A: Besides the fact that they all want to find a # HAPPO ending…quite a bit! Q: What do the Disney princesses & Stephanie Majercik have in common?

The Princess Approach to #HAPPO

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Page 1: The Princess Approach to #HAPPO

A: Besides the fact that they all want to find a #HAPPO ending…

quite a bit!

Q: What do the Disney princesses & Stephanie Majercik have in


Page 2: The Princess Approach to #HAPPO


Cinderella works diligently everyday, cleaning the fireplace, sweeping the floors and doesn’t complain once! Like her, I put 120% into every task given to me and work hard to make sure it’s done the first time around and I do it with a positive attitude!

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Mulan is strong, independent, and not afraid to take risks or challenge the status quo. Similarly, I’ve always been a daredevil type, challenging myself to take on new responsibilities. I’m not afraid to take (calculated) risks or try something that’s never been done before. I always welcome new challenges.

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Snow WhiteWorking in groups and being surrounded by people we can share our stories and ideas with are traits Snow White and I both possess. While Snow White enjoys the company of the seven dwarves, telling them stories and helping them work together. I, too, enjoy collaborating and sharing ideas with a group of people towards a common goal.

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AuroraAurora sleeps for years…how does she get any work done? I, however, do not believe in sleeping on the job! Procrastination is not in my vocabulary. I follow deadlines and get work in early, if possible. I like to stay ahead of the game!

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Ariel & Jasmine

Ariel & Jasmine don’t like to be held back, they want to get out and see the world, make their own decisions, and really let loose! When they get the opportunity to really express themselves, they take it.

I love to travel and have been abroad many times. I am also advanced at speaking, reading, and writing German. Not to mention, like these two princesses, I’m an innovative thinker and value a culture where I can speak my mind and share ideas openly.

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Belle is the ideal new employee. Thrown into a situation strange and unfamiliar to her, Belle quickly finds a way to make the best of the situation. Like Belle, I am very adaptable, having needed to adapt to new situations, like moving to DC, before. Every organization has a different way of doing things and to have someone who can quickly learn new methods helps the organization run more smoothly.

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The Moral Of The Story?

I am a dynamic individual with a unique set of skills that will benefit any company, along with skills necessary for any marketing/public relations position, namely writing, organizational, and communication skills. My knowledge and expertise in the marketing field is broad, I have a broad range of skills including marketing, social media, public relations, and event planning. I have a broad range of skills including marketing, social media, public relations, and event planning. Hire me, and we’ll all live #HAPPO-ly ever after!

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More about StephanieStephanie is an experienced communications professional

working with high technology and Federal IT related clients. Previously, she provided marketing and communications support for various consultancies, such as futbolist llc and IMPACT Marketing and PR. She holds degrees from Canisius College in Communication Studies, German, and European Studies. Outside of work, she enjoys watching baseball, soccer, and helping promote the mission of the Fit Week Foundation.