Negative Option Marketing Effective - But Not for the Squeamish Jonathan Blaine, Direct MarCom, January 2006

Negative Option Marketing Direct Mar Com

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Negative Option Marketing

Effective - But Not for the Squeamish

Jonathan Blaine, Direct MarCom, January 2006

Negative Option Marketing   Introduction

Negative Option Marketing  Definition: “the selling of a good or service

by automatically billing customers for that product unless they give implicit instructions that they do not want it”

  Popular Examples: Music Clubs, Book Clubs, add-ons with Cellular Phone service

Negative Option Marketing Potential Pitfalls   Treading on thin ice due to federal

government rules  Class Action lawsuits   Federal Trade Commission settlements of

$1 million due to “lack of adequate disclosure” of the terms and conditions

Negative Option Marketing   Examples of regulatory and court findings:  Mountain Bell (Qwest): wire maintenance

added to phone bills  Oxmoor House: “free trial” books not really

free   Experian / ConsumerInfo.com: not really

“free” credit check service

Current Examples Classmates.com

Current Examples Classmates.com

Current Examples Match.com

Current Examples Match.com

Negative Option Marketing Match.com

Negative Option Marketing Match.com

Historical Cases   TCI negative option of Encore movie

channel In 1990, company attempted to add $1 to

customers’ bills before anyone had seen the product.

Huge customer, press and regulatory revolt. Plans cancelled. Result: Federal Regulations put in place.

Historical Cases   TCI negative option of Encore movie

channel - WHY DID IT FAIL? Negative option marketing works best on tried

and true products that are already valued by the customer, and that have a strong perceived value.

The product must be proven, and desired by the customer.

Historical Cases   First “expanded basic” tier of cable

channels in Canada (sports, music, etc.) • 90% penetration after campaign • previous $10.95 product offered at $2.50 • elimination of interfering technology (the set-

top cable descrambler) • community relations • The Secrets of Our Success:

Historical Cases   First “expanded basic” tier of cable

channels in Canada (sports, music, etc.). 1.  We whetted the customer’s appetites with

advertising and “free tastes.” 2.  Product was already in 10% of homes. 3.  Huge amount of advertising. 4.  Community relations. 5.  Direct mail that explained the offer…

Historical Cases   First “expanded basic” tier of cable

channels in Canada (sports, music, etc.). 6.  We knew the perceived value… and…

Historical Cases

Negative Option Marketing