
Springtime Maintenance Checklist for Your Home’s Mechanical Systems

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Page 2: Springtime Maintenance Checklist for Your Home’s Mechanical Systems

With spring knocking at the door, it's time to take stock of your home's mechanical systems to ensure they're all in good working order to handle the demands of the upcoming season. This includes your plumbing, heating and cooling, and electrical systems.

A springtime check-up of sorts is necessary each year at this time so you know your systems are running at maximum efficiency. If not, you could be facing larger energy bills. Plus, this is the time to perform any updates or repairs that, if left unchecked, could get worse and lead to bigger repairs down the road. Browse this handy springtime maintenance checklist for your home's mechanical systems.


Page 3: Springtime Maintenance Checklist for Your Home’s Mechanical Systems

PlumbingWhen it comes to your plumbing system, it's crucial to make sure you're not suffering any leaks or cracked pipes after the winter has wreaked its havoc. Go down to the basement or crawlspace and check on your sump pump. Before the big rainstorms of spring hit, you want to make sure it's in good working order to handle any flooding that may come your way. A sump pump works by removing excess water that may make its way into your home. Give it an overall check, but focus on the float switch to make sure it's working. If not, it won't trigger the pump when water reaches a certain level. You can simply pour water into the well to check if it's working as it should. Next, replace any dripping or leaking faucets in the kitchen and bathrooms. The EPA says fixing simple household water leaks can translate to a 10 percent savings on your water bill. If you're unsure where the leaks are coming from or aren't very handy when it comes to DIY plumbing, it's always a good idea to enlist the help of a professional plumber to make sure the job is done right. Outside, check your gutter system and remove any debris such as twigs and leaves that may be clogging the flow of water.


Page 4: Springtime Maintenance Checklist for Your Home’s Mechanical Systems

Heating and Cooling

Your HVAC systems need some TLC at this time of year too. Now that you're winding down on the usage of your heating system, you should make sure your air conditioning system is fully cleaned and ready to go for the warmer months. Make sure a new AC filter is in place or clean the old one if that's the type you have. A full inspection should be done on your heating/cooling systems, and a qualified HVAC technician is your best bet to handle this task. He or she can perform a full 40-point inspection, including control checks, condenser coil cleaning and pressure measurements. Got bathroom fans? Clean them by removing the covers, washing them in warm soapy water and cleaning dirt from the fan blades with a toothbrush, advises HGTV. Don't forget to turn the power off before doing this!


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Any time electricity is involved; it's imperative to call in a licensed electrician for safety reasons. This professional will check the condition of all extension cords, lamp cords, and plugs, replacing them if worn; check the fuse box and breakers; and test any ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) which are required in rooms like bathrooms, kitchens, garages, and basements. They can make sure old wiring is updated according to code and that all outlets are functioning properly. The inspection may also include a service panel examination, check for loose fitting plugs, check for line cords that are frayed or cracked, and replace broken wall plates.


Page 6: Springtime Maintenance Checklist for Your Home’s Mechanical Systems

A springtime check of your home's mechanical systems is imperative to ensuring everything will run smoothly through the upcoming season. Cleaning up your systems after the long winter will lead to peace of mind next year when you start the heat up again. Cleaning and addressing repairs to any systems prior to spring means they will run more efficiently once summer hits. Neglecting these inspections can lead to bigger repairs later so it's best to address them now. Hire a professional to perform the above tasks so that you know the job was done right the first time. You may balk at shelling out the money for a technician, but you're actually saving money by staying on top of maintenance throughout the year.
