How to package a well-rounded job application in 3 steps

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How to package a well-rounded job

application in 3 steps

Depending on the role you’re applying for, your job application might include a range of different documents such as a cover letter, your résumé, professional references, selection criteria, a portfolio of your work and much more.

Remember, these documents are your opportunity to demonstrate why YOU are the most suitable applicant for the job.

Each of these documents is unique and equally important to your application, but it’s important to keep in mind that when put together, they should form a well-rounded and well-presented package.

Just like posting a parcel or a gift, tying together all the separate elements of your job application comes down to some simple rules of packaging…

1. Take off the price tagsWhen you’re bringing together separate documents into the one package, it can be easy to overlook the little details, such as errors in consistency or accuracy. Unfortunately, this can really undermine the quality of your overall application. It’s like wrapping a gift only to realise you’ve left the price tags on!

Take the time to read your entire application from beginning to end to ensure it reads like one well-crafted document, not a collection of separate items that are loosely tied together. But just like price tags, errors can be hard to spot, so ask a friend or mentor to double check your application. If you’re not sure where to begin, ask yourself these questions…

Is it tailored?Your application should be specific to the organisation and role you’re applying for, not a standard application you shoot off for multiple jobs at a time. From the name and address on the cover letter to the references you include, think about what is relevant and remove anything that you can’t directly link to the job description.

Is it tailored?Your application should be specific to the organisation and role you’re applying for, not a standard application you shoot off for multiple jobs at a time. From the name and address on the cover letter to the references you include, think about what is relevant and remove anything that you can’t directly link to the job description.

Is it consistent?So you mention a skill in your cover letter but don’t support it with evidence in your résumé… hello price tag! Your application should flow from beginning to end and give a strong and consistent representation of your skills and experience. Also think about the tone and language used throughout your application. Have you maintained the same level of professionalism and used the same language to describe your skills each time?

Remember, your goal is to create a well-rounded and well-presented package.

2. Select the perfect packagingNow that you’ve taken off the price tags, it’s time to start thinking about presentation.

To do this well, put yourself in your potential employers’ shoes and imagine having to sift through hundreds of applications at a time. Would you rather a bland package that’s poorly put together or one that’s unique, eye-catching and easy to open?

Think creatively about how you present your application and stand out from the crowd! Here are some tips to get you started…

Try gift wrappingAdd a little flair by using a custom document template that structures the content of your application at a student friendly cost, seamlessly. There are numerous graphic designers willing to share their talents online, kind of like a gift-wrapping service for your application!

Try gift wrappingAdd a little flair by using a custom document template that structures the content of your application at a student friendly cost, seamlessly. There are numerous graphic designers willing to share their talents online, kind of like a gift-wrapping service for your application!

Think quality over quantityDon’t get carried away thinking the more you cram into your job application, the more impressive it will be. Great things come in small packages, so refine your content and remove unnecessary fluff.

Try gift wrappingAdd a little flair by using a custom document template that structures the content of your application at a student friendly cost, seamlessly. There are numerous graphic designers willing to share their talents online, kind of like a gift-wrapping service for your application!

Think quality over quantityDon’t get carried away thinking the more you cram into your job application, the more impressive it will be. Great things come in small packages, so refine your content and remove unnecessary fluff.

Keep it simpleFrom start to finish, your application should look clean, crisp and professional. The true quality of your package lies on the inside, so make sure the wrapping is complementary and doesn’t detract from the true value of your application (your skills and experience).

Remember, your goal is to create a well-rounded and well-presented package.

3. Final deliveryThe final step in gifting your employer with a well-rounded and well-presented job application is to execute a seamless delivery. There’s nothing worse than receiving a package that’s not what you ordered or is missing something, so follow these steps to ensure your application arrives intact:

3. Final deliveryThe final step in gifting your employer with a well-rounded and well-presented job application is to execute a seamless delivery. There’s nothing worse than receiving a package that’s not what you ordered or is missing something, so follow these steps to ensure your application arrives intact:

» Save each element of your application into one document. Multiple attachments on an email look messy and create work for the person on the receiving end.

3. Final deliveryThe final step in gifting your employer with a well-rounded and well-presented job application is to execute a seamless delivery. There’s nothing worse than receiving a package that’s not what you ordered or is missing something, so follow these steps to ensure your application arrives intact:

» Save each element of your application into one document. Multiple attachments on an email look messy and create work for the person on the receiving end.

» Send your application as a PDF. PDF files are easier to work with and will ensure none of your formatting comes undone at the other end, and PDF documents are a smaller file size for emailing.

3. Final deliveryThe final step in gifting your employer with a well-rounded and well-presented job application is to execute a seamless delivery. There’s nothing worse than receiving a package that’s not what you ordered or is missing something, so follow these steps to ensure your application arrives intact:

» Save each element of your application into one document. Multiple attachments on an email look messy and create work for the person on the receiving end.

» Send your application as a PDF. PDF files are easier to work with and will ensure none of your formatting comes undone at the other end, and PDF documents are a smaller file size for emailing.

» Check, check and check again. Once a parcel is in the post you can’t get it back, so take the time to make sure you’ve removed the price tags and are happy with the packaging of your application before you send it.

3. Final deliveryThe final step in gifting your employer with a well-rounded and well-presented job application is to execute a seamless delivery. There’s nothing worse than receiving a package that’s not what you ordered or is missing something, so follow these steps to ensure your application arrives intact:

» Save each element of your application into one document. Multiple attachments on an email look messy and create work for the person on the receiving end.

» Send your application as a PDF. PDF files are easier to work with and will ensure none of your formatting comes undone at the other end, and PDF documents are a smaller file size for emailing.

» Check, check and check again. Once a parcel is in the post you can’t get it back, so take the time to make sure you’ve removed the price tags and are happy with the packaging of your application before you send it.

» Track your item. Follow up your application with a phone call 2 to 3 days later to ensure it’s been received. This shows the employer that you’re proactive and invested in the application process.

When it comes to submitting a job application it’s important to see all the individual elements, your cover letter, résumé and references, as part of an enticing package.

By taking the time to remove the price tags, select the perfect packaging and execute a seamless delivery, you’ll not only stand out from the crowd, but will communicate to your potential employer that you’re willing to go above and beyond to deliver a great result.

Tip: Submit your application before the due date. You don’t want to miss out if they close applications early.

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If you’re still working on the individual elements of your application package (such as your résumé and cover letter) or want some further advice, get in touch with the Career Development Team at Student Services for more insider tips on putting together a well-rounded and well-presented package.