MozCon 2015 Coverage Day Two All of the best quotes, stats, tools, and more!

#MozCon 2015 - Day Two Recap & Coverage

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MozCon 2015 Coverage

Day TwoAll of the best quotes, stats, tools, and more!

“Dr. Pete

If you look at this and see just 2 organic opportunities, you’re missing out on 22 actual opportunities:

“Settings that impact mobile search:• Logged in or out• Chrome vs. Google Now• Location and privacy• Android vs. iOS

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Cindy Krum

“The fundamental change in Google’s big mobile update was the separation of the desktop and mobile crawling functions. The desktop crawl is for content and desktop rendering – the mobile crawl just focuses on rendering.

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Cindy Krum

“Mobile UX signals aren’t yet used by Google to evaluate rankings – but they’re probably next, along with improving page speed with images.

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Cindy Krum

“Google LOVES intent. Top desktop navigation is sorted based on the search query, but device & mobile intent also matters - it’s a ranking factor.

Cindy Krum

“App packs are huge and can replace up to 6 organic listings. There’s also 5 types of app results: App pack, single apps, app carousels, icon deep links, and text deep links.

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Cindy Krum

“App packs are huge and can replace up to 6 organic listings. There’s also 5 types of app results: App pack, single apps, app carousels, icon deep links, and text deep links.

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Cindy Krum

“Adam Singer

You should be spending 90% of your digital analytics budget on your team members and 10% on the software. Your analysts need to have business acumen, nerd skills, and vision.

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“Adam Singer

Create a process for data requests – set up an email like [email protected] that anyone in the company can request information from.

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“Adam Singer

As marketers our data sources are rapidly increasing. If you can get it connected to the Internet, you can measure it in Google analytics. The data import feature allows you to bring anything you want into Google analytics.

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“When getting C-Suite buy-in on SEO, identify risks that could slow growth:

• Delays in execution of content• Google updates• Issues with site updates• How quickly technical aspects can be resolved

Once the C-suite is aware of these, you won’t look defensive when they happen because you’ve spelled out potential issues in advance.

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“How to prep for a meeting with C-Suite:1. Prepare answers for tough questions

Why are we focusing on X first? How do you know Y will work? Can’t you do Z in half the time?

2. Prepare relevant examples (case studies and research)We know X can work because… Moz recently shared a study on Y… In the past, when we did Z, it performed…

3. Create tactical execution plans4. Set communication cadence

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“Tamara Gielen

While building email campaigns you need to think about what people will want to buy from you before they even think about it. When email marketing is done well, it’s not marketing, it’s a service.

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“Tamara Gielen

Three steps to email marketing success:

1. Who is your ideal customer?Who are these people? What are their objectives, challenges, and potential objectives?

2. What is their journey?Where do they find you? Where do they drop off? Where you can assist them at different touchpoints? Where can you give them a little push to move them through that journey?

3. How can you assist them?Find the drop-off points. Where can you give them a little push to move them through that journey?

“Tamara Gielen

7 Email Types to Assist Customers On Their Journey:

1. Welcome / Activation / Onboarding programs2. Thank customers for being customers3. Recovery Program4. Abandoned shopping carts.5. Up-sell / Cross-sell Program6. Follow-up Program7. Renewal / Replenishment Program8. Surprise and Delight9. Reactivation

“To launch a successful community, you need to use the CHIP approach to build credibility:• Create content• Host events• Interview experts• Participate in existing groups

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Rich Millington

“You have a 15-minute window to persuade a member to share an experience, opinion, or problem.

• Use your confirmation email in a better way. • What are your members thinking?• What are your members doing?• What have you recently learned?• What do your members need help with?

If you can’t convert 50% of your new members, stop with promotion and focus on engagement.

Rich Millington

“Your community should be based around something that POPS:

• Problem• Opportunity• Passion• Status

Rich Millington

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Dark traffic is a problem for marketers because we’re not getting credit for traffic that we’re creating. Dark search, dark mobile, and dark social are all causing problems.

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Google Search Console data trends accurately – but we’ve never seen it actually match our real numbers.

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“Local search is based on proximity, relevance, prominence. The searcher became the centroid in the last Google update. It was previously the city center.

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There are two groups of people who might buy your product:

• The people who need your product• The people who search for your product.

Search marketers are only talking to half of that group.

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