S S TRATEGIC TRATEGIC B B USINESS USINESS P P LANNING LANNING Designing the Future of Designing the Future of the Organization the Organization

Strategic Planning

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  • 1. S TRATEGICB USINESS P LANNING Designing the Future of the Organization

2. Our Goals for Today ...

  • Explain and demonstrate the basics of Strategic Business Planning.
  • Get you started on the process.
  • Provide a framework to continue the process.
  • Lots and lots of application -workshops
  • Set the tone:
  • The 5 ways to run or ruina great business

3. D= IO Op NO ! NO ! NO ! NO ! NO ! NO ! NO ! NO ! YES!!! 4. The 5 Key Factors -/+

  • Lack of a clear, specific , vivid, compelling and realistic vision.What is your clear Intended Outcome?
  • Lack of urgency.You must turn the business planinto a business reality.
  • Lack of open, honest communication.C-C-C-T
  • Allowing sub-par employees to remain.T.T.T.
  • Turning the focus inward.The customer MUST be the focus

5. Thinking Down Board 6. ACCEPT CHANGE COMPLAIN It will always be like this I have no control I cant impact this It is out of my hands No need to plan It has already happened I dont have the authority It is not worth the effort or risk I cant fight it any longer I must do somethingI can make a difference I am willing to work and fight I can impact or influence this I demand that things change It is worth the risk I must make a plan This is my responsibility This cant go on I wish They ought to I hate I am sick of Somebody should Why dont they It is stupid 7. What is Strategic Business Planning ? 8. The Elements of the Strategic Business Planning Model Vision Define the business Goals Targets Measurements 9. 1. Long-term impact of decisions

    • Strategic planning deals with the future impact of current decisions. This means looking at the cause and effect consequences, over time, of an actual or intended decision.

10. 2. Strategic Business Planning is a process

  • It is a process that begins with the setting of organizational aims, defines strategies and policies to achieve them, and develops detailed plans to make sure that strategies are implemented so as to achieve the results sought.

11. 3. It is a philosophy

  • Strategic Planning is an attitude, a way of life.Planning necessitates dedication to acting on the basis of contemplation of the future, a determinationto plan constantly and systematically as an integral part of management.

12. 4. It gives structure

  • A formal strategic planning system links the three major types of organizational plans:
    • Long-range Strategic Plans
    • Medium-range Programs
    • Short-range Budgets and Operating Plans

13. What Strategic Business Planning is Not !

  • Strategic planning does not attempt to make future decisions.
  • Strategic planning is not forecasting.
  • Strategic planning is not an attempt to blueprint the future.
  • Strategic planning is not necessarily the preparation of massive plans and reports.
  • Strategic planning is not an effort to replace good management judgement.

14. Why Planning Pays Off

  • Asks & answers questions of importance
  • Simulates the future
  • Forces the setting of objectives
  • Gives a framework for decisions
  • Developsperformance measurements
  • Improves communications

15. The 5 tasks of Strategic Business Planning Defining the business / developinga Vision Gap & SWOT analysis -Setting objectives Crafting a strategic Action Plan Implementing and executing strategy Evaluating performance reviewing - adjusting correcting 16. BusinessThinking

  • Check your ego at the door
  • Create Curiosity
  • Move off the solution
  • Get evidence
  • Calculate the impact
  • Explore the ripple effect
  • Slow down for yellow lights

17. Task 1 Define the Business Develop a Vision

  • You must create a clear, vivid, compelling and achievable VISION of where you want to take your business over the next 3-5 years.

Some key questions to think about 18. 1. What is the thrust or focus for future business development? 2.What is the scope of products and markets that will - and will NOT - be considered. 3.What is the future emphasis or priority and mix for the products and markets that fall within that scope? 4.What key capabilities / resources are required to make this strategic Vision happen?(money, product, people, advertising, distribution) 5. What does this Vision imply for growth and return expectations? 19. The GAP / SWOT Analysis Vision 3-5 years Situation Audit The GAP Where youwant to go. Where youare today. What you haveto do to get there . 20. This is the crucial stage of askingand honestly answeringdozens of very difficult questions 21. Gap / SWOT Work Shop

  • Some will be redundant
  • Some you wont know
  • Many you will need more information in order to answer
  • Some will not apply
  • Write your answers on a separate sheet
  • Write very clearly complete sentences
  • This is supposed to be very hard work

22. Now you should have a huge collection of data, facts, concerns and questions. The next step is to convert all of this random but important- information into a list of keyFactors 23. Factors are:

  • Anything that could positively or negatively affect your ability to accomplish the vision.
  • Written in complete sentences.
  • Written as a statement of fact.
  • Examples:
  • 1.I DK our current market share.A
  • 2.We have 3 new products that will launch this year.B
  • Prioritized:
    • A = Immediate action required top priority
    • B = Requires action at some time
    • C= important information but no action required

24. As you review the analysis

  • You may address several items with just a single well written Factor
  • It may take multiple factors to cover just one piece of data.
  • When in doubt write another Factor

Examples: 1.Our major competitors are Acme and Ajax. C 2.We currently have 15% market share. A 3.The target is to reach 20 % Market Share by 6/30/03A 4.DK if Sun Systems is planning to enter our market. B 5.DK if we can renegotiate our supplier contracts. B 6.DK if we can automate part of our production process.A 7.Our current computer system is not sufficient for our needs. A 8.DK the technical specs of an acceptable computer system. B 25. It may help to create Factor categories to keep track of the major themes

  • Financial
  • Technical
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Personnel
  • Customers
  • Competitors

26. Business Objectives Now comes this most difficult step the actual setting of business strategy the creation of keyBusiness Objectives 27. After looking at all of your Factors and Factor Categories

  • You must now create a handful of strategic thrusts that will drive your teamfor the next 3-5 years.
  • What are the main areas of focus?
  • Where will you deploy resources?
  • How will you measure success?

28. Isnt this a little redundant again? Yes, we are going through a time consuming but necessary screening process.Form the broadest examination of the business possible, down to the few Key Result Areas that must be accomplished to successfully achieve the Vision. 29. The setting of Business Objectives may take days or even weeks 30. The rubber meets the road Business Objectivesdrive the Strategic Action Plan Page: 28 31. SMART pecific easurable greed Upon ealistic ime Bound Delegation Empowerment MBO Strategic Plan 32. Once again, this is time consuming and difficultbut vital to your success!

  • Actions must be clear and focused
  • Write them as output not input
  • Assign responsibility and a due date
  • Cross-reference with key Factors
  • Hold people accountable
  • Track progress and failure
  • Adjust as needed new info

33. ContingencyPlanning

  • Factors that could have a serious impact on your business.
  • Probability - % or H/L
  • Impact - % or H/L
  • Trigger Point - measurable
  • Contingency Plan - Action

34. The final steps but the critical ones

  • Implementation
  • Monitoring, review, adjustment
  • New vision- new plan

Page: 31 35. That is: StrategicBusinessPlanning Thank You