Q2 – How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text? Sam Norkett

Sam norkett ppt

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Q2 – How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary text? Sam Norkett

Page 2: Sam norkett ppt

The protagonist in our film and teaser trailer is the main image in both our film poster and magazine cover. As a result of this the audience will relate this image with our film thus creating a brand identity with our products.

Due to the fact that we had to change the image of our little white lies cover to have the conventions of other little white lies cover the image is different however it is still obvious that it is the same image in both, thus further promotion the relationship with the brand and our film enhancing the brand identity of our product.


Page 3: Sam norkett ppt

We have used the similar text in the title of our teaser trailer and the title of our poster. As a result of this it further enhances the brand identity for our product.

Throughouteach of our three products, our teaser trailer, poster and magazine cover we use the same title with similar texts and colours.


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Colour Schemes

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Company Ident

Our company ident is linked with two of our products, the teaser trailer and poster. This shows that we are being consistent with the company information along our different products