How compatible is your team? A guide to different working styles.

How compatible is your team

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How compatible is your team? A guide to different working styles.

The key to working effectively with any team is to know how each of your working styles complements or conflicts with each other.

What are the main styles and how can you work best with each of them? Here’s our guide:

The explorer: They are leaders, they inspire others to believe in a vision and people admire them.

The explorer: because they are focused on a vision, they can seem detached from others.

The explorer to work well them : Frame conversations around the bigger picture.

The builder: they are the doers- they execute plans and are across the details. They like completing tasks and checking off lists.

The builder: as they are so focused on a task, they can forget to look up and communicate.

The builder – to work well with them: you should present tasks or ideas to them in a bullet-point format.

The negotiator. They are the relationship builders and they love a harmonious work environment.

The negotiator – they aren’t great with detail-orientated tasks or in follow-through.

The negotiator – to work well with them. When you are presenting ideas to a team, negotiators can sense how the team is responding, so tap into this.

The director – they love learning and will research and understand all aspects of a problem.

The director – without the other styles they wouldn’t get much done as they rely on a team to execute their plan.

The director – to work well with them: when presenting ideas, include as much detail as possible and be prepared to answer questions from different angles.