Organic vs. Non-Organic Fabric Can environmental and heath problems be caused by what we wear? By: Rachel Summerlin

Organic vs non organic fabric- rachel summerlin

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Page 1: Organic vs non organic fabric- rachel summerlin

Organic vs. Non-Organic

Fabric Can environmental and heath problems

be caused by what we wear?By: Rachel Summerlin

Page 2: Organic vs non organic fabric- rachel summerlin

Different fabrics impact the environment in different ways:Polyester

Manufacturing emits nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas, 310 times more potent than carbon dioxideUses large amounts of water to cool which can cause

contamination of water sourcesEnergy hungry process

Non-biodegradable Made from petrochemicals

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Fabrics Continued:Rayon (a type of silk)

-- Made from wood pulpSeems like a more

sustainable option but forests are often cleared and/or subsistence farmers are displaced to make way for pulpwood plantations.

Treated with hazardous chemicals

Hawaiian Shirts

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Cotton:Most pesticide intensive crop In the world

Uses Herbicides alsoKills and injures many people per

yearRemains in fabric after finishing

productionNatural Selection

Takes up large portion of agricultural land

Which people could of used for food

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Cotton cont. Development of genetically modified

cotton Organic cotton

It can take almost a 1/3 pound of synthetic fertilizers to grow one pound of raw cotton in the US

it takes just under one pound of raw cotton to make one t-shirt

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Manufacturing processes: Poly Cottons

Like “permanent press cotton”, “easy care”, and “crease resistant" Cottons

Are treated with formaldehydeA type of chemical that can

pollute the rivers and streams

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Dyeing Fabrics:

Dye can often wash out of garments, and can end up coloring the rivers, as treatment plants fail to remove them from the water.

Dye fixatives – often heavy metals – also end up in sewers and then rivers.

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The Benefits of Organic : Reduces the overall

exposure to toxic chemicals that can end up in the: ground air Water food supply

Helps protect against the health consequences from asthma to cancer

The U.S. and Turkey are the worlds largest organic cotton producers.

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Organic Cotton Uses natural fertilizers,

like compost and animal manure, that recycles the nitrogen already in the soil rather than adding more, which reduces both pollution and N2O emissions

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What does “Organic” really mean?


‘Organic’ is a labeling term that refers to agricultural products produced in accordance with Organic Foods Production Act and the NOP Regulations. The principal guidelines for organic production are to use materials and practices that enhance the ecological balance of natural systems and that integrate the parts of the farming system into an ecological whole. Organic agriculture practices cannot ensure that products

are completely free of residues; however, methods are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water.

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Places growing Organic cotton today:

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Where does our cotton come from?

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Pesticides and Human Health :

In California, five of the top nine pesticides used on cotton are cancer-causing chemicals

In Egypt, more than 50 percent of cotton workers in the 1990s suffered symptoms of chronic pesticide poisoning

The World Health Organization estimates that at least three million people are poisoned by pesticides every year and 20-40,000 more are killed.

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Health effects:Fetuses, (pre-birth babies), may suffer from

exposure and exhibit behavioral problemsLower cognitive scores, fewer nerve cells and lower

birth weight

A lower resistance to the toxic effects of pesticides

A greater risk (70% increase), for Parkinson's disease, even with low levels of pesticides

Can remain in lever and build up over timeHigh exposure can be fatal

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What we can do to help• Choose organic clothes

Be sure to ask companies offering organic cotton if they have organic production standards in place to keep all chemicals out of their clothes

Look for other organic cotton products

Support the greenest businesses offering organic cotton

Promote the use of organic pesticides and/or the removal of them all together

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Fair Trade

A way to give their producers of organic products a safer and healthier environment to live in.

A clean way to create “white gold”

Creates a clean environment without hazardous pesticides

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Fair Trade continued… Alternative to poverty in

third world countries

Allows farmers to reap the benefits of the organic cotton with a bigger portion of the cost of the product.

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The variety in “Organic” clothing:

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Economic differences:Normal:

Amount of conventional cotton produced per year: 25 million tons

Uses lots of pesticides and herbicides in tons per year

Production year round based on mutations in crops

Less expensive to produce


Yearly produced amount of organic cotton: 25,000 tons

Takes longer to produce because of organic licensing periods are limited

Loss of crops to some pests

More expensive that traditional cotton because of labor/transport

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ConclusionOrganic cotton will help our environment in the

future and even today

Clean production of cotton makes a better living environment for farmers and communities.Health bonusesEconomical increase through fair trade Fewer pesticides in the run off and fields

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Expected Learning Outcomes

Discuss the environmental impacts of the organic industries

Discuss the environmental impacts of non organic fibers In production today

Discuss the role of Fair Trade and the impact it has on those developing nations

Be able to discuss the health concerns surrounding pesticides from cotton production

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Work Cited: Organic Cotton USA:


Cottonique: file:///Users/rachelsummerlin/Desktop/The%20Health%20and%20Environmental%20Pro


Green Choices: file:///Users/rachelsummerlin/Desktop/Green%20Choices%20-%20Environmental%20im


Global Health Center: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/effects-of-pesticides/effects-of-pesticides

Organic Trade Assoication: http://www.ota.com/organic/environment/cotton_environment.html

Global Healing Center: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/effects-of-pesticides/effects-of-pesticides

Divine Caroline: http://www.divinecaroline.com/22354/82760-cotton-production-clothes-aren-t-clean#i


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Extra Info:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHZR5SyA-C
