© 2012 Rey Ty Planning Your Projects A Step-by-Step Approach Capacity-Building Workshop

Rey Ty 2012 04 20 Planning Your Projects Corrected3

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Rey Ty 2012 04 20 Planning Your Projects Corrected3

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Planning Your ProjectsA Step-by-Step Approach

Capacity-Building Workshop

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© 2012 Rey Ty


1. University of the Philippines, Department of Political Science, Assistant Chair

Philippine Government, Ford, Fulbright…

2. We set up the (Philippine) Commission on Human Rights, Public Information & Education Services

Philippine Government

3. We set up Amnesty International Philippines, National Deputy Convener (Vice Chair)

London, U.K.; Brazil AGM

4. Balay Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture, National Vice Chair

United Nations, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, France

5. Citizens Alliance for Consumer Protection (CACP), National Vice Chair

Catholic Congregation (of Sisters), Germany

6. Various Human Rights & Peace Organizations

Australia, Canada, Western Europe, USA, Protestant Churches (Philippines, USA, Europe)

7. Northern Illinois University International Training Office

International Programs: Cyprus, Indonesia, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka

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Critical Reflection

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Lesson of the Day

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Not Difficult

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© 2012 Rey Ty

But Need to Work Hard

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Step-by-Step Workshop

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Strategic Plans, Project Plans &

Action PlansThe Bigger, Middle &

Small Picture

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Name of Organization

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Identify a Lead Organization

Name ____________________

Adult Adviser ______________

Officers ___________________

Address __________________

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Strategic Plan

Project Plan

Action Plan


Big Picture

Middle Picture

Small Picture

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2. It

3.Simple &


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Why Plan?

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© 2012 Rey Ty

1. If we don’t plan, then _____________


2. We need to plan, because _________


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© 2012 Rey Ty





Specific Objectives


Action Plans

HierarchyMore Abstract More Concrete

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Strategic Plan

The Macro-View

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Strategic Plan1. What we want to be in the future

2. How to get there

3. Focus

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Strategic Plan1. Limited resources

2. What goods & services

3. Direction for the community

4. Collaborate

5. Control over our future

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Products of Strategic Plan

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Organizational DevelopmentSituational Analysis

Economic, Social, Political & Cultural Analysis

Capabilities AnalysisStrengths, Weaknesses, Threats & Opportunities (SWOT)

Allies, Opponents, Duplication & Competition

OrganizationHuman, Material & Financial Resources & Procedures

Performance Evaluation Measures

Monitoring & Trouble-Shooting

Internal & External Consultancy & Auditing



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Social Investigation

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Causes of Conflict

Describe the Conflict Itself


What to do for social change

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© 2012 Rey Ty

BACKGROUND: Context, Problems & Needs



Ex: Economy Mostly peasants Landlessness Land reform





Armed Conflict






Others: Specify

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Time LinePast




Vision 4 D Future

Positive Mutual Help Independence Peace

Negative Colonialism Poor-Rich Gap Armed Conflict

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ISSUESEx: Economy Wide rich-poor gap





Armed Conflict






Others: Specify


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Identify 3 Problems3 big

problems you cannot


3 manageable

problems you can


Team Work: 4 groups

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PROBLEMS You cannot solve

Violence Environment


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PROBLEMS You can solve

Violence Environment


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ISSUES PROBLEMSYou *Cannot* Solve You *Can* Solve

Ex: Economy Mass poverty Use of recycled materials





Armed Conflict






Others: Specify

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Armed Conflict






Others: Specify

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Structural Violence as Cause of Armed Conflicts & Addressing Structural

Violence to Solve Conflicts

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Select a Project.

Why Select This Particular Project?

Who Benefits?

Community Needs

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What’s in A Name?

Community Partners

X “Beneficiaries”

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Your Partners & You•Your Organizational Partner/s

• Name of Community Partners

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1. Name of community?

2. Why this community?

3. How many families?

4. How many people?

5. How many women?

6. How many men?

7. How many people from minority group or culture?

8. How many people from the dominant group or culture?

9. How many poor?

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Framework• Good things about which you care

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Framework•Quote 1 article from

–Constitution or–National law or–United Nations Charter or–Universal Declaration of Human Rights

•Values (examples)–Equality–Non-discrimination

–Women’s rights–Sustainable development

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Framework• Law • Values

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Turning Problems into Solutions

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Project Title

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Models of Development1. Traditional Model: profit

oriented; competition

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Models of Development2. Basic Needs: give things to

the poor; top-down; dependence

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Models of Development3. Human Rights Based Model:

collaboration; bottom up; justice; empowerment

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Models of Development1. Traditional Model: profit

oriented; competition

2. Basic Needs: give things to the poor; top-down; dependence

3. Human Rights Based Model: collaboration; bottom up; justice; empowerment

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Development Assistance Models

1. Missionary Model: give to the poor once; dependence

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Development Assistance Models

2. Disaster Relief: emergency

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Development Assistance Models3. Oxfam Model: local people

as empowered partners who identify local needs

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Development Assistance Models

1. Missionary Model: give to the poor once; the poor stays poor; dependence

2. Disaster Relief: emergency

3. Oxfam Model: local people as empowered partners who identify local needs

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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement


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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement

2.Relief & Rehabilitation

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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement

3. Public Health

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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement

4. Advocacy

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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement

5. Development

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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement

6. Environment

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1. Give an Example of an Environmental Project.2. Explain why it is environmental.


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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement

7. Fun-Community building -Doing things together.

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Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement

1. Charity

2. Relief & Rehab

3. Public Health

4. Advocacy

5. Development

6. Environment

7. Fun? Others?

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Social Entrepreneurship Paradigms

1. Public health paradigm

2. Human rights based paradigm

3. Sustainability paradigm

(Paul Farmer, Partners in Health, preferential option for the poor)

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Types of Environmentalism1. Deep Ecology: Eco-centric 2. Conservative: Conservation3. Updated Traditional: Waste management;

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3Rs); blame the consumers; use LED bulbs

4. Agro-Forestry: Plant trees to be cut down later

5. Sustainable Development: Future Generations; alternative energy

6. Slow Food Movements: anti-Fast Food; foodscaping, organic food

7. Agro-Ecology: Minimum long-term impact8. Radical Ecology: Blame Transnational

Corporate Power An





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Junk Food

More Stuff

Over Time

Wrong PrioritiesEnvironment, Education, Health, Public Transportation

Quality of & support for

Quantity of


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Junk Food More Stuff

Over Time

Change Priorities

Environment, E



, Public Transporta


Quality of &

support for

Quantity of

Work Now for a Better Future

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Materialistic WorldWomen


Blue Collar & White Collar



National & Local

Society,Economy,Politics, Culture

Land, Water, Plants,

Human & Non-Human

Animals, Minerals…

Throw, throw, throw…Buy, buy, buy…

Power, justice, inequality,

conflict, social change, peace

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Materialistic World

Land, Water, Plants, Human & Non-

Human Animals, Minerals…


National & Local

Society,Economy,Politics, Culture



Blue Collar & White Collar


Buy, buy, buy… Throw, throw, throw…

Power, justice, inequality, conflict, social change, peace

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Levels & Type of Working for Social Change









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Time Commitment Change Activities Examples

Reactive (After a problem arises).

Urgent Action (or Quick Reaction in Response to a Crisis Situation)

Status Quo Ante

ReliefProvide relief goods and services for survivors of natural and human-made disasters

On the Spot Defense


Speak up against cruel, degrading, or discriminatory actions and remarks

Temporary Cessation of Conflict

Conflict Resolution Methods:

Negotiation, Enquiry, Mediation, Conciliation, Arbitration, Judicial decisions, Arbitration, Good offices

Conflict Management

Minimal contents of ceasefire and peace talks

Thin Commitment

Status Quo Maintained

Individual Acts of Charity

Missionary Model. Basic needs approach. Charity. Give gifts to the poor.

Proactive(Before a problem arises)

Thicker Commitment

Conflict Prevention

MinimalistLearn about others (read a book, listen to a lecture, watch a documentary)

Community Model

Living, eating, worshipping, having fun, traveling, and just being together

Participatory Coalition Model

Working together for a common cause

Thickest Commitment

Structural Change

Social or Conflict Transformation Model

Human rights-based approach. Oxfam model. Do social justice work together to advance economic, social, cultural, civil and political human rights and grassroots empowerment

Levels of Involvement in Social Change

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Levels of Commitment




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In a Nutshell

© 2012 Rey Ty



ModelWork for Social

ChangeDevelopment Aid

ModelCivic Engagement

1.Reactive Urgent Action

Human rights based Stand up against discrimination & bullying

Relief Relief & Rehabilitation

2. Reactive Thin Basic Needs Minimalist Missionary Charity

3. Reactive / Pro-active

Thicker Basic Needs Coalition (working together)

Relief, Missionary or Oxfam Model


4. Pro-active Thicker Human Rights Based Approach

Community (Eating, playing, singing, dancing, living, together)

Interpersonal or Social Development

Community Building

5. Reactive / Pro-active

Thicker Human rights based Coalition (working together)

Relief or Oxfam General Advocacy

6. Reactive / Pro-active

Thicker Basic Needs/ Human rights based

Coalition (working together)

Relief, Missionary or Oxfam Model


7. Reactive / Pro-active

Thicker Basic Needs/ Human rights based

Coalition (working together)

Relief, Missionary or Oxfam


8. Reactive / Pro-active

Thickest Human rights based Doing Social Justice Together

Oxfam 1)Expose & oppose repression, discrimination, bullying; 2)Propose & work to empower the poor, oppressed & exploited

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© 2012 Rey Ty

In a Nutshell1. Development Model: Traditional Model? Basic Needs

Model? Human Rights Based Model?

2. Development Assistance Model: Missionary Model? Relief Model? Oxfam Model?

3. Type of Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement: Charity? Relief? Advocacy? Development? Environment?

4. Commitment: Urgent Action? Thin? Thicker? or Thickest Commitment?

5. Time Factor: Reactive? or Proactive?

6. Type of Working for Social Change: Minimalist? Community? Coalition? Doing Social Justice Together?

7. Gender sensitive? Inter-ethnic? Intergenerational? Interfaith?

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© 2012 Rey Ty

How Is Your Project…1. Gender Balanced? ______________________________________2. Intergenerational? ______________________________________3. Inter-Ethnic? ___________________________________________4. Interfaith? _____________________________________________

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In a Nutshell1. Development Model:


2. Development Assistance Model: ____________________________________________

3. Type of Social Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement: ____________________________________________

4. Level of Commitment? ____________________________________________

5. Reactive or Proactive: _________________________

6. Type of Working for Social Change: ____________________________________________

7. Gender sensitive? Inter-ethnic? Intergenerational? Interfaith? ___________________________________

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In a Nutshell1. ___________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________

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© 2012 Rey Ty

SWOTInternal Strength

Internal Weakness

External Opportunities

External Threats

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Vision•Dream community

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Our vision is…

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Mission• Reason for the existence of your organization

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Our mission is…

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Goals• Long-term plans

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Goals1. To ____________________


2. To ____________________ _______________________

3. To ____________________ _______________________

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Objectives• How do you make your

dream community come true

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© 2012 Rey Ty

SMART Objectives1. Specific

2. Measurable

3. Achievable

4. Realistic

5. Timeline

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Objectives1. To ____________________


2. To ____________________ _______________________

3. To ____________________ _______________________

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Outputs• By the end of the project, what

concrete materials will you have produced?

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Outputs1. _______________________


2. _______________________ _______________________

3. _______________________ _______________________

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Outcomes• By the end of the project, what

qualitative changes will have occurred?

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Outcomes1. _______________________


2. _______________________ _______________________

3. _______________________ _______________________

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© 2012 Rey Ty

Strategies1. A plan of action

or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

2. Planning & directing overall operations.

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Align Plans

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Work Together1. Gender-Sensitive

2. Intergenerational: Old & young

3. Inter-Ethnic

4. Intrafaith: Among Muslims, etc.

5. Interfaith: Muslim, Christian, Indigenous, Atheist…

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Identify Steering Committee Members









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Organize your strategic plan into smaller action plans.

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Be clear on how who will

do what where by when.

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Project Plan

The Meso-View

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Guidelines1. Pangangailangan* 1. Needs*

2. Kagustuhan 2. Wish

3. Kakayahan 3. Ability

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Material Resources1. Purchase

2. Donations

3. Rent

4. Make Them!

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Human Resources1.Organizations: school, community, professional, commercial, government

2.Volunteers: like-minded people, friends, organizations

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Organizational StructureInclude women!

1. Not mostly women.

2. Not mostly men.

3. But a good mix of women & men.

4. Diversity

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What’s in a Name?Bottom-Up Model Top-Down Model“Powers & Responsibilities”


Empowerment DirectiveWorkers take initiative

Boss tells workers what to do

Workers control their own destiny

Boss controls workers’ destiny

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How Do You Call “Work”?

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Funding!1. Solicit from family, school,

relatives, friends, neighbors

2. Solicit from public officials, shops, corporations

3. Foundations, rich families

4. Embassies, foreign NGOs

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Budget for ResourcesItems Cost Per Item x Quantity Cost


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Sources of FundingSource Cost Share Cost


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TimetableGantt Chart

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Action Plan

The Micro-View

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© 2012 Rey Ty© 2012 Rey Ty

Action PlanActions

(What to do?)

People Involved

(With whom to work?)


funding/ materials?)

Timeline(When to finish?)

Evaluation(How to measure success?)

1. Preparatory Pre-Program Stage

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Action PlanActions

(What to do?)

People Involved

(With whom to work?)


funding/ materials?)

Timeline(When to finish?)

Evaluation(How to measure success?)

2. Actual Program Implementation Stage

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Action PlanActions

(What to do?)

People Involved

(With whom to work?)


funding/ materials?)

Timeline(When to finish?)

Evaluation(How to measure success?)

3. Post-Program Stage

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Actual Day of Project Implementation Date December 23, 2012

Time 1 whole day from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

Place People's Park & Public Library, Kampung Saber, Kota Baru

Time Activities Persons in Charge

8:30 AM Opening Remark & Orientation

Mr. Abdulfatah

9:15-11:00 AM Start of Clean-Up Sohaya

Noon Lunch Nur, Fatimah, Yahya, Yusuf

1 – 2:00PM Back to the Clean-Up Akimah

2:00 – 2:30 PM Tree Planting Alyanna

2:30 PM Snacks Christian, Farah, Abdel

3 PM Closing Remarks Mrs. Benazhir

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Actual Day of Project Implementation Date



Time Activities Persons in Charge

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Solve problems one person & one project at a time.

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© 2012 Rey Ty

References 1. Allison, M. & Kaye, J. (2005).

Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations: A practical guide & workbook (2nd 3d.). NJ: J. Wiley & Sons.

2. Caffarella, R. S. (2002). Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide for educators, trainers, & staff developers (2nd 3d.). SF: Jossey-Bass.

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Planning Your ProjectsA Step-by-Step Approach

Capacity-Building Workshop

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© 2012 Rey Ty