4.06 Sales Promotions III

Sem i 4.06 armstrong

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  • 1. 4.06 Sales Promotions III

2. Purposes of Venue Signage Increase revenue/brand awareness Part of sponsor activation Promote team/tickets 3. Types of Venue Signage a.Banners b.Dasher boards c.Floor graphics d.Sideline billboards e.Back drops f. Virtual electronic message boards g.Rotational courtside messages h.Logo placement 4. Factors When Selecting Signage Cost Location of signage Target market Attendance Viewers 5. Locations for Signagea.Scoreboard b.Video board c.Table d.Sideline e.Tents f.On-court/field g.Street poles h.Race cars i. Equipment/attire 6. Locations for Signagea.Scoreboard b.Video board c.Table d.Sideline e.Tents f.On-court/field g.Street poles h.Race cars i. Equipment/attire