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  • 1. The willingness to put forth effort in the pursuit of organizational goals (MONDY) Forces either internal or external to a person that influence action to do something

2. NEED DRIVE TENSION BEHAVIOR GOAL REWARD 3. The Traditional Model The Human Relations Model The Human Resources Model 4. The three (3) theories are : Need theory or content theory Process theory Reinforcement theory 5. Contemporary views of motivation Need theory / content theory Hierarchy of human needs Two factor theory Theory X & Y Process theory Equity theory Expectancy theory Reinforcement theory 6. The study concluded that individuals work satisfaction & dissatisfaction arise from two different sets of factors The factors were : Hygiene factor (dissatisfied) Satisfier factor (motivating) 7. Also known as the dissatisfier factor. It is associated with the work setting of an individual, often called job context. Hygiene factor causes feelings of job dissatisfaction The determinants of job dissatisfaction were found to be : Company policy Administrative policies Salary Working conditions 8. Also known as motivating factor Satisfier factor causes feelings of satisfaction. The determinants of job satisfaction : Work itself Responsibility Achievement 9. The managerial implications associated with the two factor theory are : Improvements made in the hygiene factors can prevent or eliminate job dissatisfaction. However, they will not improve job satisfaction. Improvements made in the satisfier factors can increase job satisfaction. However, they will not prevent job dissatisfaction. 10. This theory describes the views or perception of managers with regards to their employees. Theory x Theory Y Avoiding work whenever possible Willing to work Irresponsible Willing to accept responsibility Having to be pushed by managers to work Self direction 11. Equity theory A theory of motivation that centers around the principle of balance or equity. According to this theory level of motivation in an individual is related to his or her perception of equity & fairness practiced by management. Restoring inequity Change the outcome (rewards) Change the comparison person Leave the situation 12. Expectancy theory Developed by Victor Vroom A person is motivated to the degree that he or she believes that (1) effort will lead to performance (2) performance will be rewarded (3) the value of the reward is highly positive 13. This theory argues that behavior is reinforced & controlled by external events. For example : people will repeat behaviors that are positively rewarded & avoid behaviors that are punished or reinforced to avoid. 14. Reinforcement strategies : Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Extinction Punishment 15. S : smart M : measurable A : achievable R : realistic T : time related 16. A department manager establishes a goal to increase profitability by 10% by the end of December 2013 as compared to profitability in 2006.