Social Media to Enable Sales Copyright Jane Frankland Agency, 2013

Social Media to Enable Sales for Natwest Summer Time Talk

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Social Media Marketing is an enabler for sales but only if it's used strategically - as part of a sales and marketing campaign. Without a sales plan and a sales strategy it's a time suck - a total waste of time. Participating in a social media marketing campaign can deliver a return on your investment. This presentation looks at this. It also hints at how social networks can also be used to improve business processes and internal team training. With 7 platforms to cover along with key wins for each of them it's sure to entertain.

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Social Media to Enable SalesCopyright Jane Frankland Agency, 2013

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Welcome to the New Era – The Digital Revolution

Ahead for Business

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I’m here to talk about SOCIAL MEDIA.

Social Media marketing is being touted as a strategy that all businesses should be using but ….

THE question is …should you? Is it right for your business? Will it deliver REAL results? Is it worth your TIME?

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Who is Jane Frankland?

I’m a 7-figure business builder.

I grew my 1st company to 7-figures in record time - 2 years (organically) and then I did it a 2nd time, 5 years later.

I now have a global business development agency and I help entrepreneurs build 7-figure businesses, get unstuck or accelerate growth.

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Enabling sales

During the past 18 years I’ve sold to startups and existing businesses – solo entrepreneurs, SMEs and multi nationals.

I focus on 3 areas:

1. Sales

2. Marketing

3. Operations

I deliver consultancy, coaching and training (online and offline).

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Social media as a tool

Social Media is my thing! I’ve been using it since 2008 but now I use it purely for business.

I’m not just another Social Media bod. I come to this from a commercial viewpoint and as an entrepreneur. I look at it STRATEGICALLY – in terms of ROI. And, as 1 mere tool! Grew my Twitter to 2,000 USEFUL followers organically

within 8 weeks. Increased my Facebook fans by 651 organically within 4

weeks. Grown my YouTube Channel to almost 100,000 views in a


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What you’re going to get from this training is: How you can use social media to enable sales. How you can use social media to support your

business. Some good habits and key social media wins.

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Let’s get started

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The new world

When it comes to MARKETING we’re now in a new world. We’re far more sophisticated.

We’ve moved on from actively seeking our target market and making a pitch.

Now it’s all about: Attraction marketing ENGAGEMENT Connecting to your clients and forming communities Building trust, being useful and ADDING VALUE.

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There’s an expectation

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Good news & bad news

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The opportunity

The Internet has changed the way we find, discover, share, shop and connect.

Huge opportunity with over 2 billion users.

1/3 of the world’s population is online!

61% of them are researching products before they buy online. They’re out there comparing prices, quality and reviews.

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Savvy entrepreneurs

Savvy entrepreneurs are shifting their spend away from ‘interruption advertising.’ i.e. TV ads, trade shows and direct mail.

They’re seeing better returns through social media. This is a FACT: 57% acquire clients and customers through blogging. 44% from Twitter. 77% of B2C companies and 43% of B2B companies

from Facebook.

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Where to focus

To win in business now, you must be focusing on engagement, interaction and conversations.

Recent figures suggest that 90% of us buy on recommendation – even from people we’ve never met.

Why? Well we’re programmed this way. We follow the herd, keep up with the crowd and so on.

Restaurants! – busy or not busy – which one?!

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Shorten the sales cycle

When it comes to social media, studies show that the average conversion rate on a website shoots from 7% buying up to 71% when we’re recommended via social networks.

When you ask for help or search for something through those you’re connected to, you’ll find that you’ll end up on the recommended site knowing a lot more. You’ll be more focused and probably more ready to buy!

Social Media shortens the sales cycle.

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Key things to note

Understand this and you’ll take traffic away from your competitors who may out rank you now in terms of SEO.

To succeed with social media you’ll need to know your objective and know your market. Then plan, focus and take consistent action.

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Stay on track: objective

1. What’s your objective? SEO, ranking, traffic Branding, exposure, PR Lead generation Customer engagement and reputation

management Joint ventures Team training Optimizing internal processes

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Stay on track: avatar

1. Who’s your ideal client (personas, avatars etc.)?

2. What are their problems or needs?

3. Where do they hang out?

4. How can you be of help to them i.e. solve their problem?

5. Who do you already know who would be useful to them as a connection.

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Form good habits

See a pattern forming?


This really is how to get the best out of social media.

It’s not about expecting to get a reward from it, although that often happens.

It’s not about giving before you receive, and your reward will often not come from the source you gave it to.

By delivering practical expert advice, being available and accessible, you set yourself up for success.

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Raise your game!

Being in business you need to raise your visibility and listen to your market. Social media is such an easy way to do this.

It’s a really effective means to generate brand exposure and public relations news. For whether you like it or not, you and your brand is all over the Internet.

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Don’t get left behind

Who here does research on a company before attending a meeting?

Who here researches a PERSON before attending a meeting?

We all search on the Internet (mostly Google) now.

Get used to it as it will only accelerate.

Be in control of your public image. Listen to your market so you’re not missing out.

Don’t get left behind!

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In it to win it

In May 2010 Facebook overtook Google as the first place that people search for goods and services, so your business needs to have a Page there.

YouTube is fast on its heels.

Both can be inexpensive marketing tools BUT you must know how to use them correctly and decide whether they are the right platforms for your business.

You then have to decide how much time to devote to each platform.

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A word of warning…

Without considering these things you do run the risk of joining the ranks of those who say

“it doesn’t work…it’s just a fad”

….because they used it incorrectly – broadcasting to people who were never listening; using PUSH marketing techniques and all without a strategy.

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Social Media7 social media platforms

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Let’s look at these 7 platforms:1. Twitter2. Facebook3. Pinterest4. YouTube5. Linkedin 6. Blogging7. Bizcrowd

Easy wins and ACTION steps to take!

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1. Twitter

The best place to start.

It’s simple and you can see great results from it.

Use it as a means to get prospects to engage with you and drive traffic to your Facebook Page or website so you can have more interaction.

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Easy wins

Good profile picture. Use your headshot as your image, not an egg. If you have a brand logo, you may want to use this. It really depends on whether you’re a personal brand or not.

Build a following and start using Twitter Search to listen for your name, your competitor’s names and words that relate to your market.

Start discussions. Share links to interesting articles, videos and blogs. Don’t sell from here – just be useful!

Don’t use Direct Messaging unless your Tweets are private.

Don’t auto follow or follow too much. Twitter will come down hard on you for this. Make everything look natural.

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2. Facebook

Topped 1 billion users, and is the most widely used social networking platform on the web.

There’s a Facebook account for 1 out of every 7 people on earth and nearly half of the people in the world with access to the Internet are using it!

Why would you not want to use it – meet them where they’re at.

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Easy wins

Post consistently - 2-5 times per day. Automate if you need to. Post with CTAs (click here, comment, please share etc.).

Post a variety of content – 3 Es. Think about what your avatar wants.

Link to your PAGE from your Profile. Don’t have the suitcase image!

Always engage with people who are reaching out to you.

Complete and optimize your About section on your wall; include a hot link and a CTA. Complete all the other sections too as they are viewed!. Make it crystal clear how people can do business with you.

Posts with 80 characters or less to get more engagement, comments, likes etc. – up to 42% (Buddy Media).

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3. Pinterest

The hottest newcomer! Pinterest hit 10m U.S. monthly unique visitors faster than any independent site in history.

It’s great for ranking and is driving more referral traffic than Google+, YouTube and Linkedin combined.

83% of Pinterest users are women, 50% of all Pinterest users have children, the most popular age group on Pinterest is 25 - 34 year olds.

The best thing… users are there to buy! 69% of online consumers who visit

Pinterest have found an item they've bought or wanted to buy, compared with 40% of Facebook users.

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Easy wins

Complete your profile and have a business account https://www.business.pinterest.com

Verify your website with Pinterest and make sure you have pin it buttons on your website.

Add boards with information that will be useful to your market. Make these the first few boards.

Add CTAs when pinning.

Pin regularly and from your website or YouTube as you’ll get backlinks.

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4. YouTube

YouTube has 4 billion daily views, >88.6m people watch it on an average day.

Google owns it so it gives it a hefty weight rating in the search results. This means it’s easier to get your video onto Page 1 of Google than through SEO.

We’re human and like to interact and do business with people we can relate to.

Video fills in the missing piece of the Internet jigsaw - it allows us to put the personal touch to our site and communication.

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Easy wins

Keyword research before uploading a video. You’ll need this for your video title, description and tags.

Make your videos under 3 minutes.

If you’re filming with your iPhone make sure to hold it horizontally.

Make sure the audio is good.

Encourage sharing, and interaction and get social by commenting and making friends on YouTube.

Always include a link to your website in the description.

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5. Linkedin

LinkedIn is by far most the important social network to reach out to business buyers and connect with professionals in general.

With over 225 million on the platform it drives the most customers to B2B – 65%.

Use it to network, recruit and generate business.

BUT it is only the right platform if you’re a B2B.

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Easy wins

Complete your profile.

Use keywords so you show up in the search engines and attract interest and engagement with others.

Get interactive.

You can add your blogs/website, documents and presentations on there.

Join groups and form them!

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6. Blogging

57% of companies with a blog have acquired a customer from their blog.

B2Bs who use blogs generate 67% more leads per month than those who don’t and B2Cs that blog generate 88% more leads per month than those that don’t.


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Consistent blogging demonstrates commitment to your prospects. You gain readers’ trust and encourage repeat visits. And you’re often first in mind especially ifyou’ve got your auto responder involved!

You’re also creating more connections between people and brands and more website traffic. Throw in keywords and you’ll drive even more from the search engines.

Remember blog links can be added almost anywhere – from an email signature to social media outlets. Informing people of a new blog post generates website traffic.

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7. Bizcrowd

“Where business finds business”

UK centric.

Connect directly with customers who need your products and services.

Showcase your business with your own dedicated Business Profile.

Post a need or question and get an email response.

Access the latest news, videos and tips tailored to your Industry.

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A final thought…

“Audiences everywhere are tough. They don’t have time to be bored or brow beaten with old fashioned advertising. We need to stop

interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.”

Craig Davis, Chief Creative officer, Worldwide, J Walter Thompson (#4 ad agency in the world)

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Take action now!

Focus on what matters. Pick 1 main social media platform and then 2 others.

Set 1 small goal/day, week and month and 1 big goal/quarter.

Know your mission, complete it and get out of there!

Download my Social Media Made Easy ebook at: http://jane-frankland.com/freebies/social-media/

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Come have a conversation

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