The 7 Essential Nutrients

The essential nutrients

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Page 1: The essential nutrients

The 7 Essential Nutrients

Page 2: The essential nutrients


Page 3: The essential nutrients


The main source of energy for the body

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Food Sources:

Primarily Plants



Grain products



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Simple Carbohydrates


Simple carbohydrates digest quickly into the body.

Complex Carbohydrates


They regulate blood sugars, and keep you feeling fuller longer as they digest slowly.

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ProteinsMain Function:

Help build, repair and maintain body tissues.

Source of energy for the body.

Can only do their job if you eat enough carbohydrates and fats. If you don’t, your body starts using protein energy and is unable to build,repair, maintain tissues.

What happens if we don’t eat enough protein?

Some protein can be stored in fat, but eventually your body will begin to break down.

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ProteinsFood Sources

Animal Sources:Meats (19-22 grams of protein)

Poultry (chicken breast = 35 grams protein)

Fish, seafood (approx. 22 grams per serving)

Eggs (1 egg = 6 grams protein)

Milk products - cheese, cottage cheese, milk (8-15 grams)

Plant Sources:Beans (7-10 grams/cup),

nuts and seeds(9 grams/cup)

2 Tbsp of Peanut Butter (8 grams)

How much protein do you need a day?Body weight (lbs) x 0.37 = grams per pound needed

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Main Function

Concentrated source of energy (storage)

Transports nutrients

Nourish skin and protects organs

Promotes normal cell growth

Contains essential fatty acids important for good cholesterol levels and reducing health risks.

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Food Sources

Depends on the type of fat.


meat, poultry skin, whole milk

vegetable oils and seafoods

olive oil, peanut oil, avocado, canola oil.

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“The forgotten nutrient”


Critical for survival

Can only live a few days without it.

Plays a role in many chemical reactions that go in the body.

Body uses 2-3 liters/day

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Food Sources

You need to drink to 8 cups of water a day.

Water, fruit, juice, milk, soup

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Main Function:

Vital for good health.

Most minerals become a part of your body, such as teeth/bones.

Other minerals are used to make substances that your body needs.

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MineralsYou have to get the right amount per day. Too much or too little can cause health problems:

Example: Too much iodine = hyperthyroidism (fast metabolism)

Too little iodine = hypothyroidism (slow metabolism)

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Food Sources:


Dark orange & green vegetables