role in sustainable job creation.

Sustainable job creation

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Businesses and their role in sustainable job creation.

• A sustainable business is one which will operate successfully in the economy for a long time.

• For a business to last it needs to offer consumers goods or services that they need, at a competitive price and quality.

• Sustainable job creation• (offer long-term, stable job opportunities to


Brett Dawson- The group CEO of

Dimension Data• ‘of all the socio-economic challenges facing

South Africa, unemployment must be the greatest.”

• ‘It represents not only wasted potential and productivity, but is depriving us of the future it deserves. Of course, employment means much more than earning an income:

Brett Dawson- The group CEO of

Dimension Data• It promotes self-worth, independence and

innovation. More jobs would have an invaluable effect on the social fabric of this country, reducing poverty, crime and violence.’

• Reduce poverty, crime and violence.

sustainable job creation.

• To create more sustainable jobs

• We need sustainable businesses.

• More competitive

• Internationally competitive

Taking advantage of the moves in economic activity.• Many international businesses send their to

operations to Asian countries where doing business is cheap and easy.

• There are about 85 million manufacturing jobs in China!

• China has recently increased it’s minimum wage…

• What could this mean for us???

Difficulties in South Africa

• An inefficient government bureaucracy.

• An inadequately educated labour force.

• Labour regulations that place strong restrictions on a business’s ability to be profitable.

• We are ranked 95th in the world for labour market efficiency.

• Labour reforms are needed! (Changes to labour policy)

Businesses and their role in the sustainable use of natural resources.• Solar and wind energy in new buildings.

• Low energy globes in old buildings.

• Recycle water

• Use timber from planted forests for furniture and as a building material in roofs, floors, props, window and door frames.

Environmental issues• Limited fossil fuel resources (oil, coal)

• Air pollution

• Global warming

• Limited clean water for consumption.

• Soil erosion

• Loss of equatorial forests that supply oxygen and regulate rainfall patterns.