Following Leads Effectively Is Bound To Make An Impact On Your Business

Following Leads Effectively Is Bound To Make An Impact On Your Business

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Page 1: Following Leads Effectively Is Bound To Make An Impact On Your Business

Following Leads Effectively Is

Bound To Make An Impact On

Your Business

Page 2: Following Leads Effectively Is Bound To Make An Impact On Your Business


•Follow-Up can be defined as “Monitoring a job, enquiry, sale, etc., to get feedback on the schedule, requirements, effectiveness, or other such factors.” It can also be said that it is a part of following through the customers/clients.•Communicating with the client after the initial contact or after placing order helps to build trust among the customers. •It is important that the customers should pay attention to the follow-up as it is considered to be an important method of communication. •There are 3 types of follow-up:•Pre-Sales•Friendly•Post-Sales

Page 3: Following Leads Effectively Is Bound To Make An Impact On Your Business

Ways To Follow-Up Leads Effectively

Presentation Agenda:

Be Prompt

Have a Plan

Get Exact Commitment

Channel Diversity

Timing Makes the Difference

Content is King

Act Polite

Don’t Act Desperate

Ask and then Act

Personalize the Interaction

Page 4: Following Leads Effectively Is Bound To Make An Impact On Your Business

Be Prompt

•In the case of pre-sales follow-up, it is vital that you send them the message as soon as you can because lack of communication can make client feel that you are not interested.•In the case of post-sales, timely follow-up shows that you care about the customer and his experience.•It adds to your positive brand value. This also gives you a chance to learn more facts about the product from the client’s point of view.•Have a weekly strategy for follow-ups.•Send the information immediately after you make the initial contact.

Have A Plan

•It is vital that you stay prepared for the follow-up interaction. The agents need to be prepared with all the information. •They need to have sound product knowledge and should be able to answer the queries of the buyers accordingly.•It is important that you have designed script before you make the call.

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Get Exact Commitment

•It is essential that you establish a specific date and time for the next interaction.•Creating a deadline is a simple but powerful tactic. •Do not leave it to the customers to give you a commitment.•In case they are not giving you exact day, you propose it yourself.

Channel Diversity

•It is essential that you diversify beyond the regular modes of communication.•It is important that you tap all the available options for social media interactions.•It is also essential that you ask the customers which mode of communication they prefer.•Do not venture into the personal environments like Instagram as it would not be the right place to do sale pitches.

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Timing Makes the Difference

•For the timing to be exact, it is vital that the sales and marketing teams are integrated. •It is essential that you follow-up with warm leads in a regular time interval.•The follow-up can include relevant information about the product, something that can excite him to buy it. •Keep an efficient track of how the leads are performing so that you can know their exact position in the sales funnel.•If the contact is in the initial stages, send them previous consumer experiences and organization information so that you can establish credibility and also build a bond with them.

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Content is King

•It is the content and the way you present the information that will make all the difference.•The content of the follow-up needs to be interesting and must compel the readers to take an action ahead.•Bring your creativity into the foray and try not to be boring.•One easy method to create valuable content is to take the help of the marketing professionals.• They usually use data and analytics in order to create the posts that are required by the consumers.•Reemphasize on the business value. Explain to them how the product can be beneficial and why the company stands out in the market.•The content needs to be educative in nature.•The opening and closing during the next call can also make a huge difference.

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Act Polite

•It is vital to remember that patience and persistence together can make the follow-up a success.•Every interaction needs to be as humble and polite like the first pitch that you made.•It is vital that you take the failure in stride. •Directly ask the consumer if he is not interested if he does not respond after a few follow-ups.

Don’t Act Desperate•Spamming the mailboxes of the consumers or calling them every day is going to be of no help.•Contact only when you think that it must be of any interest to the customer or when you have something important to tell.•Maintain a periodic cycle of regular follow-ups. •After the initial contact, send them a mail every week and then switch to a fortnight and so on.

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Ask and then Act

•Contacting the customers without their permission can pave the way for disaster. This will cast a negative impression of the corporation before the consumer.•If you get into an introductory call with any of your prospects and there are chances of your company getting associated with them, sometime later in the future ask them how you can stay in touch with them.•Try and establish the business value without sounding proud or pushy. •Is there any specific information that you can offer to them?• Look out for avenues and seek their permission.

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Personalize the Interaction

•When the interaction is tailor-made according to the client’s need, they are more inclined to give a positive response.•The follow-up could also be related to something that the client asked you on your official webpage or the blog.•This helps you to target the interest of the customer and when you have content based on the areas of their focus, chances of them becoming your consumer are higher.•This allows you to know what exactly the client wanted and you can have your follow-ups just based on that.