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Pizza Friday 200

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A new benchmark is reached: our 200th Pizza Friday! We've packed this week's presentation to the brim with the latest industry news, creative commercials and ads, hilarious viral videos, and, of course, an all-new "Fail! of the Week". As a bonus, enjoy a (belated) St. Patrick's Day celebration video!

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Pinterest grew 52% to 17.8M unique visitors in February

Love was most certainly in the air for digital inspiration board site Pinterest during the month of


The newly crowned princess of the Internet was the object of everyone’s attention and saw

more than 17.8 million unique visitors in February from the U.S. alone, according to

analytics firm comScore.

Pinterest, which is technically still in an invite-only private beta, first launched in 2010 and

emerged as a top-10 social network last year. The site has continued to pick up momentum

in 2012 and could be worth as much as $500 million in a sale. The social network for arts,

crafts, fashion, and now food enthusiasts encourages members to “pin” products to collections

known as “boards” and has hyper-engaged members.

Pinterest experienced 52 percent month-over-month growth from January, when it had

11.7 million unique U.S. visitors and was the third-highest-gaining web property in terms of

unique visitors for the month, by comScore’s calculations.


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Lowe's Hopes Pinterest + Facebook = Higher Engagement

What happens when you pair social media darling

Pinterest with Facebook, the undisputed heavyweight

of the social networking world?

Lowe’s is hoping for big things as one of the first brands

to feature its Pinterest presence in Facebook through

a new tool from social marketing firm Vitrue.

A custom Pinterest tab on its Facebook page automatically

pulls content and activity from Lowe’s site on the “virtual

pinboard.” Fans can see the home improvement chain’s various

Pinterest boards prominently displayed, become followers on

Pinterest and “Like” and “Pin” content they find, without having

to leave Facebook.

Since adding the Pinterest tab on March 1, it has seen a 32%

increase in followers of its main Pinterest page to more than 3,100.

(Lowe’s has about 1 million Facebook fans, by comparison.) Certain

featured boards, focused on topics like family projects, craft ideas, and

vacation homes, have seen gains of up to almost 60% in followers.


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Dos Equis’s beloved “Most Interesting Man” (MIM) is busy this spring.

First, building on its “Legendary Lines” Facebook app, where myriad Dos Equis fans daily post their

own witty lines about the MIM (and are rewarded by the brand), Dos Equis is now running a “Most

Interesting March Tournament.”

Fans submitted their own MIM lines for tournament spots for a chance to appear in one of the

brand’s ads. Dos Equis is now selecting the wittiest 64 lines; their creators will pick brackets in which to

compete in a digital tournament. Those chosen will need to rally fan support each time their lines

compete, in order to make it into the finals on April 2.

Dos Equis’s Facebook page currently shows 1.96 million “likes.” In addition, Dos Equis has launched two

new MIM commercials. One, a 30-second spot dubbed “Sword Fight,” shows scenes from the MIM’s life,

including sword fighting (in a kilt), getting wild animals to calmly pose as he paints them, winning what

appears to be an Olympic medal, and yukking it up with Buddhist monks.

The voiceover: “He has inside jokes with perfect strangers. Cuba imports cigars from him.

Mosquitoes refuse to bite him, purely out of respect...”

Dos Equis Works At Staying 'Most Interesting'

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Does the New iPad Run Too Hot?

It’s inevitable. A few days after Apple releases a new product, reports and complaints surface that

something’s amiss.

Sometimes these problems are legitimate. When Apple released the iPhone 4 in 2010, it soon emerged that a

design flaw related to the device’s antenna resulted in more dropped calls. But often there’s nothing to the

complaints. Remember the iPhone 4S’s “Yellowgate” issue for instance?

The latest iPad release is not immune to the trend. This time, the charge is that the tablet runs too hot. Some

have even claimed that the iPad gets so toasty that it goes into “cool-down mode” and becomes

temporarily unusable.

There may be something to this. A test by Engadget revealed that the new iPad runs 10 degrees warmer than

the old model.

Apple released the following statement Tuesday morning regarding the heat issue: “The new iPad delivers a

stunning Retina display, A5X chip, support for 4G LTE plus 10 hours of battery life, all while operating well

within our thermal specifications. If customers have any concerns they should contact AppleCare.”

Roughly 39% of some 1500 poll respondents said they have not noticed the issue, while 32% claim it

makes the new iPad uncomfortable.


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Kraft's Name Brings New Meaning to Snacking in Russia

The name that Kraft Foods chose for its global snack spinoff -- Mondelez International -- has sparked plenty of comment

and snark across the country.

In Russia, though, it may trigger snickers.

Kraft says it chose the mashup to connote worldwide deliciousness. (Monde means "world" in French, and delez, with a

long E in the final syllable, is a play on "delish.") But pronounced "mohn-dah-LEEZ," the name means something else to

Russian speakers, say those fluent in its language and slang. We were tipped off to the double entendre by a reader who braced

us with a "no offense, but this is bad" before explaining that the name sounds like the Russian term for an oral-sex act.

We ran the term by a few other people who speak the Slavic language, and more knew it as the insult than not. The offending

term, manda, is on Wikipedia's Russian profanity page.

"What they say is perfectly true," confirmed Irwin Weil, professor of Russian language, literature and music at Northwestern

University. "There is a rather vulgar word, 'manda.' [Mondelez] includes the sound of that word," he said, adding that Kraft

probably "had no idea when pronounced it means a Russian vulgar word." The second half of the name roughly translates into

the sex act, say Russian speakers.

Kraft said it properly vetted the new name. "We did extensive due diligence in testing the name," Kraft spokesman John

Simley said. "That included two rounds of focus groups in 28 languages, including Russian. We determined misinterpretations

in any of the languages to be low-risk."

Shareholders will have final approval of the Mondelez name when they meet May 23.


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Android App Lets You Fight Kony With Violence of Your Own

A controversial app debuting Thursday, called Kick Kony’s

Ass, allows you to “punch and generally beat down” a

picture of the Ugandan warlord, “essentially giving him

a taste of his own medicine.”

Made by mobile safety app developer Iconosys,

the app plays off of the attention currently on

Uganda sparked by the “Kony 2012” video on YouTube.

Watched more than 137 million times, the most viral YouTube video of all time looks into

the conditions in Uganda — focusing on one particular man, Joseph Kony, who has kidnapped

children in the country, requiring them to become soldiers for the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).

“This is a therapeutic way to allow you to get out your frustrations,” Wayne Irving, CEO

and Founder of Iconosys told Mashable. “I often go and hit the speed bag or the punching bag,

and I feel a 100% better afterwards. This is a novel/virtual way to accomplish some of the same

therapeutic practices to deal with this fracas.” http://nuads.us/GS4E9P

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Don't waste water to cover up noises.

Ever turned on the shower to mask embarrassing noises in the bathroom? Apparently, it's

a common occurrence among couples, particularly those with paper-thin bathroom walls.

So, for World Water Day, Brazilian sustainability institute Akatu and agency Leo Burnett

Tailor Made created an app that makes the shower noise for you. At the end of your Fake

Shower, you receive notification of how many gallons of water were not wasted by using

the app.


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Watch Wes Anderson's Spot for Sony's Xperia HandsetsSony has launched its return to smartphones with a 60-spot by film director Wes Anderson.

The ad is for Xperia handsets, Sony's first line of phones since completing its $1.5 billion buyout of

Ericsson last month.

McCann Worldgroup, with digital agency LBi and media shop PHD, are shepherding the campaign,

which is expected to be one of Sony's biggest this year. In the "Made of Imagination" spot, Mr.

Anderson, whose films include "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and "The Royal Tenenbaums," interviews children

on how smartphones work. It's the first iteration in a campaign that will span TV, print, digital,

out-of-home and retail throughout the year.

Sony Mobile's chief marketing officer, Steve Walker, has said the company will double or triple ad

spending in key markets, including the U.S.

Sony Corp spent $2.04 billion across all divisions on measured media worldwide in 2010, according to

the Ad Age DataCenter. It spent $892.4 million on U.S. media, with more than half going to its

movie studios.

Once a leader in handsets, Sony has fallen behind Samsung and Apple. Sony Ericsson had less

than 2% of the global handset market last year, while Nokia took 24%, Samsung 18% and Apple

5%, according to Gartner Research. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMnlfPvd5AI

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It’s common to wonder what your friends really think about you, but how can you ever

know for sure? Surprisingly enough, HBO and Facebook have an app for that.

In order to promote the April 1st premiere of HBO’s returning soap-opera-with-dragons

series, Game of Thrones, Facebook has unveiled a new game that pits fans of the series

against each other in a loyalty contest to be judged by the players’ mutual friends in


The app, created by BBDO New York, requires a webcam to use, but for a very good

reason. After players challenge their Game of Thrones-loving friends to battle, both

graft their faces onto dueling fighter avatars; and once it’s all over and a group of friends

votes on who they want to win, a first-person POV video plays, showing the winner vividly

beheading the loser and finally holding up the head of this now-vanquished foe.

Watch the video for the app (link below), and let the games begin.

“Game of Thrones” Invites You To Behead Your Facebook Friends


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“There’s a better way to take care of your car. Insure it. "

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The Wrong Movie

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Watch the Video

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The Creative Ransom

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Lexus Brings NFC-Enabled Print Ad to Wired Magazine

As print publications continue seeking ways to entice advertisers, Wired magazine and Lexus have

teamed up to create what they say is the first mass-produced print ad embedded with a near-field

communications, or NFC, tag.

The ad, which can be found in 500,000 subscriber copies of Wired's April issue, allows readers who have

NFC-enabled phones -- such as the Nexus S -- to access a demo of the Lexus GS 2013's Enform

App Suite simply by holding their phone up to the ad. Unlike the 2-D barcodes found in magazine

pages, readers don't need to take pictures of anything with their phones' cameras. The phone

automatically detects the NFC chip.

In the case of Wired and Lexus, that brings up a link on the phone's screen. Click the link and a welcome

video loads introducing the car's in-dash App Suite. Users can then click on each of the app icons --

Bing, OpenTable, iHeartRadio, Pandora, MovieTickets.com and Yelp -- to see short videos explaining

each app.

"This gives us a chance to bring the technology to life for a reader in a way that words just don't do," said

Brian Bolain, national marketing communications manager for Lexus.

The ad also includes a link that readers without NFC-enabled phones can visit to access the same


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Pizza Friday is Numantra’s weekly venue for reviewing the

latest news, innovations and accomplishments taking place in our industry and the world at large.

Our founders each have spent decades working for some of the largest ad agencies in the world.  It was experience that was invaluable, ultimately, because it taught us that we just can’t keep following years of tradition if we want to have an

impact in today’s marketplace. 

So we got together for a lot of serendipitous reasons and formed Numantra.  Ka-boom! The forever-new marketing

braintrust that maximizes client resources with fresh insights, accountable solutions and kick-ass results was born.

Find out what Numantra can do for you.

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