How ‘Purple Squirrel Hunting’ Can Make Recruiting Easier (And, Re-Energize Your Career!) Presented by J.T. O’Donnell & Samantha Mick

How ‘Purple Squirrel Hunting’ Can Make Recruiting Easier (And, Re-Energize Your Career!)

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How ‘Purple Squirrel Hunting’ Can Make Recruiting Easier

(And, Re-Energize Your Career!)

Presented by J.T. O’Donnell & Samantha Mick

“Look, I know your candidate has 93% of what we are looking for, is fluently bilingual, a PhD and an MBA, and 6 of us like her, BUT...

Have you got anyone else?”

Recruiters are:

● Time-to-fill at highest peak in 13 years

● Too many reqs to fill

● Not getting enough information or resources

The Problem

Why has it changed?

Skills Gap & Talent


Talent is Not Presenting

Itself Properly

Hiring Managers Want Purple Squirrels

What is the result?

It’s Frustrating

It Makes it Hard to Love Recruiting

It Causes Burnout

There is a solution.

Understand the Sophisticated Job Seeker

‘Sophisticated Job Seekers’ consider employers with:


Analyze the Global Talent Spectrum

Then, Using Cutting-Edge Techniques...

… Become A Purple Squirrel Hunter!

Feel Satisfied & Successful


Purple Squirrel Hunting 101

Step 1: Use Personas to Get Inside Their Heads



Personas Help You….1. Humanize the candidate you need.

2. Bring the job to life.

3. Enable talent to visualize themselves in the role.

4. Speak the same language!









Step 2: Strengthen Your Recruiter Brand

FACT: 70% Want to Know YOU Better!

Survey reveals:

● Understand structure, culture, mission & purpose● Put a human face on process● Personalize the communication to them● Prepare for a more meaningful conversation● Determine how much recruiting & industry experience you have● Build a relationship based on profile info

● Assess if you would connect with me!

JStep 3: Turn Job

Descriptions Into ‘Job Stories’

Step 4: Use FREE & Sponsored Updates As Talent Bait

Proof It Works (Content Impact Index)Study by TMP Worldwide: Content’s impact on candidate sourcing...http://meshworking.com/content-impact-index/http://www.ere.net/2015/05/22/heres-proof-that-content-will-bring-you-the-most-important-job-applicants/

● Entry-level Candidates: Made them see more concretely what the job really was, and helped them self-select out.

● Experienced Candidates: Validation they needed to apply to a vague job descriptions. Increased likelihood of application by almost 3X.

● BONUS = 5,000 Virgin Visitors: people who weren’t looking for jobs, and would never have found the site without content, increasing total traffic 2.8% and organic traffic 8.8%.

● TAKEAWAY #1: Gives people who aren’t looking for a job reason to visit your site.● TAKEAWAY #2: Helps validates the interest of people looking for a job.

● Personify the Job

● Build Stronger Recruiter Brand

● Develop Job Stories

● Use Updates as Talent Bait

Ah-ha Moments