The Stages of Labor

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Page 1: The Stages of Labor
Page 2: The Stages of Labor

Some women are in labor

for many hours, even up to

a full day or more, while

others deliver within a

matter of two or three


A woman’s first baby

typically takes longer to

deliver than subsequent


Knowing what to expect

during labor will help you

prepare for childbirth. Let’s

take a look at the stages

and phases of labor.

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The first stage of childbirth is labor,

which is further broken down into

three distinct phases that include:

• Phase 1: Early labor

• Phase 2: Active labor

• Phase 3: Transitional labor

Let’s explore each phase of labor

and what to expect.

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What happens: Dilation and effacement (dilation) of the

cervix happens gradually

(anywhere from several hours

to several weeks), a process

that allows the baby to move into the birth canal.

How long it lasts: Early labor

often lasts 6 to 12 hours. It is

generally the least painful but

longest lasting phase. Expect mild to moderate, regular

contractions that last 30 to 45

seconds and are spaced 5 to

20 minutes apart.

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What happens: You may feel your water break, if

it hasn’t already.

During active labor your cervix will dilate to 7

centimeters, and your contractions will come 3

to 4 minutes apart and last for 40 to 60 seconds.

This is the time to ask for an epidural, if you’re

going to have one.

How long it lasts: Active labor can last 2 to 3 ½

hours—less for some women and more for others.

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What happens: Expect strong contractions during transitional labor,

the phase that occurs before delivery. Contractions can be especially painful during this phase, lasting 60 to 90 seconds and

spaced 2 to 3 minutes apart. You may feel the urge to push, but

your healthcare practitioner may ask you to resist until you’re fully

dilated to 10 centimeters.

How long it lasts: The shortest of the three phases, transitional labor typically lasts from 15 minutes to an hour.

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What happens: Now the

real work begins. At this

stage you should be fully

dilated, and it’s time to

help your baby into the

world by pushing. You’ll

move into a

comfortable position

and focus on pushing

with your lower body.

Your hard work will soon

pay off when your baby

emerges into the world!

How long it lasts: Pushing

the baby out generally

takes 30 minutes to an

hour. Contractions will

be spaced at 2 to 5

minutes apart and will

last for 60 to 90 seconds.

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What happens: The third and final stage of

labor is delivering the placenta (afterbirth)

that provided room and board for your baby

all those months.

You may feel mild contractions that help

separate the placenta from the uterine wall.

How long it lasts: Expect the delivery of the

placenta to last anywhere from 5 to 20


Immediately following the birth of your baby, the physician or midwife will perform cord

blood, cord tissue, or placenta tissue

collection, if you’ve decided to save this

potentially lifesaving material.

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Cord blood is a rich source of stem

cells that is easily accessible and only available when your baby is

born. These stem cells are

genetically unique to your baby and

your family, and can be used to

treat your baby, the baby’s siblings, and other family members for various

diseases and illnesses.

Cord tissue and placenta tissue both

contain special multipotent stem

cells, which can differentiate into many different types of cells and

can be used to treat a wider range

of diseases than cord blood alone.

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Americord is a leader in the advancement of umbilical cord blood, cord

tissue, and placenta tissue banking. As a private bank, Americord collects,

processes, and stores newborn stem cells exclusively for each family to use in

future medical or therapeutic treatments. Based in New York, Americord is

registered with the FDA and operates in all 50 states. Learn more about cord

blood, cord tissues, and placental tissue banking at americordblood.com.

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• http://www.babycenter.com/stages-of-labor

• http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/labor-and-


• http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/labor-and-
