Sustainable Building The Right Thing the Right Way at the Right Cost

Sustainable Building Portfolio

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Sustainable BuildingThe Right Thing the Right Way at the Right Cost

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Content• Bridges & Transitions• Remarkable Companies• Conclusion

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Bridges & TransitionsLife is a Journey, Not a Switch

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The CTTA BridgeThe Bridge provides the transition from where we are to where we need to be. Bridging the gaps by providing information and technology providers that can get you there.Very few things in life happen with the flip of a switch… We all know this, but we are continuously pounded with a tsunami of noise telling us that problems need to be solved by flipping a switch…on/off. This Tsunami gets politicians elected, donations to flow and sells newspapers. What it does not do is get problems solved.Solving problems requires a transitional process, for sustainability CTTA provides the bridge.

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Transitional Strategies1. Sustainability is a process, a journey,

that begins with knowing where you are and determining where you want to go.

2. Unlike Star Trek you cannot simply “beam” from where you are to where you need to be.

3. You need to choose the path and measure the distance then check your progress along the way.

4. Then you need to understand that it is not a destination, but another point along the road, a better point than where you began, but just another point.

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Transitioning to Sustainability

• What is Analysis• Needs Analysis• Variation

Analysis• Goal Setting


• Data Gathering• Option

Evaluation• Long Term

Planning• Funding/

Stepped Implementation

Transitional • Measurable

Outcomes• Return on

Investment• Goals Met


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Partnering for SolutionsChallenge

Problem Needing a Sustainable



Development Process

RoadmapAction Plan

Business Partners

Solution Providers


Affected Parties

CTTAAgent of


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Remarkable CompaniesSustainable, Cost Effective and Simply the Best

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CTTA Coalitions Innovative Adaptive Expert Efficient Flexible Modular Managed Integrated Cost Effective

A dedicated coalition of small innovative companies that are managed and integrated can solve problems more effectively.

A Collaborati


Bringing new combinations of known to solve complex problems and bring sustainable outcomes

CoalitionWorking together,

sharing information, communicating and

getting change done

Of Companies

Business is the Agent of Change

CommittedDoing the work

To ChangeOur future requires thoughtful change and movement towards sustainability

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The Coalition Approach



Business Innovation

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CTTA MembersEverything that happens, happens within the context of relationship. The CTTA process is designed to accelerate relationship building and provide a method to generate a level of comfort between CTTA and the potential member. This leads to a very intense process that CTTA uses to validate a company's ability to perform within the CTTA membership framework and provide the customer with the expected outcome.

CTTA Members and Member Coalitions are:• Simply the Best Companies in their Field• Transparent • High Integrity • Solid Business Practices• Relationship Focused • Clear Communication • Exceptional Follow Through

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Blu HomesMaura McCarthy and Bill Haney co-founded Blu Homes in 2008 to reduce the carbon footprint of American homes and to make home buying more fun and convenient. Blu Homes works to save you time on being “green.” They make sure that their products are healthy for you, your family and the natural world. Blu Homes are designed and precision-built by factory craftsmen in weather-controlled conditions, contain Energy Star appliances, a “cradle-to-cradle” awareness. Whether you are an “empty-nester,” “happening hipster,” or “rising star” Blu Homes provides beautiful, efficient, green homes from recycled materials and cutting edge technology that integrate manufacturing, repurposing, recycling, and zero landfill status. Maura and her team enjoy working with - and even hanging out with - their cool clients who contribute to their triple bottom line.

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HomasoteSteeped in a history rich in creativity, exploration, and innovation, Homasote exemplifies what organizations can achieve over time with agility and responsibility. This company is the “greenprint” for what sustainable business does in and for our world. Still, I will always remember the Lipizzans. Yes, before the first cars and trains, the Arctic exploration, or the world-class closed-loop water recycling in their manufacturing I will remember Homasote for Lipizzans. I was entranced by them as a child - fantasy white horses dancing ON HOMASOTE PANELS! 100% recycled content Homasote panels used for temporary structures in wars, sound barriers in LEED buildings, and decks to cover ice rinks were the choice as a dance floor for royal horses. Really - if these panels could support tons of dancing horses in echoey arenas without deafening us all, wouldn’t they be awesome sound barriers and supports for little humans in high heels?

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ReWallThe ReWall Company, LLC uses a proven European technology to recycle polyethylene-coated cups, cartons, and their components into building materials. The first U.S. ReWall products are manufactured in Des Moines, Iowa, and distributed nationally. Almost all of our inputs are sourced within 500 miles of our production facility. They help recycle some of the 2 million tons of polyethylene-coated cartons and cups that enter landfills every year. Those products were first recycled in Europe through a process that has a smaller carbon footprint and is more efficient than alternative processes that require stripping away the plastic, removing the ink and salvaging the remaining paper. The manufacturing process is environmentally friendly and does not use added glue, water or chemicals. ReWall is 100% recycled.

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RomaBioEco Sustainable Building TechnologiesSince the days of cave paintings, man has painted structures – that’s almost 40,000 years of painting. Think of it … that's tens of millions of gallons of paint produced and applied, and it never hurt people or the planet! Then, 150 years ago they started using a technology reliant on petroleum to make solvent-based oil paint. And paint became one of the most polluting industries in the world. Even with the introduction of automobiles, paint is only slightly lower as the second major source of pollution. Every year, enough paint is produced to cover a 4-mile wide strip around the equator.Enough is enough. ROMA’s mission is to kick some ass and change the way the world makes paints. Better products for you, your family and your world.

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ShelterWorks LTD.ShelterWorks began by asking a question… and then two friends discussing possible answers.Thomas Van Denend and Paul Wood wanted to do something to make a difference, something to make the world a little bit more sustainable. Thomas comes from a strong business background and Paul from a wide variety of endeavors whose common core was building. That discussion led to putting together a plant to produce Faswall®, a building block with European origins made from recycled mineralized wood fiber and cement. Starting small and building their business in a sustainable way they weathered the building industry collapse in 2008 and have continued to grow as more and more home and commercial builders are moving towards better, non toxic and sustainable solutions. CTTA engaged Shelter Works in discussion because of the inherent efficiency and sustainability of their product but invited them to be members because of their ingenuity, passion and efficiently sustainable approach to building their business.Thomas and Paul are committed to continual improvement to keep Faswall® truly one of the most sustainable building materials on the market today.

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Aqueonics At Aqueonics quality is defined as providing you with the service, and a finished product that we would want to live with ourselves. Health and Safety is at the forefront of thought and design, to create a product that will provide an efficient and safe work environment for the operator. Aesthetics and environmental acumen is also included as of topmost importance in giving back to the community, and to the environment a product that will ensure the perpetual beauty and protection of our fragile ecology. The resources and technical talent of Aqueonics, Inc. together offer public and private clients state-of-the-art wastewater treatment and water reuse systems for residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, and governmental development projects worldwide.

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Water Harvesting SolutionsWater is the topic of the decade. Questions are being generated by environmentalists, politicians, industrial leaders, economists and people like you and me. These questions frame a conversation about our future, and the availability and cost of a resource basic to our survival. As clean water becomes less available and more costly, our strategies on water use and reuse will define our future. Water Harvesting Solutions (Wahaso) is taking the lead in water reuse systems for commercial, industrial and high density residential buildings. Understanding that the bottom line drives every decision, Wahaso not only has a team of experts in engineering, fabrication, regulation and environmental issues, they have developed a value-based process that eases adoption by calculating each system’s return on investment through water savings and other benefits. The ROI will only increase over time to provide even greater value to the building owner, the tenants and the community.

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Habitat ManagementHabitat Management pretty well says it all.

From end to end Habitat Management can help you assess the problems, build a roadmap that can get your needs met in a cost effective, environmentally sustainable manner. Wayne and Ken came from a corporate mining background where they saw firsthand the many challenges that corporations have when trying to meet environmental regulations and still remain profitable. This core understanding was the seed that grew into Habitat Management and laid the foundation of what has become a key building block in successful corporate environmental sustainability projects that meet and exceed regulatory requirements.

Professional, innovative and committed to environmental restoration and management at every level, Habitat Management is one of just two environmental engineering companies that have managed to successfully navigate CTTA’s intensive evaluation process and be invited to membership.

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Western Botanical ServicesThe very picture of Entrepreneurship, Julie Etra took her passion for nature and her dislike of working in very structured environments and began doing the hands-on work needed to change the world. Working on both sides of the Mexican/U.S. border, she is making an impact far exceeding the size of her organization. Julie and Western Botanical bring important tools to the CASA project, a CTTA member co-developed project for sustainably returning agriculture and economic health to a region devastated by desertification. And even more than her ability to speak and write technical Spanish, she and her company are bringing fresh perspective and new ways to open doors and access opportunities, challenging all of us, staff and member companies alike, to step up our game. Western Botanical exhibits all of the elements of a CTTA member business and team member. From analysis to planning to restoration, Western Botanical is your answer.

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Forest ConceptsA lot of people talk about making the world a better place - and have great ideas for doing just that - but Dr. Jim Dooley and his cast of curious collaborators actually are making our world a better place. With inspiration from water and fire, Forest Concepts was born to bring us health, wealth, and beauty. They started with the mission to make it easier to do salmon habitat restoration in urban and suburban areas of the Pacific Northwest and quickly realized their solution would also apply to wildland restoration for highly effective erosion control materials that could be used in - among other places - areas decimated by wildfire. Lately, the Forest Concepts team have accepted the challenge of baling urban and suburban arborist prunings so they could be handled just like other urban recyclables, with possible use for biomass fuel. Every development has included consideration for the health of the systems, the triple bottom line wealth to be realized, and the beauty of quiet, verdant, natural habitats for all of us.

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Eco-TecThink of a company with a one-word mission statement. Need more time? Well, maybe Eco-Tec could help. They don’t have a stated mission, but it could be “Clarity.” Eco-Tec’s environmentally-informed solutions for water treatment, chemical recovery and purification, and gas processing all share the property of clarifying what is murky, unhealthy, and costly. Clarity is also present when they are engaged with their customers throughout selection, installation, and implementation. How can they provide such clarity in product and service? Eco-Tec values innovation and growth through wise investment in their passionate and skilled people. By being clear on exactly what it takes to succeed in business, technology, and sustainable ecosystems, Eco-Tec finds it very simple to invest in health, education, and support for their employees, customers, and neighbors near and global. Clarity - nothing more, nothing less.

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ConclusionCreating a Sustainable Infrastructure

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Doing the Right Thing the Right Way



Reduces Technolog

y Lag-time


Vastly IncreasesFunctional



Vastly ImprovesIntegratio


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End to End Solution Engagement

Consulting& DesignPlanningImplementationTrainingSystem ManagementEducation

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CTTA: Agent of Coordination










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