Torrence Boone: Using Remarketing to Keep Customers Interested, Compel Purchases

Torrence boone: using remarketing to keep customers interested, compel purchases

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Torrence Boone: Using Remarketing to Keep Customers

Interested, Compel Purchases

About the AuthorA graduate of Harvard Business School, where he earned a Master of Business Administration, Torrence Boone provides his company and its clients with focused, relevant insight into reaching customers and enhancing sales. As the Managing Director of Agency Development for Google, Torrence Boone facilitates breakthrough digital marketing and advertising outcomes for agencies throughout the Americas.

Advertising through GoogleGoogle offers advertisers the opportunity to remarket their products and services to people who have looked at their websites but not made a purchase. Remarketing offers these potential customers reminders about their initial interest in a company via strategic, recurring advertisements that appear on other sites. These well-placed but unobtrusive advertisements keep the potential consumer informed about specials, new products, and other elements that could drive sales.

Benefits of RemarketingMany potential customers research products via the Internet before they are ready to make a purchase. The remarketing solution serves a simple, effective mechanism to keep a company’s name and products in front of these customers. In addition, the tool allows businesses to adjust messages and keywords to enhance outreach, target certain types of consumers, and reinforce brand identification across the board. For many companies, remarketing increases returns on their initial advertising investments.