2 skills 2 interests 2 abilities 2 dream jobs Friday, March 4, 16

Life after lx degree

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2 skills 2 interests2 abilities2 dream jobs

Friday, March 4, 16

Life After a linguistics degree

Friday, March 4, 16

•About skills•Some resources•Opportunities are everywhere!!!

Life After a linguistics degree

Friday, March 4, 16

Who can tell me who this linguist is?

Friday, March 4, 16

Career as JourneyKey entailments of this metaphor•you are already on a path•not about finding your path, is about choosing your next steps, and forward momentum•“wrong” turns are absolutely recoverable•can get help navigating, but ultimately it your path •you are linguists - what other metaphorical entailments do you see?

Friday, March 4, 16

What do people do with a degree in lx?

Friday, March 4, 16

So how does “bringing linguistics to work” work?



Friday, March 4, 16

Business, Research, “Industry,”

Government, Healthcare

Communications, Teaching,

Education, and Non-Profits

About 10 grads in 10 minutes


Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16



Friday, March 4, 16




Friday, March 4, 16


Friday, March 4, 16



Friday, March 4, 16


Friday, March 4, 16


Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16


Friday, March 4, 16


Friday, March 4, 16

A story about a hike:

Walking a couple miles in the

journey metaphor

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

<this slide intentionally left blank>

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

School is an important part of the journey, but it only takes us part of the way

The map that we are given is likely to be incomplete for many reasons

it is likely to be a twist-y turn-ey road!!!

What we can know for sure

Friday, March 4, 16

Others who have been there before us want to help, they leave us clues, and we can seek them out!!

there are going to be times when you have no idea where you are & where to go next

we can pay attention to where we have been, there will be information about where to go next

We Have Tools!

Friday, March 4, 16

Linguist, Linguistify yourself:

Bring your awareness of language to the linguistic choices you

make when you present yourself professionally

Friday, March 4, 16


Friday, March 4, 16

Source: Karen Newhouse Beyond the Ivory Tower

Take stock

Friday, March 4, 16

Resume as a well-packed suitcase

Friday, March 4, 16

Get the “I wants” out of your cover letter

Shifting your deictic center being on the inside looking out,

not outside looking in

Friday, March 4, 16

Create some stories of your own!

Pocket ExamplesPocket Examples

Friday, March 4, 16


Linguistics + X

Friday, March 4, 16

Tell Me About Yourself

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16

Friday, March 4, 16


Friday, March 4, 16

Join online communities

Friday, March 4, 16

Join prof associations / organizations

Friday, March 4, 16

my blog: www.careerlinguist.com

weekly posts featuring my musings about careers for

linguistsjob postings that I come across

career profilesrecorded lecture of “10 things” in case you forget, or want to


Follow me on Twitter @careerlinguist

Friday, March 4, 16

Some last thoughts

My “ask”

Your career center Your professors


my book:Bringing Linguistics to Work

summer 2016

Friday, March 4, 16