Talking It Out: Simple, Sublime & (sort of) the Key to Project Success Project Management Communication Colleen Brennan-Barry Monroe Community College / Rochester, NY @ColB ** #TalkItOut

"Talking It Out:" Simple, Sublime & (sort of) the Key to Project Success

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Yesterday, today and tomorrow – the web will continue to evolve but one thing will remain constant: the need for good project management and communication. To whit: once you’ve identified your project, made your case, scoped your project and assembled your team, what happens next? Strong communication is one of the most critical tools in determining any project’s success, and in higher ed – with its huge range of skill sets, styles and personalities – creating that strong communication flow can be immensely challenging … and rewarding. Let’s talk tactics, tips, and tools for building communication as part of your basic project management methodology. In this presentation, we will understand a range of communication styles that can help (and hinder) projects, identify tactics for more effective communication with a broad variety of higher education project team members, and evaluate tools and channels to foster strong project management communication.

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Page 1: "Talking It Out:" Simple, Sublime & (sort of) the Key to Project Success

Talking It Out: Simple, Sublime & (sort of) the Key to Project Success

Project Management Communication

Colleen Brennan-BarryMonroe Community College / Rochester, NY@ColB ** #TalkItOut

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80% of a Project Manager’s time

is spent communicating.

Image via Flickr Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike License: Wesley Fryer

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Three Realities for Every PM

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Three Realities for Every PMYou set the tempo.

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Three Realities for Every PM

The types of project stakeholders – and communication needs – are legion.

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Three Realities for Every PM

Project communication can make or break a project.

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Project Communications:BASELINES

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“Systematic planning, implementing, monitoring, and revision of all the channels of communication within an organization, and between organizations”

Project Communications:

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Project Communicator Roles• Cruise Director

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Project Communicator Roles• Cruise Director• Drill Sergeant

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Project Communicator Roles• Cruise Director• Drill Sergeant• Archivist

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Project Communicator Roles• Cruise Director• Drill Sergeant• Archivist• Troubleshooter

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Project Communicator Roles• Cruise Director• Drill Sergeant• Archivist• Troubleshooter• Distributor

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Project Communicator Roles• Cruise Director• Drill Sergeant• Archivist• Troubleshooter• Distributor• Translator

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Project Communicator Responsibilities

“Planning is worthless unless there is first a strategic vision.”

– John Naisbitt

Image via fair use, with permission: johnnaisbitt.com

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In a nutshell:

Sharing the rightmessages withthe rightpeople in the right way.

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Project Communications:PLANNING

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Planning: Step 1Get Educated: Intake and Initiation

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Planning: Step 2Lay the Project Out

• What is the content? (Content & Deliverables)

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Planning: Step 2Lay the Project Out

• Who needs & manages the content? (Roles & Personalities)

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Planning: Step 2Lay the Project Out

• How do they need it, & how can we deliver it? (Channels & Resources)

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Planning: Step 2Lay the Project Out

• When do they need it? (Timeline & Frequency)

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Planning: Step 2Lay the Project Out

• What is its importance? (Prioritization)

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Planning: Step 2Lay the Project Out

• How do we complete it? (Benchmarks)

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Planning: Step 2Lay the Project Out

• How do we measure and evaluate? (Metrics)

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Planning: Step 3Identify


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Planning: Step 4

Create Documentation &


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Planning: Step 5Set the Structure and the Beat

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Project Communications:STYLES & STRATEGIES

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4 Types of CommunicatorsAccording to American Management Association


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4 Types of CommunicatorsAccording to American Management Association


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4 Types of CommunicatorsAccording to American Management Association


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4 Types of CommunicatorsAccording to American Management Association


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3 Types of Communication1. Oral2. Written 3. Non-Verbal

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OralMeetings, meetings, meetings

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WrittenDocument, document, document

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Non-VerbalObserve, observe, observe

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“Written words are only painted fire; a look is the fire itself.”

- Mark Twain

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Select Your Channels

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Communication Qualities

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A key part of the communicator’s job:

Determine each communication’s type and traits.

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Tailor Your Communications:

Effective project communication is audience- and situation-specific.

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For Example: Upward Communication

• To Project Sponsor / Higher Ups• More formal • More official • Written or formal presentation• “Big Picture” and progress

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For Example: Lateral Communication

• To Project Team• Informal• Both official and unofficial• Oral and written• Project detail, vision, motivation

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For Example: Tertiary Communication

• To General Stakeholders• Intermediate formality• Official• Written• Overview and non-detailed


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“Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change.” - Goethe

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ConsiderationsConflict Strategy

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“The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.”- J. B. Priestly

Image via britannica.com

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Project Communications:TOOLS

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Consider your WHOLE toolbox.

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Tools: Traditional

• Phone• Meetings• Documentation• Email

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• Blogs• Wikis• Bug & Ticket Tracking• Collaborative PM Systems• Cloud Docs & Tools

Tools: Technical

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• Blogs

• Wikis• Bug & Ticket Tracking• Collaborative PM Systems• Cloud Docs & Tools

Tools: Technical

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• Blogs• Wiki

• Issue Ticket Tracking

• Collaborative PM Systems• Cloud Docs & Tools

Tools: Technical

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• Blogs• Wiki• Issue Ticket Tracking

• Collaborative PM Systems

• Cloud Docs & Tools

Tools: Technical

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• Blogs• Wiki• Issue Ticket Tracking• Collaborative PM Systems

• Cloud Docs & Tools

Tools: Technical

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Tools: Software

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Project Communications:IN SUMMARY

• Communication sets project tempo, tone and success.

• Project communication is layered and complex, and needs a full plan to guide it.

• Communication happens in many ways and forms, and must be tailored to each audience /use case.

• Use available tools to help reach communication goals.

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Colleen Brennan-Barrycolleenbrennanbarry.com

@ColB ** [email protected]

Thank you.