Important lessons you can implement now to start earning more in your MLM business & also build a stable growing Network. Secrets of Network Marketing Success Your Logo www.facebook.com/groups/MLMEyeOpener/ All it takes is 2-3 Hours of daily focused effort on some specific activities, for 3-5 years consistently.

Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

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Page 1: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

Important lessons you can implement now to

start earning more in your MLM business & also

build a stable growing Network.

Secrets of Network Marketing Success

Your Logo


All it takes is 2-3

Hours of daily

focused effort on

some specific

activities, for 3-5

years consistently.

Page 2: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

What you‟ll learn in this guide


What are the „Money Making‟ activities in MLM Business

Suggested Resources on Prospecting/Recruiting/Sponsoring

Recruiting & Duplicating- 2 Most Important Skills for Success

Where to find Prospects – Offline & Online

How you are cheating yourself & your group unconsciously

Why most of you are afraid of Self Sponsoring

How to interact with your Prospects – Offline & Online









Page 3: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

•Money Making Activities:

• Signing up a New


• Following up your


• Presenting to your


• Inviting prospects.

• Qualifying people to

sort out interested


• Making new contacts

& interacting with


What are the „Money Making‟ activities in MLM Business

Stop Fooling Yourself!

• Supporting Activities:

• Daily Self-development.

• Attending training

meetings, trips & events.

• Talking to Uplines &


•Training your downline.

• Time wasting Activities:

• Checking Facebook/net

all day without plan.

• Being NATO (No Action

Talk Only)


Page 4: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

How you are cheating yourself & your group unconsciously

No Cheating Please!

After being in this business for some time, a senior associate:

• Have the knowledge & some experience.

• Have some results to show. • Develops some confidence.

• Understands the number game.

• Knows how to deal with prospects.

Then why does a Senior Associate (Even tag

achievers with No Payment) stops working

on Own Prospects & shift into “Management

Mode” – motivating downlines to sponsor


More your business grows, use your

experience & results to Self Sponsor faster

& then teach your group.

Senior Associates

When a new associate is starting this business. He/she :

• Is learning the concept & the skills. .

• Don‟t have results to show. • Don‟t have the experience or attitude.

• Don‟t know how to deal with their


That‟s why it may take a bit of time to Self

Sponsor new people. To make the process faster:

• Request experienced uplines to

conduct Home Meetings for them.. • Learn to Edify your uplines.

• Use 3rd Party Credibility tool.

• Learn 1-o-1 presentation quickly. • Understand the Number Game.

New Associates

2 1

Of course this is not a selling profession, this is more of a training & teaching profession.

But have you ever thought…

If you don‟t know “How to Self-Sponsor” what are you teaching/training your group???


Page 5: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

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2 Most Important Skills for Success

Recruiting & Duplicating

This is the process of finding out the right persons for your business

opportunity or interested customers

for your products.



It means teaching a step-by-step approach to Recruiting which

anyone in your group can follow &

get result.


You‟ll meet many people in this business who

are great presenters, communicators, trainers,

motivators & also have great looks,

personality, knowledge, bikes, cars etc but still

fail in this business. Why? Because of lack of

expertise in:

1. Recruiting

2. Duplicating

If you are good at Recruiting and sponsoring people regularly but they can’t sponsor & your group isn’t growing- then you are Not Duplicable. And if you can’t Recruit then what will you Duplicate?



Page 6: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

Why most of you are afraid of Self Sponsoring? Because you don‟t know:

Face Your Fear

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This is a major reason for your fear. Most of you never

write even 200 names in

your Prospect list. Worse, most of you don‟t even

show presentation to 50

personal prospects in first year.

When you have a small list,

naturally you‟re scared to talk to them, thinking

“Whom will I talk to, if none

of these people joins?” If you already showed

presentation to everyone

you know, you don‟t know where can you find more

people to talk to.

Unlimited prospect list is the secret of this


Where to Find Prospects


What is Recruiting

For those of you who have approached many prospects

but not getting results, you

start avoiding Self Sponsoring consciously or


Let me tell you a truth-

Process of Prospecting/

Recruiting/ Self Sponsoring Is not only easy but also fun!

But only when you know

“What exactly you should say to your prospects &

most importantly how you

say it.”

How to talk to your Prospects

You can never do something well if you don‟t

feel good about it.

Most of you think „Recruiting‟ as “Selling /

Catching people / Begging

people to join / convincing / oiling people… blah blah!

Have you ever thought?

• Companies take campusing to recruit


• Film auditions recruit actors.

• Reality shows recruit

talents. But no one is giving so

much money & so many

benefits to those people. But you are giving that.

Be proud!

3 2


Page 7: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

Go out, meet new people & make friends. Don‟t try to sell, don‟t talk about your business. Just talk & get to know them. Practice The Art of Conversation: “You from around here?” , “What time it is?” , “Are you a student?”

Later contact them by phone: “Hey Rahul! Remember me? We met on ____. I am working on a Business concept which can give <their PMF> /solve <their challenges>. I am looking for a few

serious people. When can we talk about it? …:

Remember your Daily Mantra: “Two people a day brings freedom my way”. If you can make 2 new friends/day ; you‟ll have 700 people / year to talk to about your business. Won‟t you find few interested in your business?

Add these new friends to Facebook friend list. Best way to ask for their phone number: “Nice meeting you. I‟d love to get in touch. Here is my card, do you have one?” If you are friendly, they‟d love to connect to you too.

Ask questions & then listen to them genuinely. Try to understand their PMF (Primary Motivating Factor) – their dreams & ambitions and/or their problems & challenges.

Among those you meet, those who seem sharp, ambitious, and who express dissatisfaction with their Job or business are your best prospects.

After getting home each day, add these people to your prospect list. You can have a Private Facebook list named “Prospects” to keep these people too.

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Where to Find Prospects








The reason most people in Network Marketing never make it to Top tags, because they don‟t know how

to meet people outside their known circle. They have a short list, so they need a perfect „invite‟ every

time, or they run out of people. Before telling you where you can find prospects, let me tell you where

you won‟t find: Sitting at your home & doing nothing – your are doomed to fail in this business.


Page 8: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

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• Have your visiting card ready

Focusing on Benefits:

Offline Prospecting Tools: Few points to remember while prospecting

Your Name, Entrepreneur

Helping people to build their own businesses

with little investment and no experience & get

more income, more free time, love-respect-

recognition, personal growth & peace of


Mobile: +0xxxxxxxxxx


• Don‟t behave like a salesman, behave

like a business man.

• Get dressed in smart casuals.

• Don‟t start approaching people with

your business in your first meeting.

• I‟m not sure whether rail stations are

the right place for prospecting daily.

• You can make new friends daily

following your own normal lifestyle. You

can start talking to people you never

talked to in your colleges, workplaces,

neighborhoods, trains, buses, flights


• Start going to places where you can

find quality people. Who are

interested in betterment of their lives



Page 9: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

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Where to Find Prospects

Online- Be Prepared First!

There are so many Social Networking sites, chat rooms,

forums, blogs where you can meet new people.

Don’t get addicted- Stay Focused!

Make sure when people check your profile, they

get the right impression & find information on

“Why should they contact you” not just About

You. Focus on benefits:


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isn‟t just the people you know, but also the infinite

number of people who share some common interest

with you!

Your Warm Market

You can connect

with such people

offline too. But

Internet made it

easy to find

unlimited number of

prospects who

share some

common interests

with you.

☛ Your favorite

films/ celebrities/

singers/ writers/

food/ restaurants/



☛ You can find

numerous Facebook

page, Groups,

Chatrooms, Blogs

on your favorite

topics & start

connecting with like

minded people.


Page 11: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

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Greeting isn‟t just saying „Hi‟ or „hello‟ It‟s making the prospect feel comfortable to

talk to you freely. Ask questions & learn

about their life. Share a bit about your life too.

The Qualify step is to find what the prospect needs, wants or doesn‟t want. Identify PMF-

Primary Motivating Factors.

☛ If you miss this step, there is very small chance that you can connect to your


Say: “I think I have a concept that can help you get <what prospect needs/wants> or

avoid <what prospect doesn‟t want.>.”

☛ Tell the story or send the video link.

☛ Say: “Let me know after you watch the video. I‟d love to know your reaction.”

How to interact with your Prospects – Offline & Online

Art of Conversations

Share Parable

of Pipeline




From the feedback after listening/watching this story, you can sort out those who are

interested & excited to Build a Pipeline

from who are happy with carrying bucket. Proceed with the first group. Don‟t waste

time showing presentation to 2nd group.

Now when you are showing presentation to only those who are already interested to

build a pipeline you are saving a lot of your


☛ Show one-to-one or give presentation audio/video/website.

☛ Follow up & if ready- Sign up.

☛ Otherwise, take prospects to Home Meetings & Venue Meetings.

☛ Give resources for review.

☛ Accept only Yes or No.Not „maybe‟/‟later‟

Follow Through


Sorting Out

Don‟t try to be interesting, rather try to be interested in your prospects.




After going through the whole process, if prospect

doesn’t join, write name in Guest Followup list &

move on to Next Prospect. ***Remain friends*** www.facebook.com/groups/MLMEyeOpener/

Page 12: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

Always start with people you know- your friends, neighbors, relatives. If you are avoiding that, may be you are not confident about your business. Take help of Memory Jogger.

Understand The Number Game – He/She who shows most number of presentation wins! It doesn‟t matter who joins or who doesn‟t. More prospects you can take through the above process, faster your team

will grow. If you can master Self Sponsoring, your team will duplicate too.

Follow the step-by-step process shown in last slide. Never try to bring new prospects to Venue Meetings or Home Meetings directly. Bring only those who are interested after seeing Parable of Pipeline & One-to-One presentation.

In Network Marketing, you are looking for people motivated enough to take action themselves. You simply want to expose them to the opportunity, and see if they are open to it.

When you start, don‟t show presentation yourself to your closest people. Rather edify your sponsor to them: “You are interested to build pipeline? Okay! Let me introduce you to my mentor, an expert/rising star in this business”

Your goal shouldn't be to “sell” or “close” anyone, but rather to give the prospect enough information that they can make the best decision for them.

Never have any expectation from any prospect. Remember you are finding the right people who are interested & willing. So never get affected by rejection. Even you should reject those you don‟t like to have in your team.

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Few Important Points Regarding Prospecting/Recruiting/Sponsoring:








Always remember that you are giving opportunity to the prospects. They aren‟t doing you any favor by

coming to presentation or joining this business. Don‟t think “If this person joins, I‟ll earn my next cheque”

rather think “How can I change this person‟s life through my business?”


Page 13: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

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Long Term Online Game plan for Network Marketers


Whatever I have shared so far are tips that you can start implementing right now and start seeing results. But if you want to

make it real big in this industry (or in any field now a days), build your brand online.

Here is your game plan:

What you’ll need:

- Hosting for your self hosted WordPress website and a .com domain name. ( I recommend: Bluehost . Step by step tutorial )

- A professional theme. ( I recommend Studiopress themes )

- Social Media Accounts:

-- Twitter

-- Facebook (Profile and Page)

-- G+ (Profile and Page)

-- Pinterest

-- Instagram

-- LinkedIn

-- YouTube (if you have a means to record video)

-- Hootsuite to manage all Social Media accounts.

- Contents ( what are the topics you are passionate about? Not necessarily just your company and MLM. What are the topics

you can write about that might be of interest to some people?)

After the initial setup, what you have to do:

- Create and share regular contents on different Social Channels.

- Connect with people and interact.

- Build relationship and add them to your prospect list.

- Share you opportunity when the time is right.

- Continue the process.

My team can take care of these technical steps, so

that you can focus purely on your MLM business.

We are helping distributors from different

companies and different parts of the world,

creating their most effective online presence to

succeed in their business.

Feel free to contact from www.souravghosh.com if

you are interested.

Want me to personally guide you in this game

plan? Book a consultation session with me.

Page 14: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success

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Suggested Reading/Listening/Watching:

Prospecting/Lead Generation/Recruiting/Sponsoring Resources

More Resources: Read the following chapters from

• What a prospecting

Pipeline Looks like…

• How to Prospect


Buy from

Flipkart : http://j.mp/moneymachineflpkrt

Amazon: http://j.mp/moneymachineamz


Prospecting/Lead Generation/Recruiting/Sponsoring Resources: (Most important skill to


• Social Media for Network Marketing – Five Tips to Build a Successful

Business http://ow.ly/mtt26

• Finding Quality Prospects from Facebook http://ow.ly/mtJ9r

• Brilliant Communicator - It's not what you say that sponsors people...it's how you say

it. http://vimeo.com/43568459 [ Recording of real conversation with prospect]

• The Discipline of Self Discipline http://www.networkmarketingtimes.com/blog/the-discipline-of-


• http://www.networkmarketingtimes.com/blog/secret-from-on-high/#more-1826

• Building Credibility http://www.networkmarketingtimes.com/blog/building-credibility/#more-


• Art of Listening & Asking


• How to Recruit Professionals into Your Network Marketing Business


• How to Find Unlimited Prospects & avoid NFL (No Friends Left)

Club http://networkmarketingpro.com/unlimited-prospects-replay/

• Interview with Jackie Ulmer on How to Generate MLM Leads


mlm-leads-online Webinar Recording: http://www.firstclassmlmtools.com/jackie-ulmer-video-2

• http://bigalblog.com/

• Blogging Mastery for Network Marketers Webinar http://firstclassmlmtools.com/blogging-


Page 15: Secrets of Network Marketing / MLM / Direct Selling Success


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Start Implementing Now!

Sourav Ghosh

Network Marketing

Mentor & Success Coach





