Learning and Interna,onaliza,on VentureOut Moldova #VOMoldova October 28 – November 1, 2013 Prof. David A. Kirsch Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland, College Park [email protected] @darchivist

Technology v. Investment readiness levels for Venture Out Moldova, Fall 2013

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Page 1: Technology v. Investment readiness levels for Venture Out Moldova, Fall 2013

Learning  and  Interna,onaliza,on      VentureOut  Moldova  #VOMoldova    October  28  –  November  1,  2013    Prof.  David  A.  Kirsch  Robert  H.  Smith  School  of  Business  University  of  Maryland,  College  Park  [email protected]  @darchivist    

Page 2: Technology v. Investment readiness levels for Venture Out Moldova, Fall 2013


Page 3: Technology v. Investment readiness levels for Venture Out Moldova, Fall 2013
Page 4: Technology v. Investment readiness levels for Venture Out Moldova, Fall 2013
Page 5: Technology v. Investment readiness levels for Venture Out Moldova, Fall 2013