1 Critical Thinking Stacey Troup Critical Thinking & Decision Making/PHL-320 June 13, 2016 Todd Goodling

Week 1 Paper - PHL/320

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Critical Thinking

Stacey Troup

Critical Thinking & Decision Making/PHL-320

June 13, 2016

Todd Goodling

Page 2: Week 1 Paper - PHL/320


Critical Thinking

This Week One paper will discuss critical thinking as well as its practical definition. In

addition to defining critical thinking, examples will be given from personal experience where

critical thinking played a part as well as why critical thinking is of great importance and the

benefits of using it in a real scenario. I will relate the importance and benefits to my example

provided and finally, discuss ways critical thinking may be used in a job scenario.

Critical Thinking Defined

Critical thinking is a process to reach a decision which is based on an intellectual

discipline. The basis of critical thinking includes conceptualization, analyzation, evaluation and

application of information gathered from personal experience, observation or basic reasoning

(Glaser, 1941).

Critical Thinking in the Real World

In 1999, after being replaced in a position by a personal staff member from a job I loved,

I was faced with the most critical decision of my life. Make a change or accept mediocrity.

There I was, 26 years old with no future in site. I began searching for a career that would make

me happy and decided to expand my search to other states with a more active business

community. After 3 weeks of searching (and with the help of a former boss), I had 3 different

job offers in 3 different states.

I was faced with a huge decision as well as huge risk. Each required me to leave behind

my relationship and family and move to a new place. I calculated, through critical thinking, my

options and happiness factors and arrived at a decision.

Within my decisions I had to consider various factors including job security, job

happiness, cost of living and ease of relocation. Looking at the three options (Houston, Atlanta

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and New York) I arrived at the decision that more corporate offices were in NYC which

provided more opportunities for me to find my place in the world. Thanks to relocation and a

smooth but quick move, I found myself in NYC 4 days from offer acceptance.

I found myself at a small hedge fund that was short lived and gave my notice six months

into my time there. However, when that door closed another opened. I found myself at a

streaming media company until their ultimate demise following 9/11.

Looking back at my decisions, critical thinking played a key part in every aspect of my

decision making process. Weighing the pros and cons based on not only personal research but

talking to friends who lived in those areas ultimately helped me reach my decision.

It wasn’t until that company went bankrupt for the 2nd time that I found my true calling

as far as industry. I answered a small, obscure ad on Craigslist.com for a Group Assistant and

found myself in the throes of the most profitable group at the Royal Bank of Canada. This was

my first foray into the world of active trading, a busy trading floor and big money rewards.

It was because of my decision to take the RBC position that I decided to obtain my

degree in Business Administration with a Financial Planning Certification. Until that day I was

unsure what industry I wanted to work in but having found my happiness in that position, I know

I will never find that same happiness elsewhere.


Critical thinking played a major part in my life throughout my many moves and various

positions. It was because of one particular decision I made that formed the remainder of my

career path. The decision to enter the world of high finance also formed the decision to obtain

my degree in the same area so that I could be a more educated assistant for a large investment

bank or hedge fund in the future. Had critical thinking not played a part in my decision making,

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I would have been stuck making less than 40k per year and living in Michigan like the rest of my

friends who never took the risk. Calculated risk along with critical thinking ensures success.

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Glaser, E. M. (1941). Define Critical Thinking. (U. Columbia, Ed.) An Experiment in the Development of Critical Thinking. Retrieved from The Critical Thinking Community: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/defining-critical-thinking/766