08/18/22 1 The licence trap The need for common terms for scientific literature and databases Chris Rusbridge, University of Glasgow

The Licence Trap

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The need for common terms for licensing scientific literature and databases: presentation at IFLA 2002

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  • 1. The licence trap The need for common terms for scientific literature and databases Chris Rusbridge, University of Glasgow09/25/12 1
  • 2. Contents Nightmare paper Updating Licence issues Over-riding law? ePrints issues Service issues09/25/12 2
  • 3. Scenario (LIP-LINC, 1996) 20-40 years on? Major shift to electronic publishing Print journals decimated Scholarly self-publishing wide-spread Library is a teaching/learning resource Historians use paper for research09/25/12 3
  • 4. Information objects? Hyper-text consequences writing de-linearised information in chunks or gobbets electronic book not a self-contained package package boundaries un-clear09/25/12 4
  • 5. Copyright licences required for everything? variety of terms & conditions variety of pricing models impossibility of adherence: millions of objects, thousands of licences!09/25/12 5
  • 6. Preservation problems Legal Technical Organisational (who?) Financial How to get a continuous commitment measured in hundreds of years?09/25/12 6
  • 7. Updating the scenario Hypertext? Formal writing remains linear (mostly) 62 journals with embedded multimedia (McKiernan) Encyclopaedias non-linear but controlled Web resources limited hypertext but free Eg Perseus Citation linking growing Hypertext at the article level Still mostly within single resources DOI and OpenURL based Do hit barriers occasionally; mainly no citation link!09/25/12 7
  • 8. Updating the scenario 2 Licences not so varied Consortia impact Yale Liblicense site (http://www.library.yale.edu/~llicense/index.shtml) ICOLC (http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/) CHEST, NESLI, PA-JISC Model licence in UK (http://www.jisc.ac.uk/pub99/modellic.pdf) Industry consolidation Fewer agreement variations BUT many independent publishers Also many subtle differences09/25/12 8
  • 9. Updating the scenario 3 Digital preservation Remote access model So who preserves? Legal deposit of non-print? Or specific preservation agreements needed Preserving meaning09/25/12 9
  • 10. How big is the problem? University of Glasgow 4500 e-journals from >1300 publishers (only 30 publishers supply > 10 journals, and around 1000 supply only 1 journal) 350 datasets 150 e-books(?) Hundreds of licence agreements, mostly on paper09/25/12 10
  • 11. Licence issues 1 Authorised users Staff? Employees Visiting Honorary Students? All? Restricted faculty? Restricted location? Part time? Work placements? Continuing education?09/25/12 11
  • 12. Licence issues 2 Walk-ins None? Occasional Registered? All? All, but require ATHENS authentication? (Not available except for staff & students!)09/25/12 12
  • 13. Licence issues 3 Locations? Library? All or part of (one or more) campuses? Residence? Workplace? Anywhere in the UK? Anywhere in the world?09/25/12 13
  • 14. Licence issues 4 Special conditions (probably many more) Ordnance survey complex conditions A major publisher! Permission needed for local storage of any part of article Except as above [photocopies, ToCs, lists of articles], no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a computer system or transmitted by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission09/25/12 of the publisher 14
  • 15. Over-riding laws? Eg new Export Control Act Controls on the transfer of technology by intangible means Related to weapons of mass destruction and delivery systems Academic freedom clause09/25/12 15
  • 16. Technical issues 1 Technical implementation Lowest common set; often prohibit walk-in access even where allowed Semantic web and web services?09/25/12 16
  • 17. Technical issues 2 Digital rights management systems Seem more concerned with tracking ownership and splitting payments (eg OASIS http://www.oasis- open.org/committees/xacml/, indecs http://www.indecs.org/) Would need to track user types; interact with authentication & authorisation systems (eg FDRM http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july02/martin/07ma rtin.html) Would need to express licence terms (eg XrML2 http://www.xrml.org/) Copyright expiry & other fair use1709/25/12 issues
  • 18. ePrints Subversive proposal Author self-archiving Copyright issues Between author and publisher, not reader or library and publisher Pre-prints Prior publication? Post-prints Need rights to mount09/25/12 18
  • 19. Summary Licences becoming more uniform Technical implementation makes more uniform still Rich technical environments some way off We are not getting what we pay for!09/25/12 19