Pitch – “Life Is A Journey…” By Adi Mohamed


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Pitch – “Life Is A Journey…”

By Adi Mohamed

ConceptThe concept of our short film “Life is a Journey” is that

Tom and Anna have been in a long term relationship, which is no longer going as well as it used to be. This will be shown in the opening scene of the film followed by a rewind and a montage of how good the relationship used to be. The montage will contain themes of “Life”, which will then fade out and fade back in to the “beginning of the end”, which is them fighting etc. The genre we are aiming for is Romance/Drama. This can easily be conveyed through the three key roles of any good production; directing (Good casting, location and organization), camera work (variety of camera shots and movements) and editing (temp/flow of the video, colour correction and sound incorporation).

LoglineAnna has just about had enough of Tom’s antics, as

a result she decides to pack her stuff and leave, which enrages Tom and results in him grabbing her as he doesn’t want to lose her. A variety of slow paced shots and editing will be used throughout this “break up” scene as well as a non-diegetic soundtrack, which will add to the mood of the sequence.

NarrativeThroughout our short film, Todorov’s narrative structure will be mixed

around compared to what it should be. In our case we will start of with the disequilibrium of Tom and Anna in an argument. This will then be followed by the rewind, which is in term the recognition of the problem Tom and Anna have. The rewind will show the good times that Tom and Anna had which then results to the attempt to repair when Anna messages Tom stating that she misses him. As well as this, at the end of our short film we will add the element of Barthes ‘Enigma’ code. This is because the audience will not know exactly what happens at the end of the film apart from the fact that Tom and Anna’s love is a cylcle

Cast As a group we sat down and began the casting

process. Initially we had many different actors in mind who we believed would do well in the production. We only wanted to include 2 actors, which makes the whole film better suited for a romance it is only about Tom and Anna’s relationship. After careful consideration we chose to cast Arran Sharma, as Tom and Jordan Hewitt as Anna.

Themes1. Love2. Affection3. Similarities4. Beginning of the End5. Struggle

Target AudienceWe have decided to target group E, which is classified as

unemployed individuals such as students. We believe that our short film is likely to appeal the lower groups of the socio economic groups due to the fact that the younger generation tend to fit into group E, and therefore they are more likely to understand and enjoy what we have to offer. As well as this the themes we portray such as young and in-love are more commonly found within teenagers and young adults who are just beginning their lives. We also decided to aim for the slightly older adults aged around 28 who are most likely to fit into group D, considering that they have most likely experienced the themes that we aim to portray in our short film. It also means that they will naturally understand the synopsis/narrative of our film

Inspired by

Both of these films are about the love and connection that couples can make. Once they make these connections it can be really hard to let go of the person you love, which these films show and hopefully ours will to.