Loss of poor Web Host

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Page 2: Loss of poor Web Host

Web hosting is very important for every website to stay online 24/7. There are many web hosting providers for you to choose from. Choose the best one or otherwise you'll have to face the loss due to the poor web host performance. Here we point out a few reasons why you should not go with a poor web host service.

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9% of all retail E-commerce sales consist of Tablets and Cell Phones.

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1 in 4 Americans only search the internet on mobile devices.

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Most of the users expect a mobile site to load in under 3 seconds, ie; same as PCs.

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Users will leave a website if it doesn't load on their mobile device within 5-7 seconds.

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Remember, time is money. Do not mislay business for the reason that your website can't deal with big traffic and varying technologies. put main concern on your web execution and observe your traffic and conversion rate.

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Virpus.comVirpus.com, , is a foremost supplier in VPS Hosting. They deal both in Windows and Linux VPS hosting. Some host providers provide hosting service with a mixture of both HDD and SSD, but at Virpus 100% SSD drives are employed.
