Contact: [email protected] November 2012 Making B2B MarkeAng Social

Making B2B Lead Gen Social

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A comprehensive overview of B2B lead gen using social media. Covers: skills needed, traditional marketing role, landing pages/homepages, tips and tricks, getting started, the buyers' journey,trends, strategies, lead generation, lead nurturing, content, content marketing

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Page 1: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

Contact:    Leahanne.Hobson@Alinea-­‐Partners.com  

November  2012  

Making  B2B  MarkeAng  Social    

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Tradi&onal  Marke&ng  +  Social  Media  …  

+ =

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Page 4: Making B2B Lead Gen Social
Page 5: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

 ’I  can’t  hear  you  …!’  

Today’s    Buyer’s  World  

Aligned  ‘Engaged’    


Old  MarkeAng  

Vendor’s  World  

 Messages  aren’t  being  heard  

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We  Need  a  New  Model  

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What  Stage  are  You?  

Status Quo

Impact Breakthrough!

Page 8: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

New  Skills  Needed  for  Modern  Marke&ng  

•  A  Digital  Way  of  Life  

•  Knows  Big  Data  is  Here  

•  Understands  it’s  Social  and  Mobile  

•  Collaborates  with  Sales  and  IT    

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Page 10: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

What  social  media  plaLorms  do  you  use?  

•  LinkedIn       85%  

•  TwiPer       70%  

•  Facebook       54%  

•  YouTube     53%  

•  Pinterest     18%  

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What  about    …  

Page 12: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

A  Few  Unsung  Heros  

•  Borrow  from  B2C  -­‐-­‐  Affiliate  Marke&ng  

–  Bring  more  traffic  to  your  site!  

•  Do  not  ignore  SEO  –  They  will  not  buy  if  they  cannot  find  you!  

•  Do  not  undervalue        

–  Appeals  to  user  experience  desire  and  &meframe  

•  Develop  and  leverage  your  Editorial  Boards  

Page 13: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

You  Tube  SEO  Tricks  

•  Closed  Cap&ons  

•  Add  the  script  in  the  descrip&on  

•  Name  the  video  file  with  key  words  

•  Create  a  more  engaging  video  •  Authorita&ve  YouTube  Channel  

•  Pos&ng  HD  Videos  Instead  of  SD  

•  Having  a  relevant  headline  with  proper  keywords  

•  Pucng  your  link  in  the  descrip&on  above  other  content  with  hPp://  

•  Including  tags  from  other  videos  which  rank  well  for  the  keywords  that  you  are  targe&ng  

•  Giving  a  call  to  ac&on  at  the  end  of  the  video  for  liking  your  video  and/or  subscribing  to  your  channel.  

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Facebook  Tips  

•  Shorter  posts  Receive  23%  Higher  Interac&on  

•  Don’t  Neglect  Weekends  

•  Early  Week  Posts  Drive  More  Engagement  Than  Midweek  

•  Out  of  Office  Hour  Posts  Drive  14%  More  Engagement  •  Pos&ng  1  or  2  &mes  a  day  Drives  19%  Higher  Engagement  

•  Images  Get  39%  More  Engagement  Than  Average  

•  Full  URL’s  Get  16%  Higher  Interac&on  than  Shortened  URLs  

•  Posts  With  Ques&ons  Get  92%  higher  Higher  Comments  

•  Placing  Ques&ons  at  the  End  Gets  15%  Higher  Interac&on  •  Asking  Users  to  Cap&on  Images  Gets  5  Times  Higher  Comments  

•  “Fill  in  the  Blank”  strategy  Gets  4  Times  More  Comments  

•  Posts  With  Emo&cons  Get  52%  Higher  Interac&on  Rates  

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Pinterest  Tips  

#1:  Use  Infographics  

#2:  Use  Ebooks,  Guides  &  White  Papers  

•  add  aPrac&ve  cover  images  

#3:  Engage  Your  Fans  

•  ask  people  to  like  your  pin  or  to  ask  people  ques&ons  in  the  descrip&on,  which  will  encourage  them  to  comment  on  it.    

#4:  Display  Your  Work  Culture  •  Get  to  know  each  other  

#5:  Pin  Brand-­‐Related  Images  

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MicrosoW  Office  365  Learnings  

(Removed  do  to  informaAon  SensiAvity  for  greater  audiences)  

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Partner  Landing  Page  Learnings  

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1.  Page  Headline  &  Copy  Match  •  Don’t  forget  SEO  

2.  Clear  &  Concise  Headlines  3.  Impeccable  Grammar  4.  Take  Advantage  of  Trust  Indicators  5.  Use  a  Strong,  Visable  Call  to  Ac&on  

6.    BuPons  and  Calls  to  Ac&on  –  Stand  Out!  7.    Easy  on  the  Links!  

•  Never  take  them  off  your  page  8.  Use  Images  that  Relate  to  Copy  9.  Keep  it  Above  the  Fold  10. Constantly  Test  and  Change  

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Now  what?  


Web Traffic Visit to lead conversion rate

Opportunities Cost; Lead to won sale conversion rate

On Target Leads Cost; Lead to opportunity conversion rate

Sales Cost; total revenue goal

Quantity of On Target Leads must equal Total Revenue Goal

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Page 21: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

The  Process  





SELECTION  -  Search -  Find -  Qualify - Experience

- - Try -  Activate -  Manage -  Support

- - Advise

-  Refer -  Advise -  Customer -  Cross & Upsell


Page 22: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

Content  Mapping  


Inquiry   ConsideraAon   EvaluaAon   SelecAon   Post  Purchase  Win/Loss  

Marke&ng  Director  

Marke&ng  Demand  Gen  Specialist  

CRM  Mngr  

Sales  Director  

Owner  Internal w

hitepaprs, vendored sponsored w

ebcasts,Case studies,

customer testim

onials, Survey

3rd party w

hite papers, w

ebcasts, advertised Events, brochures

Product demos, short videos,

Testimonials Try, Freem

ium, Survey


ent, Freemium


Training, How

Tos, New

service announcem

ents, customer sat surveys

Page 23: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

‘Buyers  are  Liars’  


Progressive Profiling

Match Content to Buyers


Earn Trust

Page 24: Making B2B Lead Gen Social

Nurture  Campaigns  

•  Batch  &  Blast  

•  Simple  Drip  

•  MulA-­‐track,  MulA-­‐Step:  

–  Triggered  CommunicaAons  

– Match  content  to  buyer  stage  

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Now.  Increase  Engagement  &    Experience  

whitepaper Case study

Online community


Video Pres

Flash Demo



Customer Video


Live Demo

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Engagement  &  Experience  

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Maximise  Content  Crea&on  -­‐  1  To  Do  List,  or  ...      

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Take  Aways  

•  It  is  all  about  Content  

•  The  linear  sales  funnel  is  dead  •  Align  to  marke&ng  automa&on  

•  Big  Data  &  Social  Selling  (personalized,  individualized,  behaviours)  are  on  the  rise  

•  Focus  on  social  media  that  works  

•  Don’t  throw  the  baby  out  with  the  bathwater  •  Sales  &  marke&ng  alignment  is  more  important  than  ever  

•  Watch  Mobile      

•  Prove  value  

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Thank  you!  

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Define  Value  

Business  Benefits  

CompeAAon’s  Business  Benefits  

Customer  Need  

Who Cares? Lose Draw