of lateral surface of the draws the epiglottic (ELN) the thyroidepiglottic cartilage cartilage downward cartilage near the laryngeal prominence 26. Muscles Controlling Movements of the Vocal CordsIntrinsic OriginInsertion ActionMusclesCricothyroid arch of the cricoid inferior border of the draws the thyroid(ELN)cartilage thyroid cartilagecartilage forward,lengthening the vocalligaments, tensesvocal cordsThyroarytenoid inner surface of the lateral border of the relaxes and adducts(vocalis, ILN) thyroid cartilagearytenoid cartilage the vocal foldsLateralarch of the cricoid muscular process of Adducts the vocalcricoarytenoid cartilage the arytenoid cartilage cords by rotating the arytenoid cartilage(ILN) 27. Intrinsic OriginInsertionActionMusclesPosteriorposterior surface of muscular process ofAdducts the vocalcricoarytenoid the lamina of the the arytenoid cartilage cords by rotating the cricoid cartilage arytenoid cartilage(ILN)Interarytenoid m., posterior surface of posterior surface of Closes posterior parttransverse (ILN) the arytenoidthe contralateralof rima glottidis by cartilagearytenoid cartilageapproximating arytenoid cartilages 28. Nerve Supply Supplied by Vagus nerve: Superior laryngeal n. Internal branch (sensory and autonomic) areas abovethe vocal folds including its sup. Surface (pierces thethyrohyoid membrane with sup. Laryngeal A. andlymphatics) External branch (motor) Motor Cricothyroid muscle Recurrent laryngeal n., inferior laryngeal n. (sensory,motor fibers from CN XI) Motor all intrinsic laryngeal muscles of SAME side(except cricothyroid) and interarytenoid muscle of BOTHsides Sensory areas below the vocal cords 29. Recurrent laryngeal nerve is vulnerable to damage duringthyroidectomy, carotid endarterectomy, etc. because its ascendsin the groove between trachea and oesophagus and itsrelationship to the medial surface the thyroid gland Damage may cause temporary aphonia, reduction of the voiceto a whisper, choking of food and laryngeal obstruction 30. Blood Supply Upper Larynx External carotid artery Superior thyroid artery Superior laryngeal artery Lower Larynx Subclavian artery Thyrocervical artery Inferior thyroid artery Inferior laryngeal artery 31. Venouos Drainage Upper Larynx Superior laryngeal vein Superior thyroid vein Internal jugular vein Lower Larynx Inferior laryngeal vein Inferior thyroid vein Innominate vein 32. Lymphatic Drainage Superior to vocal cords Lymph vessels accompany superior laryngeal artery through thyrohyoid membrane to upper deep cervical lymph nodes Inferior to the vocal cords Through the prelarnygeal, pretracheal, and paratracheal lymph nodes to lower deep cervical lymph nodes 33. Mucous Membrane Stratified squamous epith.: over vocal cords and upperpart of vestibule of larynx Ciliated columnar epith.: remainder of the cavity Mucous glands: Ventricles and sacculi Posterior surface of epiglottis Margins of aryepiglottic folds 34. Basic Functions Protection Respiration Phonation Fixation of chest Closure of glottis 35. Protection Acts as a sphincter Closure of thelaryngeal inlet Closure of the glottis Cessation ofrespiration Cough relfex,expulsion ofsecretions and foreignbodies 36. Respiration Assists in regulation of gaseous exchange with the lungand maintenance in acid-base balance Glottis opens a fraction of a second before air is drawn inby descent of the diaphragm Posterior cricoarytenoids Phasic inspiratory abduction Synchronous w/respiration Cricothyroid muscle Phasic inspiratory contraction/adduction Increases AP diameter of glottic chink 37. Phonation Voice produced byvibration of the vocalcords Fundamental toneproduced at the larynx Modified by resonatingchambers of the upperaerodigestive tract 38. Phonation Cricothyroid muscles Thyroarytenoid muscles Position the vocal cords Provide finer isometric near the midlinemodifications Lengthens true cords as Increases internal pitch increases tension of true cord, producing cord thinning 39. Thank You