1 1 The Knowledge Economy: The Knowledge Economy: Wherefore Libraries Wherefore Libraries Presented to: Eastern Canada Chapter Special Libraries Association Nov. 22, 2007 Ottawa, Ontario Albert Simard

The Knowledge Economy:Wherefore Libraries

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Discusses possible roles and business models for libraries in the knowledge economy

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Page 1: The Knowledge Economy:Wherefore Libraries


The Knowledge Economy:The Knowledge Economy:

Wherefore LibrariesWherefore Libraries

Presented to:

Eastern Canada ChapterSpecial Libraries Association

Nov. 22, 2007 Ottawa, Ontario

Albert Simard

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Libraries have a long history…Libraries have a long history…

Librarians have been

managing knowledge

for about 2,500 years

Library at Alexandria

established in 283 BC

Capture and store the

worlds knowledge

But…Library of Alexandria – artist’s concept

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Tradition is not enough…Tradition is not enough…

“While they all make varying use of corporate

libraries and information systems, few

knowledge workers feel that these groups can

be relied on for more than a modest amount

of their information needs.”

James McGee and Lawrence Prusak

Managing Information Strategically (1993)

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Knowledge EconomyKnowledge Economy

Success based on what you

know, not what you own

Value of goods based on knowledge, not material

Creating and using

knowledge is the key

Organizations must evolve

or become irrelevant

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Knowledge AssetsKnowledge Assets

Preserving Preserving


Knowledge Knowledge


Social NetworkingSocial Networking

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The Evolution of Knowledge The Evolution of Knowledge


Network connectivity,

group collaboration & synergy


Individual behavior,

capturing & exchanging



Infrastructure for

acquiring, organizing,

sharing & reusing



ImplicationsType of






(Patti Anklam, 2007)

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Knowledge AttributesKnowledge Attributes

Knowledge is increasing; half-life is decreasing

Knowledge can be in many places at one time

Knowledge may be permanent or time sensitive

Knowledge is used without being consumed

Selling does not reduce supply nor ability to resell

Once disseminated, knowledge cannot be recalled

Thomas Stewart (1997)

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Explicit KnowledgeExplicit Knowledge

� Books, publications, reports

� Photos, diagrams, illustrations

� Computer code, decision-support systems

� Presentations, speeches, lectures

� Stories, lessons learned, recordings

� Laws, regulations, procedures, policies

� Embedded into products

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Tacit KnowledgeTacit Knowledge



Mental models




Corporate memory

The Thinker - Rodin

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Transferring KnowledgeTransferring Knowledge

Conversations, discussions, dialogue

Questions & answers

Knowledge extraction

Advice, briefings, recommendations

Mentoring, teaching, examples

Presentations, lectures, stories

Documents, books, manuals

Education, training, demonstration

Meetings, workshops, conferences

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Knowledge AssetsKnowledge Assets

Preserving Preserving


Knowledge Knowledge


Social NetworkingSocial Networking

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Knowledge Preservation Knowledge Preservation

Value ChainValue Chain

Capture MaintainOrganize RetrieveStore

accessinventory map capacity continuity

Custodian ManagerCodifier ProviderSpecialist

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Capturing Knowledge AssetsCapturing Knowledge Assets

•• ObjectivesObjectives

•• IdentificationIdentification

•• EvaluationEvaluation

•• DocumentDocument

•• CodifyCodify

•• Digitize Digitize

•• EnterEnter

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Briefing Note DatabaseBriefing Note Database

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Organizing KnowledgeOrganizing Knowledge


Cognitive approaches

Automated methods

Classification systems

Thesauri, taxonomies

Interdisciplinary issues

Linguistic issues

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Storing Knowledge AssetsStoring Knowledge Assets

•• Information technology infrastructureInformation technology infrastructure

•• Systems for archiving and managing knowledge Systems for archiving and managing knowledge

•• Interface for entry and administrationInterface for entry and administration

•• Data warehouse, distributed databasesData warehouse, distributed databases

•• Information repository, records managementInformation repository, records management

•• Knowledge repository, knowledge map Knowledge repository, knowledge map

•• Digital libraries, traditional librariesDigital libraries, traditional libraries

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Retrieving Knowledge AssetsRetrieving Knowledge Assets

Access to knowledge

Browser interface

Search engine

Extraction tools

Manipulation tools

Assembly tools

Retrieval system

Relativity - Escher

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Maintaining Knowledge AssetsMaintaining Knowledge Assets

•• Content integrity Content integrity

•• System and content security System and content security

•• Access to contentAccess to content

•• Service standardsService standards

•• Migrate technologyMigrate technology

•• Life cycle management Life cycle management

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Migrating Knowledge AssetsMigrating Knowledge Assets


Punch cardsPunch cards

Paper tapePaper tape

Magnetic tapeMagnetic tape

Computer disksComputer disks

Floppy disksFloppy disks

Tape cassettesTape cassettes



Gone With the Wind

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Knowledge assetsKnowledge assets

Preserving Preserving KnowledgeKnowledge

Knowledge Knowledge MarketsMarkets

Social NetworkingSocial Networking

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A Transactional A Transactional

Knowledge MarketKnowledge Market

Supply (Providers)

Demand (Users)

Providers and users connect through a virtual marketplace facilitated by knowledge brokers

Government On-Line; Global Disaster Information Network

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Knowledge Market: AttributesKnowledge Market: Attributes

Price – reciprocity, repute, altruism

Trust – visible, ubiquitous, top-down

Signals – position, education, reputation

Inefficiencies – incomplete information, asymmetry, localness

Pathologies – monopolies, artificial scarcity, trade barriers

Adapted from Davenport (1998)

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Knowledge BrokersKnowledge Brokers

Assist with search and retrieval

Assist in adapting knowledge to user needs

Maintain information repositories

Provide digital infrastructure for exchange

Manage the market infrastructure

Assist with knowledge dissemination

Increase awareness of knowledge availability

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Knowledge Sharing: MechanismsKnowledge Sharing: Mechanisms

Talking (real, virtual)

E-mail (individuals, list servers, distribution lists)

Chat rooms, forums, discussion groups

Communities of interest, social networks

Groupware (teams, working groups)

Symposia, conferences, workshops

Data, information, & knowledge repositories

Libraries (repositories, access, search, retrieval)

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CAB InternationalCAB International

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National Library of CanadaNational Library of Canada

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Canadian Forest ServiceCanadian Forest Service

Libraries Libraries -- MetaForeMetaFore

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A Digital LibraryA Digital Library

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Digital Libraries: CharacteristicsDigital Libraries: Characteristics

Documents are assembled on the fly

Large collection of digital objects

All types of digital material

Stored in electronic repositories

May be centralized or distributed

Accessible through national networks

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Protecting Common EProtecting Common E--DocumentsDocuments

Organizations (provider & user under one organizational mandate)

Providers (generally not aligned with common good, societal needs and long-term preservation)

Users (preservation tends to be user-centric)

Community archives (most complex)

� Purpose (historical, cultural, scholarly record)

� Legal protection (from liability from open access)

� Access rights & restrictions (sustainable business model)

(Donald Waters, 2007)

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Knowledge assetsKnowledge assets

Preserving Preserving KnowledgeKnowledge

Knowledge Knowledge MarketsMarkets

Social NetworkingSocial Networking

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Network GovernanceNetwork Governance

Charter Charter –– Members agree to participate in Members agree to participate in

achieving common objectives, within a achieving common objectives, within a

networknetwork structure, with participant records structure, with participant records

and accountability and common rights and and accountability and common rights and

responsibilities to property.responsibilities to property.

Nature:Nature: Flexible, dynamic, opportunistic, Flexible, dynamic, opportunistic,

synergistic, unpredictable. synergistic, unpredictable. (unstructured, (unstructured,

selfself--organized, maximizes reward)organized, maximizes reward)

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Network scaleNetwork scale

Group: Group: few participants; elicit knowledge; few participants; elicit knowledge;

unstructured; aggregating knowledge unstructured; aggregating knowledge

(knowledge services task group)(knowledge services task group)

Communities: Communities: many participants; share many participants; share

knowledge; selfknowledge; self--directed; common interest directed; common interest

(organizational IM community)(organizational IM community)

Networks: Networks: massive participants; peer massive participants; peer

production; emergent processes; common production; emergent processes; common

ownership ownership (Linux developers)(Linux developers)

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Network StructureNetwork Structure

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Network PrinciplesNetwork Principles

OpennessOpenness –– collaboration based on candor, collaboration based on candor,

transparency, freedom, flexibility, and transparency, freedom, flexibility, and


PeeringPeering –– horizontal voluntary meritocracy, horizontal voluntary meritocracy,

based on fun, altruism, or personal values.based on fun, altruism, or personal values.

SharingSharing –– increased value of common increased value of common

products benefits all participants.products benefits all participants.

Acting GloballyActing Globally –– value is created through value is created through

very large knowledge ecosystems.very large knowledge ecosystems.

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Network Network -- ExamplesExamples

BlogsBlogs –– Individuals can easily publish anything on Individuals can easily publish anything on the Web without specialized knowledge. the Web without specialized knowledge.

YouTubeYouTube –– enables easy publishing and viewing of enables easy publishing and viewing of video clips on the Web.video clips on the Web.

SlideShareSlideShare –– Enables easy publishing and sharing Enables easy publishing and sharing of PowerPoint presentations on the Web.of PowerPoint presentations on the Web.

InnocentiveInnocentive –– A global “A global “IdeagoraIdeagora” where those who ” where those who need solutions and those with solutions can meet.need solutions and those with solutions can meet.

WikisWikis –– Rapid collaborative development of Rapid collaborative development of products; anyone can revise anythingproducts; anyone can revise anything

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Network SuccessesNetwork Successes

WikipediaWikipedia ––2 Million English entries; 165 Languages; 2 Million English entries; 165 Languages;

10 times larger then Encyclopedia Britannica10 times larger then Encyclopedia Britannica

LinuxLinux –– openopen--source operating system developed by source operating system developed by

thousands of programmers around the worldthousands of programmers around the world

GoldCorpGoldCorp –– released geological data in an open released geological data in an open

contest to find gold; increased reserves by factor of 4.contest to find gold; increased reserves by factor of 4.

Procter & GambleProcter & Gamble –– uses network of 90,000 external uses network of 90,000 external

scientists to leverage internal research capacity.scientists to leverage internal research capacity.

LeggoLeggo –– uses imagination and creativity of worldwide uses imagination and creativity of worldwide

toy owners to create new products.toy owners to create new products.

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Natural Resources Canada Natural Resources Canada WikiWiki

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Capturing ValueCapturing Value

Bring it inside the organization

Stabilize it; make it work

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Knowledge As a CommonsKnowledge As a Commons

Prerequisites� Virtual (digitized, on an Internet server)

� Economic (no cost to user; who pays cost?)

� Legal (flexible copyright, license restrictions)

Primacy of authors� Facilitate (digitize, metadata, administration)

� Remove disincentives (prepublication, no reward)

� Create incentives (OA recognition, prestige)

Intellectual property� Constrictive (excludes imitation, restricts entry)

� Facilitating (protects disclosure, dissemination)

� Irrelevant (not air tight, grey areas)

(Hess and Ostrom, 2007)

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Knowledge Commons PrinciplesKnowledge Commons Principles

An open, collective, and selfAn open, collective, and self--governed knowledge governed knowledge

ecosystem is more sustainable than restricted ecosystem is more sustainable than restricted

knowledge held as a resource and property.knowledge held as a resource and property.

Imitation is important for transmitting social and cultural Imitation is important for transmitting social and cultural


Markets are important for organizing a knowledge Markets are important for organizing a knowledge

commons, but need to be well regulated to maintain commons, but need to be well regulated to maintain

open access.open access.

Open systems of recording and preserving knowledge Open systems of recording and preserving knowledge

are important to democratic societies. are important to democratic societies.

Hess and Ostrom (2007)

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A final thought…A final thought…

“The Internet allows users to become their

own librarians, able to research, study,

and investigate anything with nothing

more than a mouse and a keyboard.”

Francis Cairncross

The Death of Distance (1997)


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