Educational Webinar Series Save Your Cold Calls Go Where Candidates Already Are Arbita/ERE Webinar July 2011

Save Your Cold Calls! Use Social Media and Go Where Your Candidates Already Are

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ERE Webinar from 7/14/2011, presented by Shally Steckerl.

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Save Your Cold Calls Go Where Candidates Already Are

Arbita/ERE Webinar July 2011

Page 2: Save Your Cold Calls! Use Social Media and Go Where Your Candidates Already Are

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Copyright 2010 Arbita. All rights reserved.

Social Media Approach

•  Be empathetic if you want to unlock the secrets (it's person-to-person activity)

•  Be a good listener (you'll end up smarter than the talkers) •  Be patient (technology moves fast, buy-in is slow) •  Be opportunistic (start small, take advantage of any green light, act

on a great idea) •  Be flexible (surprises are common: you must adjust) •  Be collaborative (you won't succeed w/o internal support) •  Be humble (the groundswell is bigger than any company)

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Ranked order of response priorities

•  Empirical data suggests that prospects are more likely to respond to your messages in this order of priority (assuming you have implied or explicit permission): 1.  SMS or “texting” 2.  Instant Messenger (chat) 3.  Email 4.  Private SocNet (Facebook, Twitter DM, etc) 5.  Public SocNet (wall post, @twitter, etc.) 6.  Calls to Mobile phone 7.  Calls to “land line”

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Social Networking Messages

•  Look them up on –  wink, pipl, spock, spokeo, Wieowie.nl –  linkedin, facebook, myspace, ning, etc. –  plaxo, jigsaw, unyk, zoominfo, 123People

•  Keep searching until you have some kind of social network contact or point of connection

•  Find common ground –  i.e. you’re both members of same networks, alumni, linkedin

group, facebook fan page, any other organizations

•  Find friends in common (network connections) •  Can’t find one? Join a group(s) they are in!

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Templates for social media

•  Remember this is the 3rd attempt to contact them, they already received an email (or possibly two) and a voicemail from you. Something simple works:

“[Name,] I’ve sent you an email and voicemail, and then I found you here on [network]. I believe I have something that may be worth a few moments of your time. Please contact me…”

•  Before send the message, don’t forget to include ALL your social networking links!

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Other Contact Templates Ideas

P  Let them know where you found them: –  “I noticed you had some interesting answers

to the [topic name] question in the [site/group name] online…”

–  “I see you have had some excellent experience in ___ for ___ from your online comment…”

P  Let them know why you contacted them: –  “You seemed to know quite a bit about ___ so

I wondered if you could spare a couple moments of your time so I could pick your brain…”

–  “Given your expertise in your industry, I wondered if we could talk…”

P  The key is unobtrusive, honest, gentle conversation.

TIP: “I found you on the Internet” freaks people out… but saying “I found you online” is safer. Citing “LinkedIn” is excellent!

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Found you on LinkedIn, would like to talk with you

Hi [Name], your LinkedIn profile was brought to my attention by someone who thought you may be very knowledgeable and well connected in the [INDUSTRY] and could potentially know others who would be interested in a position with our [DIVISION NAME] group. I would love a chance to speak with you confidentially about any of your connections who may be a fit. It would also be an excellent chance for me to understand your experience, background and goals so I may be able to support your networking efforts when the opportunity arises.

If you are open to having a brief conversation, or know someone who would be, please reply.

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High tech versus high touch

•  Social media is about relationships, even if you are only just starting one

•  Give them useful content to inspire conversation •  Complete profile builds credibility/trust •  Keep “one voice” (tone) across all profiles •  Give before you receive, offer when you ask •  By all means, don’t forget to paste in a signature

file with links!

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Copyright 2010 Arbita. All rights reserved.

Connection In-person vs. Social Media

•  When meeting someone in person how often do you: –  Give them your card without talking with them first? –  Ask for an endorsement without knowing them? –  Ask for a referral without knowing them? –  Talk about yourself 100% of the time? –  Show pictures of yourself partying or at the beach? –  Tell them you are having a really bad day? –  Tell them you hate your boss and are ready for change? –  Give them “25 things they need to know about you”?

•  If you don’t do it in person, why do it online?

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Facebook Pages and LinkedIn Groups

•  Why create your OWN groups? •  People are more likely to accept a group invite than a personal

networking connection •  You can send a message to everyone in your group, even if they

are not your direct connections •  Good group content can drive viral marketing •  Team project! Share the workload, and if someone leaves, they

can’t take the network with them •  Focused and adjusted on-the-fly, they responding to your

community's needs and offer them immense value •  Gain your audience's trust and attention if you offer valuable

insights or information they don't get elsewhere

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Be Available

LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Public profile, vanity URL Public profile, vanity URL Bio with vanity username Join Groups Join Discussion Groups

and Company Pages Receive DMs

Open Networker (receive InMail at no cost to sender)

Accept friends readily (but categorize via lists to keep some info private)

Join some Twubs

Add your URLs, phone &/or email to profile

Add your URLs to profile Include your URL in Bio

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If you find them here…

LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Most open to recruitment-related communications

Dislike overt recruitment communication, but wants to be able to learn about you and your company

Follow them and they may follow you back

Your LinkedIn group can have a Jobs tab (free alternative to LI’s paid job postings)

Steer them to your robust company page, not your job posting

You can have a Twitter jobs feed, but your posts should primarily be more compelling content types

Status updates go to 1st degree connections; are read more often, but not forwarded much

Status updates go to 1st degree connections; are occasionally read and forwarded

Interesting status updates will be retweeted for wider distribution

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Ways to stand out

•  Invite them to a webinar/event •  Share useful content in creative and engaging formats:

news, contests, discussions, events, learning, presentations, photos, polls, videos, etc.

•  Expert “halo effect”: Subscribe to colleagues’ feeds and forward interesting items to your network

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Find their network

•  If you know someone is at Lucent but you can’t find them on any social networks, ask others who ARE in your social networks that you know are at Lucent to point you in the right direction

•  Join the groups that their similar colleagues do (they likely belong, too) and then you’ll see them

•  If the person has posted using a unique social network username, try searching on that handle elsewhere (they may use their real name in posts)

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Copyright 2010 Arbita. All rights reserved.

Other ways to get their attention •  LinkedIn

–  Comment on their status –  Others who mention their name, or who wrote/received endorsements,

obviously know them! •  Twitter

–  Tweepz, Twellow, Twingly and other Twitter directory/search tools –  DM or RT their posts, or mention @theirusername in a post

•  Facebook –  Use Friend Finder and/or similar to add them as a friend

•  Blogs –  Leave a comment on their blog, or a blog you know they read

•  Ning –  site:ning.com “FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” (query any search engine) will show mentions of

their name, groups they join, their friends pages, and events in which they participated •  FriendFeed

–  Email/IM them via FriendFeed, mention them in a post

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Next steps…

What now? •  Follow Shally on Twitter, and connect on LinkedIn and Facebook! •  Join our (nospam) mailing list for tips and news, or just email us questions! •  Find almost anyone in 10 minutes or less... or your money back with our

Advanced Recruiter & Job-Hunter GuruGuides at aces.arbita.net/products •  Tons more free learning at The Sourcer’s Desk



We’re available for custom on-site and web-based training.

Select topics from over 50 hours of material!

Shally Steckerl EVP, Arbita [email protected] http://aces.arbita.net/shally LinkedIn | My Bio | MSN | Skype