WORLD PAPER FREE DAY October 24, 2013

World Paper Free Day

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World Paper Free Day 2013. On October 24th, 2013 celebrate worker productivity, cost savings, customer service and engagement, and risk reduction through the adoption of a paperless workplace.

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October 24, 2013

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The Less Paper Journey

Based on a publication by AIIM.org that, “offers tips, facts and figures to help you remove the paper logjam from your business process.”

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A recent Symantec Whitepaper, State of Information: Global Results, reveals that 49% of

respondents think that information is 49% of their

organization’s value.

Don’t you want that information easy to locate and share?


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Paper is a Space HogFiling cabinets take

up space and restrict delivering the right information to the right people at the right time.

7.5% of all documents are lost and 3.5% of the

remaining documents will be misfiled.*

In short, 11% of your paper-based information will go


*As indicated in studies by PricewaterhouseCoopers

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The Lifeblood of Your Company

Paper based content clogs up processes – masking workflows, adding physical delays and limiting flexibility of where and how the process takes place.

The traditional benefits of capture are; seriously faster access to your content, space savings, broad access to all information, etc. But today, that’s just baseline productivity.

74% of respondents

have business improvement

campaigns that would

benefit from paper-free initiatives

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An ROI StoryA favorite AIIM digitize paper story

came from speaking to a state agency.

They were on the verge of building a new storage space for paper records and files. Not only did scanning eliminate their need for that building, but it helped clear filing cabinets from their existing office building. They no longer had to walk single file down hallways.

An entire building,

just for paper.

If that’s not ROI, I don’t know what

is.6 www.doclanding.com

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Patience is a Virtue?You want to get the right

information to the right place (person and device) at the right time to effect a desired action (a purchase, a decision, sharing knowledge, collaboration, etc.).

Paper shouldn’t be your delivery method of choice.

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It’s Simple, Really:Remove Paper, Increase Effectiveness.

Two-thirds of those adopting paper-free processes report a payback within 18 months, 50% see payback in a single 12-month budgeting period.

On average, driving paper out of the process improves speed of response to customers, citizens or staff by a factor of 4.0x. Those with more experience in paper-free processes report an even greater speed – up to 4.6x.

On average, driving paper out of the process improves the productivity of process staff by 29.7%, rising to 35.4% for those with more experience.

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4 Elements of your Capture Strategy





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Capture Strategy: PeopleAssess organizational readiness:

Is the user community ready for change as capture impacts process?

Does the user community understand the change related to capture and the reason behind it?

What type of training will be required?

How will the user community be impacted by these changes both professionally and personally?

What resistance is expected and how will you address it?

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Capture Strategy: InformationIdentify information types:

What type of information do you have? (Digitally born, paper or other physical)

What is the information? Correspondence? Contracts? Intellectual Property?

Is there a need for this information to be physical? If so, what are the reasons?

What is the source of the information?

What is the business value of the information?

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Capture Strategy: TechnologyTechnology is a tool, not the complete solution. Assess

your needs and requirements before making a technology decision.

Questions you want to ask as part of your assessment include:

Will you capture digitally born information directly? (Word, spreadsheets, presentations, email and social media)

What devices will be required for physical information? (Scanners, digital copiers and mobile devices)

Who will perform the capture function?

Where will capture occur? (Local, remote, centralized or decentralized)

Will automation be used? (Recognition, workflow and/or systems integration)

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Capture Strategy: ProcessKnow the flow:

What processes are associated with this information and are they mapped accurately?

How does information enter and exit the process?

At what point in the process should/could this information be captured and by whom?

Is there an opportunity to move the capture of information upstream in the process?

What impact will a change in this process have on adjacent processes?

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Capture Strategy: ProcessMap and validate current processes, improve

process and then automate where possible.

Changes in capture will impact process and how employees and customers interact with your information.

By understanding how information interrelates with process you can design your processes to be more streamlined for maximum results.

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Don’t Automate a Bad ProcessBefore attempting to

automate your process you should look for ways to improve it.

Technology for the sake of technology does not work and automating an inherently bad process will not improve it – in fact it may enhance the problem.

This is where you want to look for bottlenecks and redundant steps.

Assess if the steps are needed and the sequence required. Can you break these into parallel activities that then reconnect and continue on to the next phase of your process?

Breaking serial process into parallel steps significantly streamlines the process and decreases the overall time it takes to complete.

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Signature Interruptus42% of processes

are interrupted by the need to collect a physical signature.

On average, this adds 3.1 days to most processes.

Don’t assume your external auditors and lawyers distrust digital/electronic signatures – ask them.

For processes that require a signature, check regulatory and legal requirements on the validity of different signing options. Focus on authenticity, enforceability and non-refundability.

If you require a “wet” signature just because you always have, make sure it’s still necessary (it probably isn’t).16 www.doclanding.com

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Signature InterruptusPhysical signatures

and legal admissibility are given as the biggest paper-free concerns amongst staff, with Legal Council and – to an extent – Finance being most resistant

Overall, evenLegal Council are

37% pro and26% against, with

most line-of-businessand C-levels broadly

in favor.

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Is That a Scanner in Your Pocket…?

67% consider mobile technology to be important or extremely important to improving their business processes.

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Scanners EverywhereTablets and smartphones can change everything –

you can really enable processes to be completed when people aren’t at their desk.

This isn’t working at night, but working when you are at an off-site conference or your bus is stuck in traffic.

The proliferation of cameras on all these mobile devices offers us an ability to change the scanning paradigm.

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Scanners EverywhereIf everyone has a smartphone, why do we need

multiple scanners? Yes, quality and OCR technologies are better integrated, but you don’t need either for receipts. Sometimes the image serves as the required evidence.

Mobile capture keeps processes moving. It’s also practical since it enables periodic process participants to capture documents without having to provide them equipment.

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Why Mobile? The Big Payback

51% of users of mobile capture report a payback period of 18 months or less, with 71% seeing a return within 2 years.

The ability of employees to locally capture and interact with back-office processes would improve response to customers by a factor of three, according to 45% of respondents

45% consider that if traveling and remote staff could input directly to back-office processes, productivity would improve by a third.

14% consider mobile capture to be a “game changer.” Overall, 32% would find it very valuable.

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We Need a Hero!You need a champion in the executive

leadership team. Lack of management initiatives or mandates is the most likely reason for the prevalence of paper in so many business processes.

Staff are also to blame, preferring to handle and file paper – feeling it’s more reliable – and also driven by the perceived need to physically sign signatures.

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Put Electronic Content, Not Paper, in Your ProcessesFind a relatively risk-free internal process and

go digital from start to finish. Aside from the costs of paper, toner and other elements, the process and cost of moving it through an organization can be considerable, not to mention the amount of time wasted for action to be taken.

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Electronic Content ProcessesThink about a review process where a single copy

moves in serial fashion through the process from person to person, or produce multiple copies for a parallel review followed by a compilation of edits and another review cycle that follows.

Using a collaborative workspace allows reviewers to access the document 24/7 from anywhere in the world incorporating comments and revisions that are recorded as updated versions – with the result being a finished product. All without paper.

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Thank you, and have a productive Paper Free Day

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