Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

Social media guideline and best practices - Credit Agricole SA

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January 2013

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Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

Page 2: Social media guideline and best practices - Credit Agricole SA

This guide is for all Crédit Agricole S.A. employees and interns who make personal use of social media from their work computer.

It aims to provide them with advice and tips by promoting appropriate online behaviour, advising on proper use of social media, and giving instruction in best practices.

The guide is intended for users of Crédit Agricole S.A. computers with access to social media. However, it does not authorise these users to conduct their business via social media or on the internet. This type of professional use should be the subject of an appropriate risk analysis.


Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

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Social media: what has changed for me? And for Crédit Agricole S.A.?

“Social media” is a generic term that refers to a type of technology as well as to interactions between people using that technology and involving the creation of text, image, video and audio. It is also a way to describe an unprecedented modern phenomenon, namely the millions of online conversations taking place 24/7 around the world. Chatrooms, blogs, wikis and social networking websites are all social media.

Social networking sites feature three main components: relations, connections and interactions between members. They are dynamically structured so that users can build up networks of contacts. Examples of social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Once you create a personal profile on one of these sites, you can interact with other online users with similar professional or personal interests. Social media have emerged to become a part of daily life, with 82% of France’s 41 million internet users claiming to belong to at least one social network.(1)

(1) IFOP social network observatory – November 2012.

Social networks offer fresh opportunities for businesses too, allowing them to forge ties to customers, raise their profile, set themselves apart from the competition and brush up their image.

But these new spaces for dialogue can also be disruptive for companies, which are used to controlling their communications. Image-related risk is increased: a company’s official positions or brand can be subverted; while customers, employees or other online participants might post negative comments about the firm. For this reason, companies have joined these spaces to hear conversations about them that could affect their brand image, but also to interact with people online and respond to their concerns.

Online users have not waited for brands to join them to start talking about them on the internet. French banks, including Crédit Agricole, are mentioned about 300 times a day on Twitter, and this rises to 2,000 or even 3,000 times when banks are in the news. These numbers show why it makes sense for companies to be present in these spaces.


Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

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An individual or organisation’s online reputation is the image that is built and maintained by the materials that are put online – particularly on social media – about that person or organisation.


Your birthday is on Facebook, you blog, tweet, and your CV is on LinkedIn. People leave many different traces of themselves and those close to them online, which others can use to find out about and identify them.

Your online reputation is made up of all the information that you provide, willingly or otherwise, to social media. But you can exert some control over your identity on these sites, by deciding what to share and what not to share, and by using privacy settings for profiles and posts.

However, while you have to set your profile correctly, your privacy options do not go beyond the terms of use applicable to social media sites. In other words, anything that you post on the internet will remain available online for several years and could be published without your agreement.


The online reputation of a company is the image that internet users have of the brand. It is made up of all the different materials that are put online. This digital image shapes the identity of a brand, setting it apart from competitors. An online reputation is not based just on what a company itself says but also on what is said about it on the internet and how public opinion interprets this information. For this reason, it is important for a company to take care to preserve its online image, even though it is not entirely under its control.

The Crédit Agricole S.A. Group believes that it is important to pay attention to what is being said about it on social media. Many companies now listen, participate, communicate and defend themselves online, using approaches that accommodate the specific features of web media. By managing their digital identities, firms can have a presence and build relations with online users in ways that serve brand interests and meet strategic objectives.

Image management on social media


Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

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Before participating in a social network

We recommend that you find out about the general terms and conditions of the network that you are planning to use and check how your personal data and other materials that you put online, such as photographs, might be used.

Also bear in mind that the servers hosting these networks may be in countries that do not have the same privacy protection rules as France.

Public and private spaces

The dividing line between private and professional life is a fine one, and the legal question of what is public and what is private on social media has not been settled yet. That means that if you publish something, such as a document or photos, on one of these websites, then these materials may be considered part of the public sphere. So it is vital to look at the settings offered by a site to make sure that your profile and the things that you say will remain private if that is what you want, and check that your contacts have also chosen appropriate settings so that you can express yourself freely.


On the internet, every action leaves a trace. Messages that you post can be tracked, even if you write them anonymously or use an alias. While using an alias might seem like a good way to protect your private life,

it does not stop you from being identified. You are always accountable for the things that you post on the internet, even anonymous comments.

Identity theft and use of a false identity on social media are criminal offences. That is why it is better to identify yourself. You can specify that you take sole responsibility for what you have said. That way, other online users will know which content comes from you and which comes from Crédit Agricole S.A.

Social media in the workplace

When you are at work, at home or on the move, social media are a source of information that may be useful professionally. Twitter, for example, lets you track activity in a sector in real time.

But you should use social media with restraint during work time. In other words, you may use them for personal use but you should do so sensibly and sparingly.


Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

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LinkedIn, Viadeo: using digital identity to support your career

LinkedIn and Viadeo are two professional social networks. They allow you to share experiences and skills with your professional peers and make new contacts.

On these sites, you should clearly indicate your affiliation with Crédit Agricole S.A. and describe your job and activities. Observe the privacy rules and show common sense. Never post content that could be damaging to your job or to Crédit Agricole S.A.

If you occupy a sensitive position, such as permanent insider, do not disclose this. This information could be used against you or Crédit Agricole S.A.

Personal expression

There is a difference between speaking “in the name of Crédit Agricole S.A.” as an official spokesperson and speaking “about Crédit Agricole S.A.” and its activities or partners.

It should not be possible for your posts to be mistaken for official Crédit Agricole S.A. announcements. It is important to make it clear that you are stating a personal opinion, not speaking in the name of the company by saying, for example, “Crédit Agricole S.A. is doing this because …”.

By examining the data that make up your digital identity, people can gather information about you and your professional life. Even if you are speaking on a personal basis, there is an implicit association between your name and that of the business and Group to which you belong.

Only spokespersons named by Corporate Communications are allowed to speak officially on Crédit Agricole S.A.’s behalf.

Maintaining confidentiality

Just as with a face-to-face conversation, you have a professional obligation to maintain confidentiality online. Be sure not to share data on social media that you would not share outside the company.

If you are unsure about the nature of the information in your possession, do not share it and ask your superior or Compliance for guidance.


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Respect the company’s image and intellectual property rights

Internal and external communication media are the property of Crédit Agricole S.A. You may not use materials that are protected by intellectual property rights held by Crédit Agricole S.A. (copyright, right to use brands) such as logos, photos, videos, images, official documents and internal memos, without the prior written consent of the department in question or, failing that, Corporate Communications ([email protected]).

The same rules on respecting image and intellectual property rights apply to Crédit Agricole S.A. subsidiaries and entities.

Freedom of expression

You are free to express yourself, both within and outside the company. However, particularly because of the principle of loyalty and the duty of restraint to which you are subject, you must not abuse this right by making offensive, slanderous or excessive comments about your employer.

Compliance with French law

We recommend that you do not publish content that breaks French law, including:

• Hateful and aggressive messages or messages that incite discrimination, including insinuations

• Slanderous or offensive comments about a person or organisation

• Any message that would constitute harassment of another person

• Any message containing personal data, especially personal contact details if you take responsibility for sharing details that are not your own

• Any message that is inconsistent with privacy and image rights.

What should I do if I come across negative comments about the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group?Social networks are open discussion spaces. Topics such as share prices, financial news and partnerships may be the subject of comments and articles that are critical of Crédit Agricole S.A.

We recommend that you do not respond directly to negative comments to avoid drawing more attention to them.

If you do come across this type of content, you can forward it to Corporate Communications at

[email protected]


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Five questions to ask yourself before posting content on social media

Before publishing content, ask yourself if you are happy for this information to be publicly available in 5, 10 or 20 years? Would you give it to a stranger?

Remember that you are responsible for the content that you post online, even if you are acting anonymously. Use the privacy settings of social media sites to control who sees your posts.

Ask yourself the same question about the reputation of other people (friends and colleagues) and organisations.

Example : You post photos of a party with friends. You ask for permission from the people in the pictures and share the images only with the participants.

On the internet, your name and the name of your employer are linked: thanks to social networks such as LinkedIn and Viadeo, everyone can see your career history.

Remember this and state that you take sole responsibility for your comments. Use correct language as far as possible to facilitate understanding and discussion. If you come across negative comments about Crédit Agricole S.A., do not reply, to avoid drawing more attention to the comments. If you have any doubts, contact Crédit Agricole S.A. Corporate Communications. ([email protected])

Example : on your Twitter account, where you tweet in your own name without a pseudonym, you should add the words “Views are my own” in your account description.

1Could the content I’m about to post damage my reputation?

2Could the content I’m about to post damage Crédit Agricole S.A.’s reputation?


Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

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When you post content, make sure that you comply with intellectual property rights, particularly copyright and the right to use brands. Ask for permission before publishing and cite your sources.

Example : Do not use an in-house presentation without asking for permission from your superiors and the author.

Before you publish, make sure that you comply with your confidentiality obligations and the rules set by the company. You must not use social media to conduct negotiations or to share professional documents.

Example : You are part of a working group within which you share professional information. You must not negotiate the terms of a contract on a social network, even if the space appears to be private (e.g. a LinkedIn group).

Before webposting information, check your sources and cite them correctly to avoid spreading false information online

Example : You see a message on Twitter about a legal case. Do research or contact the appropriate people within the company and cross-check several trusted sources before relaying the information.

3Does what I am about to publish comply with image and intellectual property rights?

4Does what I am about to publish breach confidentiality requirements?

5Am I sure about the information I’m going to publish?

Just as you would anywhere else, exercise common sense on the internet. The rules that apply to personal and professional relations – confidentiality, loyalty towards your employer, copyright – apply to social media as well. Ask yourself the right questions and you can take part without running any risks.

Contact : [email protected]


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Crédit Agricole S.A. is active on several social media sites. These spaces offer the opportunity to share news from the Group and subsidiaries and connect with online users. Feel free to join us!


Crédit Agricole S.A. has an official page – @1CreditAgricole – which links to press releases issued by the company and its subsidiaries and shares news on sustainable development, sponsorship, hiring and other topicshttp://www.twitter.com/1creditagricole

Crédit Agricole S.A. also has a Twitter page devoted to human resources, which posts information about job offers, work/study placements, international corporate volunteer opportunities, internships, news, chatrooms, partnerships, advice and HR trends.http://www.twitter.com/groupeca_rh


Crédit Agricole S.A. is on Facebook with its “Agir dans le bon sens” page. This is a space for talking with online users about sustainable development, sponsorship, diversity, disabilities and more.http://www.facebook.com/



The Crédit Agricole Group has a company page on this professional social network, where it posts job offers and profiles the Group’s business areas and expertise.http://www.linkedin.com/company/credit-agricole


Crédit Agricole also has a company page on Viadeo, which it uses to enhance the image of the Group and its subsidiaries and share company news.http://www.viadeo.com/v/company/credit-agricole


Crédit Agricole S.A. is active on the very latest social network with a page devoted to Group news. https://plus.google.com/+creditagricole

Youtube & Dailymotion

The Crédit Agricole Group has a video channel on each of these social networks.http://www.youtube.com/user/creditagricolesa


Crédit Agricole S.A. on social media

The Crédit Agricole Group is also present ... The Crédit Agricole Group is also present on social networks via national accounts and Regional Bank spaces. Get the list of pages at: http://www.credit-agricole.fr/reseaux-sociaux

Corporate Communications manages social media within Crédit Agricole S.A. If you have questions or comments, contact us at: [email protected]


Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

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Blog A website that allows a “blogger” to post news items as they appear. Similar to a logbook or diary. Bloggers can comment on the stories that they post if they wish.

Chatroom Space on the net where participants can “chat” about a given subject. Users can read and reply to posts. A moderator is usually appointed to lead discussions and make sure that no laws are broken (particularly offensive comments or slander).

DailymotionLike YouTube, Dailymotion is a site for hosting, sharing and watching videos online.

FacebookA social network that allows members to sign up, create a profile and share information, including text, links, photos and videos, with a more or less restricted circle of people. Organisations can also use Facebook to create pages and promote their products, expertise or cause.

Google+Google+ is the social network launched by Google in 2011. Like Facebook, Google+ allows users to create a profile to share information publicly or privately.

LinkedInLinkedIn is a professional social network. It allows users to build and expand their professional networks. By drawing on their experience and skills, LinkedIn members can manage their online reputations.

MicrobloggingService that can be used to publish short messages (shorter than blogs). Microblogs may include images and videos. The main idea is to post and respond to information quickly.

TwitterTwitter is a microblogging site that lets users send short messages (no more than 140 characters) for free. These messages, or “tweets”, usually include links to articles, photos and videos.

ViadéoViadeo is French professional social network. Like LinkedIn, it allows users to manage and develop a network of business contacts.

WikiA wiki is a website that operates collaboratively. Visitors can modify existing pages or add new ones. Depending on the site, approval systems may be in place so that changes can be made by all readers or only by authorised members.

YoutubeLke Dailymotion, YouTube is a video hosting website where users can send, watch and share video clips.



Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices

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Surfing safely on social media : guidelines and best practices