Larissa Perna Portfolio

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Design Apa ment 140m2

MMain purpose of spaces in-tegration, natural lighting and comfo . The colors and materials were chosen from the client's will, priori-tizing quality and functio-nalityPreliminary study dra ing, blueprint and executive project. Interior design,

ooring, woodwork and li-ghting.

Academic Stage - Carrer Final Project



Revitalization of the former

headqua ers of the military

police. Proposed reintegra-

tion with the city center of

Rio de Janeiro, implantation

of two towers with diverse

uses: commercial, educatio-

nal and corporate. Also with

proposed creation of a

square and integration with

the Santa Tereza tram.

Floorplans - Types

The main concept is the appropriation of a pre-existing structure in an intelligent and sus-tainable way, considering the original qualities of the building and enhancing the architectu-ral value o ered. The building in question is a building in the po area of Barcelona. The ori-ginal structure is in concrete and wood.

Transversal Seccion

Existent Structure + Houses Project’s perspective with the new external layer

In this case, the entire structure in wood is kept and the concrete is remo-ved. All the original dimen-sions of the facades are considered.These villas units refer to the concept of bird’s nest. They are put without da-maging the building and take advantage of the exis-ting structure to suppo themselves.


Third Floor

The objective of this project is

the manipulation of light: how to

harness the potential of the natu-

ral element and uses it to trans-

form the space.

The main concept comes from the

photographic monocles: there are

small objects that have a photo-

graph or picture inside.

The object has developed 6 di e-

rent layers of transparent paper

and willing colored in di erent po-

sitions. Thus, it is possible to gene-

rate di erent images depending

on the inclination of the incident

light and the observer’s position.

It is prioritized the incentive to cu-

riosity and discovery from the ge-

nerated image, and above all

changing the space where the

object is inse ed. It possible to

work in two di erent aspects: the

image generated throught the

shadow and the image generated

by the color roles.

In this section it present the Masterplan for the po area of the city of Barcelona. First a study area was established, considering all the pre-existence of the region. In this sense, it developed the main concept of the project: enhance the pre-existing factors with potential to develop a new city. So buildings were identi ed historical and architectural value that were incorporated into the urban design in addition to the enhancement of the existing water and green on Montjuic hill. In this way, all the morphological process is based on the prioritization of the meeting of water with the hill, the buildings with water, andand both with the vegetation. While the build retained establish structural mesh for proposal, the breakdown of hard rhythm happens through the to uous channels that are proposed. Through the images it possible to see the presence of these two main layers, the road rigidity and morphological exibility to provide dynamic and identity to the project.

Through the analysis of planting land and soil cultivation have been de-veloped images, such as maps, of the agricultural’s occupation land. The main objective of this work is to understand the soil transformation logic, the landscaping process, orders and natural rules that are establi-shed from existing natural factors. The area of the chosen terrain in this case is located in Bahia, Brazil, South America. There are areas of cane sugar cultivation, co on and seeds. The existing fundamental factors are identi ed: the main paths for vehicles, pedestrians and access to growing areas, the presence of water and your natural course, topo-graphy and their in uence on other factors. A er this identi cation, presentation layers are established.