saleem khan

Law and order big challenge for pakistan

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saleem khan

Introduction since our country came into being existence

it is facing political or law and order uncertainty. The big challenge that Pakistan confronting is among several other problems is law and order situation.

Strategic location The strategic location of Pakistan is very

important for its neighbors are atomic power like India, china, Russia, and uncertainty on Afghanistan and Pakistan border is affecting the entire region. After 9/11 law and order situation increased in Pakistan.

Uncertainty in entire countryThe fight between major political parties is affecting the peace of

country. The Target killing in Karachi is exceeding day by day many civilians are daily dying in target killing. The current law and order situation in Karachi is very poor due to those investors to taking out the investments. The rate of foreign investments Karachi is reduced due to unfortunate law and order situation. Even local investors are under great threat and fear while working in Karachi. The law and order situation in Baluchistan, Quetta and KPK is also pitiable and alarming. There is no rite of Govt. Almost daily many target killing incidents are being observed in these areas. Since last few years thousands of people are died in different bomb explosions and suicide attacks. People of Pakistan are feeling a consistent risk of security.

Sectarian violence in Pakistan

Areas of impact:Type of Costs: Impacts

Economic costs.

Social costsCultural costsHumanitarian aidFiscal costs

Consequences of terrorismEconomic growth Negative, sometimes falls dramatically.  Exports Negative due to (i) production fall; (ii) shift to domestic sales;

(iii) disruptions in international markets.  Sect oral distribution Shift from tradable to non-tradable sectors,

due to, e.g., the undermining of banks and failure of transport systemInvestment Sharp fall in government capital formation and private

investment, due to budgetary restrictions and increased uncertainty.  Budget deficit Increase, due to increased spending, while revenues

do not always fall.Human costs Heavy human costs: increased infant mortality rates,

deteriorating nutrition, health and educational standards, as a result of falling entitlements and war-induced famines.

Development costs Heavy development costs due to destruction of capital and reduced investment.

Solution for This Big ChallengeA main Assignment would be Simple: Be unite as a One nationStart reforming The judicial System of Pakistan.Hence to take out our country from this challenge, we

all have support our forces against these militants so as to make our country a prosperous and safe one.

For this all the parties should come on the dialogue table and work sincerely to counter this severe challenge to stability of Pakistan.

All the political parties, security forces, armed forces and our intelligence agencies and establishment should come forward with effective plans and agenda to eradicate extremism from the country.