Life Cycle Of A Chicken By Blathin Ahearne And Emma McDaid

Life cycle of a chicken by emma mcdaid and blathin ahearne x 2

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Life Cycle Of A Chicken

By Blathin Ahearne

And Emma McDaid

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• Our class has started a project on the life cycle of a chicken.

• We are going to hatch our very own chicks!

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How it begins!

The hen lays one egg everyday.

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The Egg

The egg will turn into a chick

after 21 days……..

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Keeping Warm!

• The eggs are kept warm

• Usually the hen sits on the eggs to keep them warm.

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• However , we cannot use a hen so we will use an incubator.

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What This Means

• An incubator keeps things at the right temperature . Can you think of anywhere an incubator could be used? Think of little babies!

• Our incubator will keep the eggs at the correct temperature for the chicks to grow.

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The Incubator

• We have to turn the incubator three times a day to make sure the temperature is even.

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After 21 Days

• If everything goes correctly the chick’s will hatch after 21 Days!

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The Shell

The eggs hard shell protects the baby as it grows.

When the chick is ready to hatch it will peck at the shell with it’s beak until the egg.

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Hatching Time

oSlowly the chick will come out from the egg This can sometimes take up to a day.

oThe chick is wet when it hatches from it’s egg.

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The chicks feathers will dry quickly and soon will become nice and fluffy.

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Staying warm

• The chicks must then be kept very warm for the next few weeks.

• We will use an infra red lamp to keep warm.

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We will then feed them well and look for a good home for them to go to.

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We hope you enjoyed learning about our project.

We will now ask a few questions and see what you remember.

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• How many eggs a day does a hen lay?

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Question 2

How many days does it take a chick to hatch from it’s egg?

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Question 3

What do we keep the eggs in to keep them warm?

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Well done on answering the Questions!

Now all we have to do is wait for oureggs to hatch!

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This concludes our presentation go raibh maith agaibh!