TOEIC Preparation Part 1b: Listening Comprehension

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TOEIC PreparationPart 1b: Listening Comprehension

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Introductory Questions1. If the first part of the listening section of the TOEIC is photographs and question-response, then what is the second part of the listening section? 2. How is each section scored? 3. What is the difference between the conversation and the talks section?

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Introductory Questions (continued)1. The second (final) part of the listening section consists of a short conversations and a short talks section. Each part has 30 questions.

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Introduction Questions (continued)2. Each section (listening comprehension and reading) is scored from 5-495 points, giving a total of 10-990 points.

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Introduction Questions (continued)3. The difference between the final section of the listening comprehension is that, in the short conversations section, you will hear a dialogue or a group of people speaking with each other while in the short talks section, you will only hear one person speaking about or giving important information.

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Video and Questions:Short Conversations

The following video is a simulation of what might be on a TOEIC exam. Listen carefully to the questions and TYPE the answers in the Schooly box below:


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Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions.

Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

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What is the purpose of this advertisement? • To announce a change in business hours

• To advertise a business for sale

• To encourage diners to eat early

• (D) To attract more customers

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What will customers receive if they spend more than $10? • A $2 discount on their bill • 50% off their next purchase • A liter of soda • Free delivery service

What will happen on June 16? (A) A new owner will take over the business. (B) The coupons will expire. (C) Prices will be further reduced. (D) The business will close.

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The new economy has created great business opportunities as well as great turmoil. Not since the Industrial Revolution have the stakes of dealing with change been so high. Most traditional organizations have accepted, in theory at least, that they must make major changes. Even large new companies recognize that they need to manage the changes associated with rapid entrepreneurial growth. Despite some individual successes, however, this remains difficult, and few companies manage the process as well as they would like. Most companies have begun by installing new technology, downsizing, restructuring, or trying to change corporate culture, and most have had low success rates. About 70 percent of all change initiatives fail.

The reason for most of these failures is that in their rush to change their organizations, managers become mesmerized by all the different, and sometimes conflicting, advice they receive about why companies should change, what they should try to accomplish, and how they should do it. The result is that they lose focus and fail to consider what would work best for their own company. To improve the odds of success, it is imperative that executives understand the nature and process of corporate change much better.

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Most companies use a mix of both hard and soft change strategies. Hard change results in drastic layoffs, downsizing, and restructuring. Soft change is based on internal organizational changes and the gradual development of a new corporate culture through individual and organization learning. Both strategies may be successful, but it is difficult to combine them effectively. Companies that are able to do this can reap significant payoffs in productivity and profitability.

What is the article mainly about? • Corporate marketing plans • New developments in technology • Ways for companies to increase profits • How companies try to adapt to new conditions

The word “manage” in paragraph 1, line 6, is closest in meaning to

(A) correct (B) attract (C) handle (D) regulate

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According to the article, why do so many attempts to change fail?

• (A) Soft change and hard change are different.

• (B) Executives are interested only in profits.

• (C) The best methods are often not clear.

• (D) Employees usually resist change.

What is soft change based on?

• Changes in the corporate culture

• Reductions in company size

• Relocating businesses

• Financial markets

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Video and Questions:Short Talks

The following video is a simulation of what might be on a TOEIC exam. Listen carefully to the questions and TYPE the answers in the Schooly box below:


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Video and Questions (continued)

Answers to short Conversations section:16. d17. c18. d19. d20. c21. b22. a23. d24 b25. c26. b27. b28. d

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Video and Questions (continued)

Answers to short Talks section:29. d 30. a31. d32. a33. c34. c35. b36. a37. d38. d39. d40. b41. c

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Why was the meeting held? • (A) To talk about hiring costs • (B) To train software users • (C) To discuss work on a project • (D) To review a contract

Who would probably be the best person at Optimum to answer technology questions?

(A) Ujjwal Ahmed (B) Chom Tai (C) Yusra Singh (D) Katharine Morandi

What is the main purpose of Mr. Ahmed’s e-mail to Ms. Morandi? • (A) To request a meeting with the engineering department • (B) To introduce Peter Bodell • (C) To follow up on a meeting with Advantage • (D) To explain how Optimum has adapted its software

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What service will Peter Bodell’s department provide? • (A) Training and consulting • (B) Legal advice (C) Publicity (D) Changes to the


What will happen in the week of November 26? • (A) Peter Bodell will make a presentation. • (B) Optimum and Advantage will meet again. • (C) A contract will be signed. • (D) Training in the new software will occur.

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Test Tips:Short Conversation

Here are a few guidelines in order not to fall into the "test-traps."Be aware of the following: • similar-sounding words • inaccurate words • confused word order • words that change the meaning • negative words (hardly, not, etc.)

• words associated with time (always, never, etc.)

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Test Tips:Short Talk

Here are a few guidelines in order not to fall into the "test-traps."Be aware of the following: * try to read the questions beforehand if you have time* listen to the entire talk before choosing an answer * use your time wisely or else guess at an answer * don't get left behind or lose important information related to the next question

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Can you think of any specific test-traps for the short conversations section of the TOEIC? Can you think of any test-traps regarding the short talk section of the TOEIC? What are some ways to avoid these traps?