S Effortlessly Manly TEAM A

Philips: 21st Century Shaving

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The project objective was to choose a target market and devise a communication strategy in order to recruit new customers and foster brand loyalty. We proposed a new marketing campaign that leverages taglines and marketing copy directed at non-users, designed to help them overcome purchase barriers we identified through primary research.

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Page 1: Philips: 21st Century Shaving


Effortlessly Manly TEAM A

Page 2: Philips: 21st Century Shaving

Agenda • Objectives

• What?

• Who?

• How?

• Conclusion

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Objectives • Business objective: Launch a

new product in order to

increase market share by 2%

within a year.

• Research objective: Identify and

overcome barriers to convert

razor users to electric shavers.

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Upgradeable entry-level product that doesn´t

cannibalize the expensive segment and minimizes

feature fatigue.

Impact of Business Objective per Segment of Interest.

Evolution of Value Market Shares 2011-2012.

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Methodology 1. Primary Research

2. Qualitative Research

In-depth Interviews

Focus Group

3. Observational Research


Competition (Electronic

Shaver and Blade)

4. Quantitative Research

Online Survey

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Target 18-25 year-olds: physically developed males

that will influence the next generation.

A sound long-term strategy.

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The Profile • Young with a busy life

• Wants an easy, clean shave

• Shaving boosts his self-esteem

• Self-taught through trial & error

• Likes to experiment

• Not aware of the current

benefits (education)

• Does not discuss shaving habits

with others

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Introducing: Effortlessly Manly… Innovation that

matters to you.

• Appealing to end-user and


• Focus on attitudinal (awareness

and education) to minimize the

lack of knowledge re: how to

use the machine

• Differentiates category by

associating it with convenience

attribute (i.e. bigger pie is a win-

win situation for leader)

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Optimized according to seasonal demand with intent

to cross-sell accessories during low peaks.

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1. ATL to Create Flow

Sprinkler Theory: you can tell where a sprinkler is by

the location of the drops of water.

• Strategically place our OOH at our

target´s points of interest (sprinklers)

in order to maximize reach

• Be engaging and relevant in digital

media in order to accompany them

through their daily activities on their


• Create a logical flow from the points

of interest to stores

• Reinforce the strategy with TV

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2. BTL focused on demonstrations of the product to

overcome barriers and risk involved in the purchase.

• POS promotions before and

during peak periods (November

and February)

• Brand archetype: the King

(safety and trust)

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Budget allocation that reflects the target´s media

consumption and the attitudinal objective.

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No modifications on channel strategy.

Information not representative enough.

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How do we

overcome barriers?


I don’t understand the benefits of

electric over blade


• At point of sale by experts

• YouTube videos can go viral by

means of influential bloggers,

instagrammers and Snap Chatters


• Electric is not for me, it is old

fashioned and irrelevant

• I like my existing method

Communication of the Effortlessly

Manly Campaign in effective

ways, reinforcing the brand

message of “innovation that

matters to you”


• I don’t talk about shaving

with my friends

• Bad product experience in the

first weeks of usage -

irritation, not close enough,


Web mining and online

observational research to identify

the Alpha Males and target them

with offers and free products. The

rest of the herd will follow.


• Still unsure which product is

right for me

• Competitor on special offer

Reinforcement of the versatility of

the product: one purchase fits all


• Highly competitive &

cluttered category

• High upfront initial cost vs.


Communication of the savings

realized in the long run

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Thank you.

Team A

Dana Naja Danai Mila Juanjo Pedro Sarquis

Masha Zvereva Manu Dubey Terri Mortrud