Making and Breaking Web Services (with Ruby) Chris Wanstrath Err Free http://errfree.com

Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

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Mainly about SOAP and Microformats and Newsletters.

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Page 1: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

Making and Breaking Web Services(with Ruby)

Chris WanstrathErr Free


Page 2: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby


Page 3: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby


• Simple Object Access Protocol?

• Lies.

• Service Oriented Architecture Protocol

• wtf.

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• Slow response time

• Duplication of data

• Hard to debug

• require ‘soap/wsdlDriver’

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Ruby SOAP Library: Your Friend

• Creates methods on the fly

• Seems to work pretty well

• Transparently converts Ruby types to SOAP definitions

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Ruby SOAP Library: Your Enemy

• Hard to debug (dump req/res to file)

• No one has ever used it

• There are not any alternatives

• The code is a jungle

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Why use SOAP?

• One reason: legacy.

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Page 10: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

Wrapping SOAP

def update_user(email, subs = [], unsubs = []) client.updateUser(brand, email, email, demo, subs, unsubs)end

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Wrapping SOAP

def update_user(email, subs = [], unsubs = []) client.updateUser(brand, email, email, demo, subs, unsubs)end

def get_user(email) client.getUser(email, brand)end

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Wrapping SOAP

def update_user(email, subs = [], unsubs = []) client.updateUser(brand, email, email, demo, subs, unsubs)end

def get_user(email) client.getUser(email, brand)end

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Wrapping SOAP

def update_user(email, subs = [], unsubs = []) client.updateUser(brand, email, email, demo, subs, unsubs)end

def get_user(email) client.getUser(email, brand)end

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Testing SOAP

• Use mocks

• Mocha: http://mocha.rubyforge.org

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Testing SOAP

def test_get_user_should_hit_client email = '[email protected]' Outbound.client.expects(:getUser).with(email, Outbound.brand) Outbound.get_user(email)end

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Testing SOAP

soap_methods = { :getUser => true, :updateUser => true}

Outbound.stubs(:client).returns(mock('SOAP Service', soap_methods))

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Running a SOAP Server in Ruby

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Just Kidding

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Microformats!• Your website is your API

• Plant classes in HTML

• Tell parsers what information is important

• http://microformats.org

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Page 22: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

hReview<div id="review_16873" class="hreview"> <h5 class="item"><span class="fn">Beringer California Collection White Merlot 2005 </span></h5> <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20070420">(1 day ago)</abbr> <span class="reviewer vcard"> <img class="photo" src="/assets/avatars/c19d1b2080f73765d420b461d3133ffa.jpg" height="48" width="48" alt="buddy icon" /> <a class="url fn" href="/people/garyvaynerchuk">garyvaynerchuk</a> </span> <abbr class="rating" title="50.0">50.0<em>/100</em></abbr> <blockquote class="description">Had this in an industry event the other day, man o man this was sugar water less the water;)</blockquote> <p class="tags">Tasting Tags: <a href="/tags/pink" rel="tag" class="rel-tag" title="view all wines with this tag">pink</a> <a href="/tags/sugar" rel="tag" class="rel-tag" title="view all wines with this tag">sugar</a></p></div>

Page 23: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

hReview<div id="review_16873" class="hreview"> <h5 class="item"><span class="fn">Beringer California Collection White Merlot 2005 </span></h5> <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20070420">(1 day ago)</abbr> <span class="reviewer vcard"> <img class="photo" src="/assets/avatars/c19d1b2080f73765d420b461d3133ffa.jpg" height="48" width="48" alt="buddy icon" /> <a class="url fn" href="/people/garyvaynerchuk">garyvaynerchuk</a> </span> <abbr class="rating" title="50.0">50.0<em>/100</em></abbr> <blockquote class="description">Had this in an industry event the other day, man o man this was sugar water less the water;)</blockquote> <p class="tags">Tasting Tags: <a href="/tags/pink" rel="tag" class="rel-tag" title="view all wines with this tag">pink</a> <a href="/tags/sugar" rel="tag" class="rel-tag" title="view all wines with this tag">sugar</a></p></div>

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mofo$ sudo gem install mofoSuccessfully installed mofo-0.2.2$ irb -rubygems>> require 'mofo/hreview'=> true>> review = HReview.find :first => 'http://corkd.com/wine/view/21670' => #<HReview:0x1598d04 ...>>> review.properties=> ["description", "item", "dtreviewed", "tags", "rating", "reviewer"]>> review.rating=> 50.0>> review.item.fn=> "Beringer California Collection White Merlot 2005">> review.reviewer.fn=> "garyvaynerchuk"

Page 25: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

mofo/hreview.rbclass HReview < Microformat one :version, :summary, :type, :dtreviewed,

:rating, :description

one :reviewer => HCard

one :item! do one :fn endend

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def collector collector = Hash.new([]) def collector.method_missing(method, *classes) super unless %w(one many).include? method.to_s self[method] += Microformat.send(:break_out_hashes, classes) end collectorend

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mofo supports...

• hCard

• hCalendar

• hReview

• hEntry

• hResume

• xoxo

• geo

• adr

• xfn

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Page 29: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby
Page 30: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

What else can they do?

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Page 34: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby


( by _why )

Page 35: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

Hpricot$ irb -rubygems -r'open-uri'>> require 'hpricot'=> true>> page = Hpricot open('http://google.com')=> #<Hpricot::Doc ...>>> page.search(:a).size=> 20>> page.at(:a)=> {elem <a href="/url?sa=p&pref=ig&pval=3

&q=http://www.google.com/ig%3Fhl%3Den&usg=AFrqEzfPu3dYlSVsfjI7gUHePgEkcx_VXg"> "Personalize this page" </a>}

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Can use XPATH, CSS selectors, whatever, to search

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>> page = Hpricot(open('http://brainspl.at'))=> #<Hpricot::Doc ...>>> page.search('.post').size=> 10

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>> corkd = 'http://corkd.com/wine/view/21670'=> 'http://corkd.com/wine/view/21670'>> page = Hpricot(open(corkd))=> #<Hpricot::Doc ...>>> page.search('.hreview').size=> 4

Page 39: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

Hpricot/:mofo>> page.at('.hreview').at('.item').at('.fn').inner_text=> "Beringer California Collection White Merlot 2005"

>> review.item.fn=> "Beringer California Collection White Merlot 2005"

Page 40: Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby

Oh, you can use Hpricot for XML, too.

<Export> <Product> <SKU>403276</SKU> <ItemName>Trivet</ItemName> <CollectionNo>0</CollectionNo> <Pages>0</Pages> </Product></Export>

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Oh, you can use Hpricot for XML, too.

fields = %w(SKU ItemName CollectionNo Pages)

doc = Hpricot(open("my.xml"))(doc/:product).each do |xml_product| attributes = fields.inject({}) do |hash, field| hash.merge(field => xml_product.at(field).innerHTML) end Product.create(attributes)end

( also there’s Hpricot::XML() )

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But who uses XML?

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(insert short, live demo here)

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• http://mofo.rubyforge.org

• http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/hpricot

• https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4106

• http://microformats.org

• http://upcoming.yahoo.com/

• http://corkd.com/

• http://chow.com

• http://chowhound.com