Rtd facebook masterclass presentation

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Facebook Masterclass

Why have a Facebook page for your business?

Facebook has the highest number of active users out of any social

media platform. With 1.35 billion people logging on, Facebook has

become the number one tool for communicating with consumers in

a non-obtrusive way.

42% of marketers say that Facebook is crucial to their

marketing strategies. With users spending an average of 1 hour

every day on the site, Facebook page fans are shown to be 79%

more likely to make a purchase than on any other social network.

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Facebook Masterclass

Defining your business goals to create a strong social

media strategy.

Before you can dive head first into creating your businesses Facebook

page, you need to think about the bigger picture. Defining the goals

of your marketing strategy overall, will help you determine what you

want your Facebook page to accomplish for your business.

Something to keep in mind is that Facebook is exceptionally good at

two key areas, encouraging brand loyalty and driving traffic back to

your businesses website.

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Facebook Masterclass

How to assign your page roles

Facebook offers 5 different page roles to help you manage

your page efficiently. It’s important that you understand the

restrictions of each role, so that the right people have the right

level of access to your page.

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Page admins are the overall managers of the Facebook page, they have the

power to:

• Send messages

• Respond to and delete comments and posts

• Remove and ban people from the page

• Publish and edit the privacy of videos & images

• Create ads

• Appoint page roles including other page admins

• View the page insights

• Edit all of the settings of the page including URL and privacy

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Editors are next in line to the admin and can:

• Send messages

• Respond to and delete comments and posts

• Remove and ban people from the page

• Publish and edit the privacy of videos & images

• Create ads

• View the page insights

They can not:

• Assign page roles

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Moderators keep an eye on the page, they are the customer service point of your page.

They can:

• Send messages

• Respond to and delete comments and posts

• Remove and ban people from the page

• Create ads

• View the page insights

They can not:

• Create or delete posts

• Edit the page

• Assign page roles

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Advertisers can only oversee the advertising for the page, they can:

• Create Ads

• View insights

They can not:

• Create or delete posts

• Edit the page

• Assign page roles

• Remove or ban people from the page

• Respond or delete comments

• Send messages as the page

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An analyst only has one function, to keep track of the pages insights. They can:

• View insights

They can not:

• Create or delete posts

• Edit the page

• Assign page roles

• Remove or ban people from the page

• Respond or delete comments

• Send messages as the page

• Create ads

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Facebook Masterclass

Creating the perfect page profile for your business.

To create the perfect profile for your business, that is both SEO and consumer

friendly, you should make sure you fill out as many of the fields as possible.

Make it easy to find your page organically

To help your Facebook page be as SEO friendly as possible, have at least 3

keywords or phrases for your business that you would like to rank for. Writing your

profile around these terms, will help your Facebook page to appear higher up in

search engine results.

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How should you fill out your long and short descriptions?

Long description:

• Include the keywords you’d like to rank for

• A detailed biography of your business

• What services do you offer

• Your mission statement

Short description:

• Include at least one of your keywords

• General overview of your business

• What services you offer

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The added extras of your profile

To give your profile an edge, you should also make sure to:

• Choose a page category that your business falls under

• Fill out your mission statement, what is your businesses core values

• Your company overview, this should be a brief description of the

services your business offers.

• Add a customer services email, this will discourage consumers

posting negative comments on your page.

• Make sure you add a link to your businesses website.

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Know your audience

For your page to be a success with your consumers, you have to know

what your audience wants.

Make sure you have a clear idea of the demographic of your target

audience, what their interests are and what times of day they’re usually

online. Only then can you create content to post to your page, that your

audience will want to engage with, share and comment on.

As a general rule, most users are online before 9am, 1pm-2pm and then

again 5-10pm.

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Keep track of your page data

Facebook insights are your Facebook analytics. Your insights can

tell you which posts are most popular, what times of day your

audience is online, what your page’s audience demographic is and

how many engagements each one of your posts has.

Keeping an eye on your insights will help you evolve and tweak

your Facebook marketing strategy, to help you reach the right users

for optimal impact.

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Insights Overview page

The overview page will give you a brief overview of all of

your pages data. It will show you:

• Total page likes and page likes from the past week.

• Total post reach compared to the previous week.

• Total engagement compared to the previous week.

• Your 5 most recent posts, what type of posts they are

e.g. video, link etc, who they targeted and each posts

total reach.

• Other pages you are watching the activity for, could be

competitor pages or other pages you manage.

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Insights Likes page

The likes page will give you a look at your page likes, not

your post likes. This page will tell you:

• A customisable date range.

• Total page likes graph

• Net likes line graph

• Where your page was liked from e.g. Directly on your

page, on mobile or through a promoted post.

This page will show you if you are gaining likes at a steady

rate, any spikes in likes or any sudden losses of page likes.

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Insights Reach page

The reach page will show you:

• How you reached your audience, either organically or

through your paid advertising.

• A line graph of how many likes, comments and shares your

posts have received.

• How many users have hidden, reported your posts as spam

or unliked your page.

This page will give you an insight into how people interact with

your page. It will show you any spikes in likes or any sudden

drops in page unlikes, to help you identify any particularly good

or bad content.

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Insights Visits page

The visits page tells you what people do once they get on your

page. It will show you:

• Which of you page tabs have been visited and how many

times they’ve been visited.

• External Referrers, what websites are referring people to

your Facebook page.

The visits page gives you a better idea of how people are

getting to your Facebook page and what areas of your page

they are most interested in. For example, are people

particularly interested in your page photos, or your Twitter app.

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Insights Posts page

The Posts page gives you all the data you need to know

about the content you post onto your page and will give you

a better idea of what types of content you should be posting.

This page will show you:

• When your page followers are online. Day and times.

• All the posts you’ve published, what type they are, how

many people they reached and who they were targeting.

• The post types tab will show you what types of posts are

your most popular. E.g. EMS’s most reached posts are

link posts and video posts.

• The top posts from the pages you have set to watch.

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Insights Videos page

The Videos page gives you the data for any videos you

have uploaded to your Facebook page directly. This page

will tell you:

• How many views in total your videos have received.

• How many times your videos were viewed for 30

seconds or longer.

• What your top videos are.

This will give you a better idea of how engaged people are

with your video content and if your videos are too long to

hold peoples attention.

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Insights Peoples page

The People page tells you everything you need to know about the

type of people that follow and visit your page. This page tells you:

• What percentage of your fans, people reached and people who

engaged, are men or women. e.g. EMS has 61% male

audience and 37% female audience.

• What countries your audience lives in.

• What cities they are in.

• What age ranges they fall into

• What languages they speak.

This data can give you a clear idea of who it is you are aiming your

content at. Allowing you to target your posts more directly.

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Some of the key ways insights can

have an impact on your Facebook

strategy are:

• Narrowing down your audience


• What type of content your audience

engages more with e.g. Videos, images etc.

• Use the ‘watch page’ feature to keep track

of your competitors pages and find out what

they’re doing that is working well for them.

• What times of day the majority of your

Facebook fans are looking at your page.

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Putting together your Facebook Posts

When it comes to what to post on your Facebook page, it’s advised to stick

with 80% shared and interest focused posts and 20% promotional/sales posts.

The users that follow your Facebook page are not following to be bombarded

with sales pitches, they want to be served interesting, informative or

entertaining information.

This is where your target audience knowledge comes into play, try and share

information from around the web that you feel your page followers would be

interested in.

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Most Shared Posts from Facebook Pages

Photo Link Album Video Status

What types of posts are most popular?

• 87% of the most shared posts include an image

• 4% are posts that have text and a link• 4% are a photo album• 3% are videos• 2% are statuses/text only posts

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What times and days should you post content?

To find out the best days and times to post content to your page, use the ‘posts’ tab in your Facebook insights. Here, you’ll be able to see how many people visit your page, broken into the days of the week and the hours of the day.

The chart on the posts tab will also give you a line graph to give you a good visual idea of when your users are online. For example, the image on the right has been taken from the EMS Facebook page insights. It clearly shows that people are more active during the evening than early in the morning.

We can then take that information and schedule all of our posts to go live in the evening, when our audience is online and looking at our page.

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How does Facebook report page data?

There are 5 different types of data that you can gather from your Facebook insights, to help you

understand the effect your page is having on your marketing strategy. These are, Engagements, Impressions, Shares, Likes and Comments.

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Engagements are the number of times a Facebook user has liked, commented, shared, clicked on or

done anything to directly engage with your post or page.

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Impressions is the number of Facebook users that have seen your content, page or Facebook ad. It

does not mean that they have actually payed attention to your content or page though, and so is

not a reliable KPI.

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Your ‘Shares’ indicate how many people have shared your content with on their own timelines,

effectively giving your posts a wider reach.

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How many people have clicked ‘like’ on you post or on your Facebook page. Your page likes indicate

how many ‘followers’ your page has. Your page followers will usually be your most loyal and

interested audience.

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Your comments number is how many people have left a comment on your posts. You should keep a

close eye on any comments you receive and make sure you reply to both positive and negative

comments left on your posts or page.

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Reporting on your pages growth

It’s important to keep on top of your pages growth, so you can identify any weak parts of your

Facebook strategy.

This means setting aside time to delve into your page’s insights and finding out what posts are collecting the most engagements and shares.

You can do this by creating your own spreadsheet and tracking your engagements and impressions,

or you can export the data from Facebook insights.

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Cross promoting other social profiles

You can add different apps on Facebook as tabs on your Facebook page. These are usually third party apps created by Facebook developers. You can get apps for various other social media platforms, that allow your Facebook fans to easily navigate to your other social accounts.

These tabs are also visible on the left hand side of the page, accompanied by thumbnails which can be customised in the page settings, to fit your branding.

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Using Facebook Advertising and Boosting Posts

One of Facebooks biggest downfalls is its small reach. Unlike Twitter, it is harder to get your content in front of your ideal audience without having them follow your page first.

That’s why, investing in Facebook advertising is a must for any business. Paying for Facebook ads is guaranteed to increase the number of people exposed to your page and business for a very small budget.

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What to keep in mind when creating a Facebook ad

There are a few key points you will want to have ready before you attempt to make a Facebook ad. The first and arguably the most important, is your target audience. You need to know exactly who you want to see your ad, what their interests are, what their job title is and where about in the world they are.

You should also have a set budget and time scale in mind, the more you pay, the more people will see your advert. As well as a catchy headline, ad copy and a suitable image to make up the creative of the ad. You should take note that Facebook does not allow more than 20% text on an image and you can not use the Facebook logo or the word ’Facebook’ in your image.

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Using the Boost button to create quick adverts from your page posts

If you post content on your page that you would like to use as an ad, you can use the Boost button, instead of creating a full advert in the ad manager. The Boost adverts do not allow you to customise the creative as much as the ‘create ads’ option and the audience targeting options are very limited.

This function isn’t the best option and it’s much better to create a advert in ad manager. It can however, be useful for quickly promoting an event, offer or competition.

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Customer service on your Facebook page

Social media has become an easy and accessible route for customers to get in touch with businesses. This means that you may get both good and bad customer feedback on your

page, all of which will be public.

This openly public way your customers interact with you, means that you have to deal with any complaints or

negative comments swiftly and professionally. Anyone looking at your page will be able to see any negative

comments posted and how you respond to them. You can also ask upset customers to direct message you, to deal with

matters more privately.

You should also make sure you are interacting with the positive comments and interactions. Start a conversation with your audience and reply to any comments they may

post on your page or posts.

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Building your Facebook community

Following on from providing excellent customer service to your page followers, one of your primary goals for your Facebook

page, should be to build a loyal community. Having a group of loyal followers on your page, could help increase conversions and social outreach. By building a good relationship with your clients/consumers, they’re more likely to recommend you to

others, both online and offline.

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Facebook Masterclass

Using Facebook video

Facebook is becoming a strong rival for YouTube in the online video world. Facebook now favours Facebook videos over links to YouTube videos in its posts, allowing Facebook specific videos to be seen by a greater number of people.

This has a huge effect on the video content you post to your page. Instead of posting a link to your video on YouTube or Vimeo, upload the video directly to Facebook, to allow it to reach a wider audience.

All digital video should be short and to the point, ideally no more than 1:30. It should also be filmed in HD, to give it a more professional look.

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Branding your Facebook page

It’s important that your Facebook page looks like an extension of your businesses website. You should make sure to:• Have a HQ banner to use at the top of your

page. This could be an image that represents your company, your company logo or just the name of your company.

• Have a clear and relevant profile image. Usually your businesses logo.

• Create tab thumbnails for any apps you have added to your page.

• Decide on a tone of voice for your brand. Are you going to be formal or informal with your audience?

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How to encourage people to follow your Facebook page

You can’t force people to ‘like’ your page and constantly pestering people to do so could be seen as spam. Instead, there are a few key things you could put into practice to encourage people to follow your Facebook page.

• Post interesting and relevant content that encourage people to like, comment and share. You should also make sure these posts are varied in there content type.

• Make sure to have a link to your Facebook page on your main website.

• Create regular ads for your page. An ad will always have a page like button on the top right corner, which could encourage people to ‘like’.

• Mention your Facebook page on your other social media accounts. Let people know that you are also on Facebook.

• Use the targeting option on your Facebook posts, this can be accessed by turning on the ability to narrow down your audience in your page settings and choosing to target an audience with particular interests in your normal page posts.

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