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The minimalist guide to backing up your word press blog

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The Minimalist Guide To Backing Up Your Word Press Blog

Adedoyin Paul

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For a lot of people backing something up is a tedious job, even if it only involves clicking one

button. But I guess you have to remember to log into your site, backup the entire site and

download the file so really how often do you need to be backing up your site?

The easy answer to that is that you should be backing up your site as often as you update it.

How often do you update it? That is how often you should backup.


Why Should You Back Up Your Wordpress Blog?

There are many reasons to back up your WordPress blog and make sure you always have a copy

of it in case something goes wrong. Your database might crash, you might accidentally delete

some of your posts or files, and you might even need to roll back to an earlier version of your

WordPress blog.

It's a simple fact that computers fail all the time. A hard drive might crash out and many people

don't realize that your website is simply sitting on a computer somewhere that has all the same

problems as your computer. That computer might blue screen, it might not turn on one day,the

hard drive might stop.

But either way something might go wrong and databases crash all the time. If the database

crashes it might lose the entire thing. It might lose your several last year's worth of WordPress

posts, comments, users; everything might be gone in a single second.

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But if you've backed up your WordPress site you can restore it later on and get access to it any

time you want. Even if everything goes wrong, set it up again exactly the way it was. And even

ignoring database crashes you might accidentally delete something. I know I do that all the


You might delete the wrong comment, the wrong blog post and even empty the trash and

never have a way to get that back. I know that sometimes even my webhost is fixing a database

issue and they will delete something without me having to do anything.

So even if you think you're perfect and you never make a mistake you might delete something

and it's better safe than sorry. It's worth taking those few seconds to backup your WordPress

blog so that you can get it back whenever you need to.

Speaking of getting stuff back whenever you need to, would you write a 50 page term paper in

Microsoft Word and never save it along the way? Of course not. You might type one page and

save it, another page and save it.

Why not treat your WordPress blog like a Word document? Which means you might set up the

WordPress theme, now you want to take a backup right at that point. Then add in some extra

posts, take a backup right there.

Every week take a backup so if you ever need to get back to an earlier part, maybe you made

one change to your theme and you liked it, but then changed a graphic and you didn't like it.

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You want to get back to that earlier change that you backed up your site at every point along

the way, you can get back anything you ever need.

That's why you should backup your WordPress blog, in case your database crashes, you

accidentally delete some stuff, you need to go back to an earlier version. Either way you should

backup your WordPress blog right away, right now.

So you ask…

What Does Cloning A Wordpress Blog Mean?

You know that you can back up your WordPress blog... either just for safekeeping or to restore

it in case something "bad" happens to it... But did you know you can also CLONE that

WordPress backup, very easily, using the Backup Creator plugin? Let me explain...

Let's say you setup a WordPress blog of your own... you find the perfect theme for it, setup a

membership site, configure all the content, levels, buttons, drip delivery, comments, all that

stuff...And then you decide you want to setup a 2nd membership site for yourself.

Do you really want to repeat that entire process (that might have taken you weeks) on a brand

new site? Of course not... It's way easier to "copy" that exact blog somewhere else -- even onto

a completely different website, domain name, web host -- and go from there.

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That's what makes Backup Creator so cool, and so easy. Using this plugin you can "back up" one

of your blogs, then "restore" it somewhere else and you now have an exact copy, clone,

whatever you want to call it, of that original site. Almost NO other backup solution does this...

but Backup Creator does.

Here are 2 methods by which you can clone your wordpress blog

1. How To Back Up Your Wordpress Blog – Using A Plug In

Many people who have been blogging for more than a few weeks have their own way of setting

up their WordPress blog. They have themes or the designs they like better than others. They

like certain colors schemes.

They like to go in and they like to make the permalinks or the structure or their pages or the

navigation a certain way. They like to put certain things on the widget sidebar and so on.

The steps are, first of all, set it up the way you want, use a backup plugin to generate a backup

file and restore that backup file somewhere new. It is in fact that simple.

The first thing you should do is either install a new fresh WordPress in your control panel

Fantastico or use a WordPress blog you already have setup. It doesn't matter if you already

have post, content, if it's made in a certain way, just back it up as is because it's way easier in

the future to restore it somewhere else and delete that content that is already there.

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Therefore, you set it exactly the way you want it as far as the themes, the settings, the plugins,

the content, all that. Even if aren't concerned about the content yet, that's fine. We will deal

with that later. Setup your site exactly the way you want and use a backup plugin to back it up.

You should already be using a backup plugin but in case you aren't, that's fine. Go get one and

back up your site.

What a backup is, is a dump of your entire WordPress database which means your settings,

your customizations, your content and all your files and it will wrap it all into one giant zip file

that you can download to your computer and put somewhere else, put on a new website.

Backing up means that it will create basically a zip file for you, you'll save it to your hard drive

and put it somewhere else. Different backup plugins work in different ways but the best ones

you setup a new blank, empty WordPress blog on your own.

This way, you can in a few clicks setup WordPress. You don't have to worry about making a

new database, setting up files and folders. Go into you cPanel which means go to your website,

www.example.com/cpanel, click on the link for Fantastico and click on the link for WordPress

and you can setup a brand new blank, empty WordPress blog right there on your new site.

Go to that new site and install WordPress and install your backup plugin. With your backup

plugin, you'll be able to put your restore file, put your backup file right in there. There's your

backup plugin and your backup file. Put the backup file which contains the original WordPress

site and when you restore it, it will duplicate everything that was on the old site including all

the content, the members, the plugins, all that stuff.

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If you don't want to keep the content, that's fine. Just use a plugin called Bulk Delete and it will

delete all the content in your site, so you can start with an exact fresh copy of your original site

minus all the content.

Now that you've restored the backup plugin where you want, now you have a completely

cloned WordPress blog. If someone is paying you a certain amount of money to setup a

membership site, take your membership site, copy it and now they have a fully functioning

membership site as well.

If someone's paying you to setup a blog with all of the social media, all the security, all the

tweaks and settings, just clone your blog and now you've been paid the same amount of money

but you didn't have to repeat all the same steps you had to go through originally.

2. How To Back Up Your Wordpress Blog – WITHOUT Using A Plug In

Let's say you're moving web host or you are setting up an exact copy of your WordPress blog

for someone else and you want to clone or copy your WordPress blog to a new location. How

do you do it if you don't have a plugin?

The answer is use phpMyAdmin to dump your database, download all the files, upload them

back to the new site, setup WordPress, setup a database, import the database, and adjust your

configuration file.

Here's what you want to do when you're cloning or copying a WordPress blog. Manually back it

up and manually restore it.

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What does a WordPress blog actually consist of? It consists of files and a database. What you do

is go into your cPanel's phpMyAdmin area. If you go into your site.com/cpanel, you will be able

to find a link to phpMyAdmin.

Once you're there, find the database where WordPress is stored and there should be a tab that

says “Export.” What you can do is click on “Export” and then this will save a .sql file containing

your site's database.

An easy way to even get to phpMyAdmin is to install a plugin in WordPress called phpMyAdmin.

It can run as plugin and you can still get to that entire database just in case your webhost does

not have a cPanel area.

You download that .sql file but that contains just the database and that's it. You need the files

as well, so connect to your site using FTPand download all the files in that blogs folder. Yes, the

config file, the WP-content folder, WP-includes - all those files and folders, you should

download them right now using FTP. It might take a while but wait for it all to finish.

Now you have manually backed up your WordPress blog and it's time to go somewhere new

and restore it. FTP up to your new site and what you should do first is setup a new WordPress

installation here. What we have to do is go into the cPanel of your new web host, setup a

WordPress database user, and grant that user permissions to that database.

In cPanel, there is a link for a mySQL setup wizard that will guide you through this process. It

will ask, “What's the new database name?” Just call it blog. “What's the new username?” Call it

blog. “What's the new password?” Make a password and write it down. Now you have a new

WordPress database that will store your files.

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What you want to do with then is then go back to phpMyAdmin in you cPanel and upload this

.sql file. This will restore just the database but not the files yet. What you will then want to do is

FTP up those files that you had downloaded. Now you are setting up your files as wellas your


The final step is to edit what's called the WP-config.php file. What you'll notice is that in that

file, it is pointing to the old WordPress username, password, and database and you will have to

edit this to point to the new WordPress, the new blog database you setup with the blog user

and the password you wrote down.

Finally, you will have to make one single setting in your WordPress config file and add the

following line of code: define('RELOCATE', true);

Adding that one single line of code to your WP config file will tell WordPress that we're moving

it to a new location.

Now all you have to do is log into your WordPress site using the same username and password

that you originally had in your old site. If all went well you have successfully cloned your

WordPress site without using any plugins.

You use phpMyAdmin to dump the database, you downloaded all the files, you setup a new

database, imported the SQL file, uploaded all the files and made the one change to the config

file to point to the new database and also to relocate to a new location.

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What if you want to backup and clone and restore your sites the easy way in a few clicks in a

just a few seconds instead of the tough way? Use back up creator right now to do that. >> Get

Yours Here!


Do You Need To Back Up Your Blog Often?

If you update daily, backup daily. If you update monthly, backup monthly. If you're not sure, if

it's somewhere in the middle then decide if you're going to backup either weekly or monthly

and make sure that you always backup before and after an upgrade to your WordPress

software or before making a major change to your website.

Go back and look at your blog posts and find out how often you update your site. I know a

common thing that happens is that people will start updating their WordPress blog on a daily,

or even more frequently than daily, basis at first.

Then they'll run out of ideas or they'll run out of content and then die down to perhaps once

per month of updating.

I know that's what my blog is, with my blog I update about once per month. Just make it part of

your routine and maybe even after making any posts, click the button and backup your blog.

That way, if the worst happens you at least have everything up until you're more recent blog


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Some of you might have a multi author site or might update on an irregular basis and if that is

your situation I would highly recommend that you add a recurring reminder to your calendar.

Either on every Monday morning or the first of every month put an exact time where you're

supposed to log into your blog, click the backup and save it somewhere safe. Trust me, you'll

thank me if anything goes wrong with your WordPress blog at some point.

In addition to these weekly or monthly backups you're making to your blog, be sure to back up

your site both before and after an upgrade to WordPress itself. It doesn't happen often but

every now and then, when you upgrade your WordPress software a few little things go wrong

and if your blog is completely trashed at least you have that backup even if you're not updating.

If you're about to make a major change to your blog, for example changing the theme, changing

the navigation, changing the content around, it can't hurt to make one simple backup before

anything is touched.

Before and after you upgrade and when you make a major change you backup that site. In

addition make it part of your weekly or monthly routine and back up your blog more frequently

if you update your blog more frequently.

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Further Reading:

Check out and kindly share my other posts here;

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Recommended Resources:

Wouldn't You Rather Want To Spend 2 Seconds To Click A Button and Create A

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~Paul Adedoyin, Skype: paul8966