Ant Man Script Written by: Denis Lanor 0 0

Ant man 30 second formated script

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Ant Man Script

Written by: Denis Lanor



Page 2: Ant man 30 second formated script

Heath Park Media ProductionsSeptember 2016

Scene One: INT.SCOTT’S HOME, DAY 1 4PMTiming: 0.00

1.Sound : Theme song

2. DR PYM I need someone to be able a superhero and I think that you are the right choice for the suit.

3. Sound: phone call

4. SCOTT LANG No, I ain’t no superhero

5. IRON MAN We need you

6. SCOTT LANG You want me?

7. Iron MAN Yes we could do with a new member in the Avengers

8. SCOTT LANG But I haven’t got any skills required to defend myself.Timing: 0.20

9. IRON MAN DR Pym can sort you out with that.

10. DR PYM Are you ready to become a superhero?

11. SCOTT LANG I guess so.

12. IRON MAN I’m glad you are taking this opportunity; it is very rare that someone can become a superhero.Timing: 0.50

13. DR PYM To let you know it will take a bit of time to get used to’’

14. Sound effect: door slamming as Pym leaves the room

15.SCOTT LANG This better be worth it



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16. IRON MAN It will be

Scene Two: INT. PYM TECHNOLOGIES building

17. Sound effects: traffic in the city as people are going about their daily business.

18. Iron Man There is this guy, yellow jacket you have to defeat him, the suit will allow you to this.

Timing: 2.00

19. Scott Lang And what if I don’t defeat him?

20. Iron Man I know you can, I believe in you

21.Scott Lang The reason I’m going to do this is for my Son Jason, because I want her to know that her dad is a hero.

Scene 3- Stark Industries 10pm

Timing: 2:30

22.Ant Man Whoa, Whoa, this is stark industries?

23. Tony Stark Yes, indeed Scott Lang and you can work for me.

24. Ant Man So you think I’m perfect for this, being the head of security solution?

25. Tony Stark To be honest Scott I like you and I always have. I need someone I can depend on and I believe I can trust you.



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26. Ant Man You can rely me on Tony, but I don’t feel like I should be doing this, I mean I’m not even experienced as well into fighting.

27. Tony Stark Trust me, you do not have to worry about that, I will hire a top class professional to train you in a short of amount time.

28. Scott Lang No sorry I can’t do this.