Social Media Marketing In the Wine Industry What is Social Media? Why it is important in the Marketing and Branding of our wine labels? Quintessential’s Goals and Plan for Social Media Twitter / Word Press Blog / Yelp / Facebook / YouTube

Social Media marketing for Wine Industry

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Social Media MarketingIn the Wine Industry

What is Social Media?

Why it is important in the Marketing and Branding of our wine labels?

Quintessential’s Goals

and Plan for Social Media

Twitter / Word Press Blog / Yelp / Facebook / YouTube

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Technically Social Media = A category of sites that is based on user participation and user-generated content. They include social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, social bookmarking sites like Del.icio.us, blogs, Youtube, social news sites like Digg or Reddit, and other sites that are centered on user interaction.

What is Social Media

REALITY = It’s the new water cooler, gossip machine, cocktail hour socializing scene being conducted from office cubicles, park benches, kitchen tables, beds anywhere people have access to the internet. = > Instantly!

Sometimes in the very place of business they are blogging, tweeting or Facebooking!

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We need to take the lead, monitor and be in control of what is being said about our brands.

Find out what people are saying and engage, respond & create.

And most Critical – Protecting our Reputation!

Why do we care?

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“You can’t take

something off the Internet.

That’s like trying to take

pee out of a swimming

pool.”- Joe Rogan’s character on Newsradio

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Different types of Social Mediafor different reasons

Quintessential’s Website A central location for our consumers, press, distributor partners to find

information about us. But it is not “social” on it’s own. Needs to be connected to social outposts such as……

Facebook A forum for our consumers to interact with us as a company. Invite to

events, share experiences.

Twitter Instant information to consumers. Invite to Events. Make Announcements. Drive Consumers, Critics & Distributors to Website & Facebook to interact.

YouTube Video of Wine Process, Wine tasting Events, Educational Seminars.

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Traditional Marketing Mix

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Enter Social Media

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Integrating Social Media

Attracting New Fans & Followers

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Integrating Social Media

Encouraging those people to engage and/or buy

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Integrating Social Media

Retaining previous customers or brand advocates

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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WARNING: Boring Slides Coming

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People on Facebook◦ More than 400 million active users◦ 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day◦ Average user has 130 friends◦ People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook

Activity on Facebook ◦ There are over 160 million objects that people interact with

(pages, groups and events)◦ Average user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events◦ Average user creates 70 pieces of content each month◦ More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news

stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.

Stagering Statistics

Statistics provided by Facebook.com

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About Facebook Communicate with Customers Share & Elicit Content Gain Key Insights

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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MASHABLE - July 7 - Young women are becoming more and more dependent on social media and checking on their social networks, according to a new study released by Oxygen Media and Lightspeed Research. One-third of women aged 18-34 check Facebook when they first wake up, even before they get to the bathroom. 21% of women age 18-34 check Facebook in the middle of the night.

INFORMATION WEEK - June 28 - Two-thirds of Americans now use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other social media sites, up about 230% from the 20% penetration in 2007, and 43% are visiting these sites more than once a day. Multiple visits are up 28% compared with last year, the Simmons New Media study determined. "The rise of social networking tracks closely with that of Facebook. As of April 26, 2010, 46% of the U.S. online adult population reported having visited Facebook in the past 30 days".◦ Social networking sites' impact on business is growing. This year, 68% have become a fan or friend of a

product, service, company, or group on a social networking site, compared with 57% last year, the study said.

◦ Social networks are not only for the young: While almost 90% of connected 18 to 34-year-olds visit these sites today, 41% of online adults aged 50-plus make monthly visits to social networks, the study said.

30 Billion Videos Watched Online In April, 2010

=> Data from InformationWeek.com

Numbers – “It’s all about


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People are talking...

We want them talking about our brands!

And continuing to talk and communicate to us their wants and needs. Building a relationship with our brands to both promote them, handle customer service issues, and stay preventive of possible

negative comments.

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Increased brand awareness More wine sales Improving customer loyalty Educating your distributors, retailers, and

Consumers Reputation Management – CRITICAL!

But remember Social Media does not immediately produce quantifiable results. This is a slow process. Most success will be untrackable.

Goals for using Social Media for our Wineries

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Why Social Media is Important in building a Wine Brand/Label

Within our Influence: Monitor what consumers are saying. Positive & Negative

In Our Control: Issue Press Releases and Points and Ratings.

Out of Our Control: Content we don’t see.

Out of our Control: Some sites do not allow responses/some consumers don’t believe responses.

In Our Control: Announcing Events and Tastings. Plus Discussing Outcome.

In Our Control: New Placements and New Customers.

Within our Influence: Passing on information from Consumers/Ratings/Wineries

Within our Influence: Respond to Positive & Negative Comments

In Our ControlEducational Content on our products & families.

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WHO? Demographics is about who is your


WHAT? What are they saying about our brands?

HOW? Technographics is about how they use

social media.

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Who? Groups of SM’sIn Order of Our Focus:

1. Critics – comments on blogs, rates products and services and posts reviews on sites like Epinions, Yelp and Amazon.

2. Joiners – actively uses social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace and Plaxo.

3. Creators – generate content, publish blogs and web pages and upload photos, podcasts and videos to sites such as Flickr and YouTube.

4. Collectors – uses RSS feeds, bookmarks pages to services such as Digg, Delicious or Reddit.

5. Spectators – read blogs and reviews, look at photos, watch creator’s videos and listen to podcasts.

6. Inactives – do none of the above activities or do any of them less than once a month.

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The Old Way:

Use Targeting and Interruption to Convince

The New Way:

Use Human Engagement and Dialog to Drive Preference and Loyalty

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Instantaneous Decision Making◦ Buying Products◦ Going to Events◦ Planning their Vacations/Partiers/Events.

Businesses are Influencing Consumers with ◦ Coupons◦ Discounts◦ Code words

Consumers are making decisions through Social Media

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Social Media & Events

WineStyles Parkwest – Peoria AZ – Large turn out Saturday Wine Tasting – come on

down till 6pm – Mention this tweet for FREE Tasting!

“Most Bottles Sold – Figuero 4 month”

“Terrapura Carmenere converted me to a Chilean Wine Lover!” ~ Kevin @ Best of the Fest.

Consumer’s Pick Tasting @ Uncorked – Scottsdale AZ

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Virtual Communications & Real Live Events

Tweep Virtual TastingsFriday July 16th 6pm Open a bottle of Pinot Noir and Tweet About it!

Crush with Valentin BianchiLive Feed from Argentina with Robert Pepi Jr.

New Age Recipe ContestTwitter us your favorite New Age Cocktail Recipe and win a New Age Tweep Gift Basket! Last day to enter is today!

FB Fan Wine Dinner@DC Ranch, Scottsdale Featuring Kim Longbottom Owner Henry’s Drive Vigneron’s ~ Padthaway AustraliaOctober 3, 2010 – Fan’s get $10 off!

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Driving Consumer to:◦ Our Customers – Shop’s & Restaurants◦ Websites◦ Blogs ◦ Facebook◦ Positive Critic Statements

◦ But becareful don’t just talk – listen – ask – engage with your consumers.

Social Media & Advertising

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It is HOT outside... so come on by and enjoy a cold drink and a meal tonight at RnR! Come in with the CODEWORD...  http://fb.me/BLWFfwIL => Link to Facebook page.

RnRScottsdale ~ on Twitter

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Next Step

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Uses Humanization and Approachability to Create

Kinship and Brand Preference

A Successful Social Media Program:

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Consistently Deliver

Especially when things get hectic. Interaction with your followers is critical.

Set Up Social Media on Cell Phone Hootsuite – Set up advance tweets Follow @QuintWines & Wineries and retweet. At Tastings – Send Pictures / Consumer Comments

Consistency in our Statement

Quintessential & Our Wineries must agree one word or a succinct statement.

Represent our wines the same way. If everyone is saying something different, our brand power is


Consistency - CRITICAL

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Social Media Isn’t a Conversation. It’s Where the Conversation Takes Place.

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Combining Talents

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Credit : Sosable.com

Courtesy: Mike Corak

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Harvest time offers lots of opportunities for interaction with your followers.

Integrate our wineries and winemakers/growers. ◦ This is the type of information consumers are looking for. Direct contact

– “being in the know” with the wineries. ◦ Twitter pictures and info are a welcome break to followers – direct link to

“winemakers” is something we can hype and market to get more followers.

◦ Inside information – new releases and special info about Vineyards◦ YouTube videos of crush, Wine Dinners, Educational Conversations about

the region, the wines, the families.

Involving Wineries/Winemakers






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Open a Twitter Account – follow #QuintWines and other Quintessential Wine Tweeps.◦ Utilize the Key Words – Brand Names – Refer to Website and Fan Page.◦ Utilize your Phone applications.

Become a Fan on Facebook of Quintessential Wines.◦ “Suggest” Friends to become Fans.◦ Update with Events / News

Have FUN!◦ Social media is a dialogue, not a monologue. It’s this ability to

have a conversation with your customers, friends and followers that has changed how we communicate and do business.

Follow the Plan / Do I have Time?It’s Easier than you think -