STEM 2.0 Transformational Thinking About STEM for Industry, Education, Workforce, Economic Development Practitioners TWC, San Antonio, TX December 3, 2013 JIM BRAZELL [email protected]

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STEM 2.0 Transformational Thinking About STEM for Industry, Education, Workforce, Economic Development Practitioners TWC, San Antonio, TXDecember 3, 2013 JIM BRAZELL [email protected]

“What are we going to

do to change the world

today?” Dr. Francis X. Kane

Military Father of GPS (Col. USAF,


What do you think of when I say San Antonio?

learn more at saheartofinnovation.com

San Antonio, Texas!Veterans Day 2013!

Weston Center, geekdom.com

What do the first air plane owned by

the war department, Mt

Rushmore, Aerobics, the first

personal computer, and the high

school that won the American

rocketry challenge have in common?

Captain  Benjamin  D.  Foulois  seated  at  the  controls  of  a  Wright  Military    biplane;  a  radio  transmitter  is  tied  into  the  passenger  seat;  1911.

Star Film Ranch


Gaston Méliès

“Voyage a la lune” Brother of Georges


Durrell “Dee” Howard, The Dee Howard Company

Hall of Fame

Insert Images 1947Navy Lockheed Ventura bomber

1948, Col. Harry Armstrong,

“Aeromedical Problems of

Space Travel”

Lt. Colonel Edward


June 3, 1965


July 20, 1969

.Julio C. Palmaz, M.D and

Richard Shatz, M.D.


Palmaz-Shatz Stent

William Barker


1969!Photo of the IMP Team (L to R): Truett Thatch, Bill Bartell (Honeywell), Dave Walden, Jim Geisman, Bob Kahn, Frank Heart, Ben Barker, Marty Thrope, Will Crowther, Severo Ornstein. Not pictured: Bernie Cosell.

Father of AerobicsKenneth H. Cooper, M.D., M.P.H.

John Taboada, Ph.D. Taboada Research Instruments, Inc.





o, P


. C



nal G



Miguel Yacaman, who heads UTSA's physics and astronomy department, shows off images taken by the world's most powerful electron microscope, nicknamed 'Helenita' after King Ranch heiress Helen Groves, whose gift was used to buy the device. / SA



2009 – Activation of 24th Air Force Home of Air Force Cyber

Cyber Patriothighschoolcdc.com

Read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Students-hoping-to-ridethe-cybersecurity-wave-1043235.php#ixzz1IBe4Gqls

US First-EISD Andrew Schuetze San Antonio,TX

High School

Alamo Heights

Thank you TWC for all of

your support of San Antonio’s

little experiments

over the past decade.

We are the middle America

of the 21st Century.

In 2012, San Antonio ranked No. 1 in Jobs, Wages & Tech !Ranked number 1 in economic growth and prosperity out of 200 metropolitan cities in America, San Antonio jumped 13 places to land the top spot on the Milken Index in 2011. Factoring jobs, wages and technology performance, San Antonio is leading the nation.

Many people are asking: Why San Antonio?


STEM 2.0 Transformational Thinking About STEM for Industry, Education, Workforce, Economic Development Practitioners TWC, San Antonio, TXDecember 3, 2013 JIM BRAZELL [email protected]


The Commission reported: !1. There was a widespread interest in the subject of industrial education. !2. The lack of skilled workmen was not chiefly a want of manual dexterity but a want of what what may be called industrial intelligence. !3. There was a growing feeling of inadequacy of the existing public school system to fully meet the needs of modern industrial and social conditions. The schools were too exclusively literary in their spirit, scope, and methods. !4. To the question of who should bear the expense of technical education, the common answer was the state. !!!!

On June 7, 1905, Massachusetts Governor William Douglas appointed a Commission on Industrial and Technical Education that later became known as the Douglas Commission. The Commission reported: !1. There was a widespread interest in the subject of industrial education. !2. The lack of skilled workmen was not chiefly a want of manual dexterity but a want of what what may be called industrial intelligence. !3. There was a growing feeling of inadequacy of the existing public school system to fully meet the needs of modern industrial and social conditions. The schools were too exclusively literary in their spirit, scope, and methods. !4. To the question of who should bear the expense of technical education, the common answer was the state. !(Barlow, 2001 Years of Education 1776-1976, Feb. 1976) !!

1812 Industrial AgeInput to production?

Agrarian AgeInput to production?

Economic Shift

Morrill Act, July 2, 1862

Practical Arts

Liberal Arts

S&T Motivates

New Ed

“...promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes.” (Barlow, 2001 Years of Education 1776-1976, Feb. 1976)

!!Hail the skillful cunning hand! Hail to the cultural mind! Contending for the world’s command, Here let them be combined. !(Barlow, 2001 Years of Education 1776-1976, Feb. 1976)

St. Louis Manual Training School, 1880

Steam-driven threshing machine near Hallock, Minnesota. Photo from 1882, scanned from H. Arnold Barton, A Folk Divided: Homeland Swedes and Swedish Americans, 1840—1940, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1994. Held by Nordiska Museet, Stockholm. Public domain by reason of age in Wikipedia.

“STEM education,” as used in this report, includes the subjects of mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics, which have traditionally formed the core requirements of many state curricula at the K-12 level. In addition, the report includes other critical subjects, such as computer science, engineering, environmental science and geology, with whose fundamental concepts K-12 students should be familiar.

No mention of Career and Technical Education, workforce education, programs of study or vocational education in the tome that forms the cornerstone of K-12 STEM education policy and funding.

Common Core State Standards & Career and Technical Education: Bridging the Divide between College and Career Readiness was prepared for Achieve by Hans Meeder and Thom Suddreth of the Meeder Consulting Group, with the Association for Career and Technical Education and the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium.

“...all too often, the focus on “college readiness” and “career readiness” remains in two distinct silos...”

Jobs and Education: Knowing Doing Trap

We draw a false dichotomy between knowing and doing, theory and practice, skill and knowledge, left and right brain, white collar and blue



"Remember the movie Groundhog Day, where the main character wakes up every morning and

realizes nothing has changed? He's reliving the same day over and over again. Well that pretty

much sums up the latest PISA results for 15-year-olds in the U.S. Their scores in reading, math and

science have not changed since 2003."

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math, Reading, Science by BILL CHAPPELL!December 03, 2013 7:37 AM

Increasing student, teacher, and worker performance is a matter of integrating these

things we see as opposites into a whole.

The Knowing Doing Trap - We draw a false dichotomy between knowing and doing, theory and practice, skill and knowledge, left and right brain,

white collar and blue collar.

“Those who complete both a strong academic curriculum and a vocational program of study (dual

concentrators) may have better outcomes than those who pursue one or the other” (Silverberg, Warner, Fong, &

Goodwin, 2004; Plank, 2001; Stone & Aliaga, 2003)” (National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition, 2005, Career

Preparatory Experiences, ¶ 3).



STEM  2.0:  Transformational  

Thinking  About  STEM  for  Education  and  Career  Practitioners  by  Jim  Brodie  Brazell  

Is there a STEM workforce shortage?

What is the technology shift changing the economy?

What are the implications for workforce, economic development, and industry?

How should education respond?


STEM  is  now  at  the  forefront  of  policy  and  education  practice,  the  current  

approach  is  driven  by  the  perception  that  there  is  a  shortage  of  STEM  talent.    


Is  there  a  quanti>iable  STEM  shortage  today?



!What percentage of jobs in the U.S. in 2010 are

classified as STEM jobs by the U.S. Department

of Commerce?


5.5% of U.S. Workforce,!7.6MM STEM Jobs in


David Langdon, George McKittrick, David Beede, Beethika Khan, and Mark Doms, “STEM: Good Jobs Now and for the Future.” US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration last accessed online October 28, 2012 http://www.esa.doc.gov/sites/default/files/reports/documents/stemfinalyjuly14_1.pdf

½ of STEM Jobs are Network and

Information Tech

David Langdon, George McKittrick, David Beede, Beethika Khan, and Mark Doms, “STEM: Good Jobs Now and for the Future.” US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration last accessed online October 28, 2012 http://www.esa.doc.gov/sites/default/files/reports/documents/stemfinalyjuly14_1.pdf



There  are  too  many  college  educated,  experienced  STEM  

workers  who  are  trying  to  >ind  a  job;  there  is  not  a  

shortage  of  them    (Economic  Policy  



Note: Estimates are for the civilian labor force age 25 and older with a bachelor's degree or higher education. Shaded areas denote recessions.

Source: Current Population Survey (CPS) public data series and unpublished Economics and Statistics Administration (Department of Commerce) analysis of CPS basic monthly microdata

Unemployment rates of all workers, and workers in STEM and non-STEM occupations with at least a bachelor’s degree, 1994–2011 —Economic Policy Institute


The STEM Crisis Is a Myth By Robert N. Charette Posted 30 Aug 2013



Caveat Emptor

 The  true  secret  behind  the  curtain

There  are  thousands  of  job  openings,  regardless  of  the  occupational  title,  for  which  employers  are  looking  for  

folks  with  strong,  core  scienti>ic,  statistical,  and  technology  competence.  The  true  secret  behind  the  curtain  is  more  than  the  handful  of  real  occupational  shortages  we  have  in  several  engineering  and  IT  disciplines  (including  cyber  security).  There  is  an  absence  of  scienti>ic  thought  processes  and  

application  of  mathematical  precepts  across  many  different  occupations—most  of  which  transcend  

traditional  STEM  de>initions.  

(R.  C.  Froeschle,  personal  email  communication,  March  19,  2013)

ANTHONY P. CARNEVALE NICOLE SMITH MICHELLE MELTON, “Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics”, Georgetown University, Center on Education and the Workforce, October 20, 2012 last accessed October 28, 2012 at http://cew.georgetown.edu/stem/.

Forecast of STEM Occupational Growth Georgetown University, Center for Education and the Workforce

Total jobs: STEM occupations will grow from 6.8 million to 8 million total jobs by

2018. !!

Shortages: We face a chronic shortage in STEM competencies as the demand for STEM talents grows outside traditional

STEM jobs.


There  are  too  many  college  educated,  experienced  STEM  

workers  who  are  trying  to  ;ind  a  job;  there  is  not  a  shortage  of  them    

(Economic  Policy  Institute).  However,  current  STEM  job  

categorization  does  not  typically  include  health  and  medical  jobs  or  the  majority  of  middle  and  high  skill  


Jobs and Education: Knowing Doing Trap

We draw a false dichotomy between knowing and doing, theory and practice, skill and knowledge, left and right brain, white collar and blue


The Hidden STEM Economy, Brookings Institute, 6.10.2013 http://www.brookings.edu/research/reports/2013/06/10-stem-economy-rothwell

CTE - Five Ways That Pay, Center for Education and the Workforce, Georgetown University, Sep 2012, Last accessed online October 28, 2012 at http://www9.georgetown.edu/grad/gppi/hpi/cew/pdfs/CTE.FiveWays.FullReport.pdf

!There are 29

million middle skills

jobs. !

62% of middle skills job pay $35K


There are 29 million middle skill jobs. !Many of these jobs are wrongly classified as middle skill when they are high skill (Bettersworth, TSTC.edu).

Caveat Emptor

US Department of Labor and US Bureau of the Census in National Skills Coalition

The American workforce, by many accounts, has been polarizing. Middle-skill jobs in manufacturing and many business services have been disappearing thanks to automation and international competition, but low- and high-skill employment is increasing. During the recession and recovery… Highly skilled workers have done best, low-skill workers have done poorly, and those in middle-skill employment have done very, very poorly, even as the job market has improved over the past year.

Caveat EmptorAmerica's labour market

Hollowing out Jan 9th 2012, 14:50 by R.A. | WASHINGTON

In the last two decades a huge literature, both empirical and theoretical, has emerged on the rising global trend of wage inequality since the 70s and the associated changes in employment patterns. This has been attributed mainly to skill-biased technical change (SBTC), but also significantly to freer international trade between developed and developing countries. See, for instance, Bernard and Jensen (1997), Chapter 4 in Feenstra (2004), Bivens (2007) and Krugman (2008), among many others.

Taking into account relatively more recent data, 1987-2004 for the U.S. and 1975-1995 for the U.K., a more specific – and an interesting – pattern of wage distribution and employment has been discerned, compared to the earlier literature: namely, a continuing positive trend of wage inequality in the top half of the distribution (for both U.S. and U.K.), coupled with a slightly declining trend in the U.S. and a mildly positive trend in the U.K. in the bottom half of the distribution. Furthermore, in both economies the shares of high-wage as well as low-wage jobs have increased, while that of middle-wage jobs has declined.

Goos and Manning has aptly depicted such a change in the employment pattern as a growth of both “Lousy and Lovely Jobs.” It has also been termed as hollowing out or job polarization, “with employment polarizing into high-wage and low-wage jobs at the expense of middle-skill jobs” (taken from Autor et al., 2006).

Caveat EmptorInternational Trade and Polarization in the Labor Market Satya P. Das Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi



!• There is no standard workforce or education

definition of STEM in the U.S. • There is a lack of granularity in labor market

data, making meaningful understanding of STEM jobs very difficult.

• Traditional approaches to specialized labor market classification neglect the increasingly integrated nature of STEM knowledge and skills required of many jobs not typically classified as STEM.


STEM 2.0

!• In order to understand STEM jobs, one must

look beyond classical definitions of STEM labor market definitions (and codes) to the transformational system of technologies, work processes, and competencies ushering in job innovation.

• Today, exigent labor market shortages are for STEM-based skills across many jobs not typically classified as STEM.


STEM 2.0

Is there a STEM workforce shortage?

What is the technology shift changing the economy?

What are the implications for workforce, economic development, and industry?

How should education respond?





Electronics Actuators



Cyber physical systems extend computer control to monitor and manage physical processes.


The infrastructure enabling the basic services of life in the 21st Century are now governed by and dependent on

cyber physical control systems (distributed robotics).

Robots are now fundamental to life, work, and play in the 21st century illustrating a profound shift in the


ComputerCommunication and

Control of Information

Cyber Physical SystemsCommunication and Control of Physical Processes

Robotics Age

3D Printers That Build Entire Houses: Contour Craftings Aims To Print 2,500 Square-Foot-Homes In 20 Hours, International Business Times By Ryan W. Neal on October 29 2013 10:08 AM


The Contour Crafting 3D printers could even do the electrical work, plumbing, tiling, finishing work and painting.

Software Actuators


Cyber physical systems extend computer control into the realms of biology and chemistry.

Bio Chemistry

Neuro Physics

Cyber Physical Systems

A Pacemaker the Size of a Tic Tac - Medtronic is using microelectronics to make a pacemaker so small it can be injected. Technology Review http://www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/32436/?nlid=4177


A futurist moment with Dr. Francis X. Kane, Military Father of GPS (Col. USAF, 1918-2013)





The entire SBSP infrastructure is a robot. Cloud 2.0 is power, communications, software, and control—all wireless.

Dr. Francis X. Kane, Military Father of GPS (Col. USAF, 1918-2013)

The network is a robot.

1812 Industrial AgeInput to production –

machine labor

Agrarian AgeInput to production –

human labor

Industrial Age



Input to production – human


Industrial AgeInput to production –

machine labor

Information Age

We are here

Age of Robotics

Input to production – artificial labor

and artificial intelligence

Information AgeInput to production

– human knowledge

Robotics Age

Specialized Knowledge &


Systems Knowledge &


Workforce Shift

DJ Engineering, Butler Community College

April 7 to 11, 2008

Technology and Automation are Driving Full Spectrum Transformation of Jobs

• Engineering Design • Manufacturing • Installation and Maintenance • Operation



Engineering Design

DJ Engineering, Butler Community College

April 7 to 11, 2008



Installation & Maintenance






TMMTX has 2900 Employees

5700 Jobs in the Team Texas Campus

Production 2345

Multi Skilled 225

Engineers 120

Admin 110


*As  of  August  2012

Mario Lozoya !Director of Government Realations & External Affairs External Affairs Dept.!Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Texas, Inc.!1 Lone Star Pass!San Antonio, TX 78264!Desk: 210-263-4126 !Fax: [email protected]

Key Texas Industries• Copyright Industries • Electronics & Applied Computer Equipment • Biotechnology, Life Science & Medical • Telecommunications & Information Services • Distribution, Transportation & Logistics • Heavy & Special Trade Construction • Energy, Mining & Related Support Services • Petroleum Refining & Chemical • Transportation Equipment • Production Support & Industrial Machinery • Agriculture, Forestry & Food • Aerospace and Aviation • Homeland Security & Defense

We are here

Information Age

Institutional Transformation Robotics Age

Restructuring Knowledge


Markets Technologies

Human CapitalCurricula



The net effect of the adoption and diffusion of technology is the transformation of social institutions—including family, work, school, law, the economy, and national defense.

A new approach to jobs analysis is needed to identifying how social institutions such as employment are changing and what competencies support institutional growth and sustainability. !It is therefore important to define STEM in a way that elucidates how these institutions are changing as well as what skills give rise to economic innovation and sustainability of democratic ideals.

STEM 2.0

Is there a STEM workforce shortage?

What is the technology shift changing the economy?

What are the implications for workforce, economic development, and industry?

How should education respond?

Jobs and Education: Knowing Doing Trap

We draw a false dichotomy between knowing and doing, theory and practice, skill and knowledge, left and right brain, white collar and blue



The Leadership Challenge


A Brief Introduction to the Adaptive Leadership Framework!Ronald Heifetz, Harvard University

When we face a challenge where people have to change, leadership’s role is to engage the people with the problem to solve it for themselves—rather than prescribing a solution from the top down.


Lessons from Kansas

Butler County Economic

Development !

“In the world of economic development, people talk about the importance of

location, location, location… but without the labor force location means

nothing.” !!

--David Alfaro, Director Butler County Economic Develoipment

Butler Community College April 7 to 11, 2008

National Institute for Aviation Research

!“If we don’t have

a trained workforce, we’ll

create technology and export jobs.” !

-- John Tomblin, Executive


Butler Community College April 7 to 11, 2008

“Workforce development and

economic development are the same thing…”

--Linda Sorrell, Workforce Center, Wichita

“We can’t be in our silos like we have been

in the past.” !

--D Smith, Visioneering Wichita


Industry Stepping Up




Innovation Networks

Community Innovation Laboratories

Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce

!“Alignment is the issue… We need to start in 5th or

6th grade...” --Bryan !

“We need to build a [human capital] supply

chain…” --Jim !

--Bryan Derreberry, President & CEO and Jim Schwarzenberger, VP


Butler Community College April 7 to 11, 2008


Supply Chain Methodology


High School Internships

TMMTX established its first internship program with Alamo Academies from local high schools. Students develop a Toyota mindset, enables TMMTX to be a good corporate citizen and strengthen loyalty with our community; and to create a pipeline of local skilled candidates to address current gaps.

ATMA Internships: Alamo Technology and Manufacturing Academy

The students are exposed to three Career paths: Production Multi-Skill Maintenance Engineering

SWISD East Central SouthSan NISD SA ISD

Cyber Patriotuscyberpatriot.org


The meaning of STEM is culturally



The Arts are Part of the

STEM Picture

Arts,  Crafts,  and  Literary  Avocations  Correlate  with  Scientific  Success


Compared  with  typical  scientist,  Nobel  laureates  are  at  least:  

• 2X  photographers  • 4X  musicians  • 17X  artists  • 15X  craftsmen  • 25X  writers  • 22X  performersSource: Innovations in the Formal Education of Future STEM Innovators, Robert Root-Bernstein, Michigan State University


For our clients, the 3D illustrations I produce have cut costs by reducing or completely replacing the need for physical comps and final art photography. Gene Dupont, genedupont.com


Of the two million U.S. arts jobs requiring significant technology proficiency: ! 10% architects 11% artists, art directors and animators 7% producers and directors and 7% photographers !The products of copyright industries represent 6.4% of the U.S. economy and over $126 billion annually in revenue from foreign trade. Read more at Arts in the Workforce.http://www.nea.gov/research/ArtistsInWorkforce.pdf

STEM, IT, Arts Integration LeadersUS Digital Convergence

Centers !• New York City • Washington DC MSA • Central Florida • San Francisco/Silicon

Valley • Los Angeles • San Diego MSA • Phoenix • Denver • Las Vegas • Austin-San Antonio-


Global Digital Convergence Centers

!• South Korea • Finland • China • Taiwan • Sweden • Denmark • Germany • UK • Israel • Malaysia • Japan

Evans, Eliza, Michael Sekora, Alexander Cavalli, Kinman Chan, Jeeyoung Heo Kenneth Kan,

Yue Kuang, Prakash Mohandas, Xiaoxiang Zhang, and Jim Brazell. Digital Convergence Initiative:

Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Texas. San Marcos, Texas: Greater Austin-

San Antonio Corridor Council, 2005. Full Report: http://www.dcitexas.org/DCI_report.pdf


The Most Important

Word in STEM









STEM is transformation of social, human, and

environmental systems by human creativity & design.



STEM 2.0What  is  required  in  our  understanding  is  that  technology  is  not  an  artifact  such  as  computer  or  a  robot,  rather,  technology  is  the  uni;ication  of  human  art  and  science  to  transform  society  through  the  process  of  design.  We  are  the  technology.  Technology  is  not  an  external  force,  beyond  our  control,  acting  on  society.  We  are  the  technology!

Technology is the unification of art and science to transform society through the process of design.


Technology is the unification of art and science to

transform society through the process

of design.

“What are we going to

do to change the world

today?” Dr. Francis X. Kane

Military Father of GPS (Col. USAF,


Is there a STEM workforce shortage?

What is the technology shift changing the economy?

What are the implications for workforce, economic development, and industry?

How should education respond?

When  our  predecessors  stood  at  the  edge  of  the  world  and  gazed  up  at  Sputnik  in  1957,  they  did  not  respond  with  a  narrow  focus  on  technology  education  or  training. General  Robert  F.  McDermott,  Academic  Dean,  of  the  U.S.  Air  Force  Academy,  founded  the  new  academy  on  the  idea  that  in  a  world  of  increasing  technological  complexity,  education  needs  to  increase  emphasis  in  both  classical  and  contemporary  studies.    

Brigadier General Robert F. McDermott

Health Arts


Leadership Character Citizenship

Classical Contemporary Education

Model  classical  contemporary  schools  that  integrate  academic  and  applied  arts  with  success  in  terms  of  improving  learning  outcomes  for  diverse  student  populaEons  include:  !1. Philadelphia  Performing  Arts  Charter  School  (K-­‐8),  

ppacs.net,  PA.  

2. Clark  Magnet  School,  clarkmagnet.net,  La  Crescenta,  CA.  

3. Indian  River  State  College,  irsc.edu,  Fort  Pierce,  FL.  

4. University  of  Maryland  BalEmore  County,  umbc.edu,  BalEmore,  MD.  

5. Olin  College,  olin.edu,  Needham,  MA.    

Classical Contemporary Education - Systems  Innova:on  

a.  ADAPTIVE  LEADERSHIP  -­‐  AdapEve  leadership  is  specifically  about  change  that  enables  the  capacity  to  thrive—change  led  from  the  bo^om  up  and  the  top  down  simultaneously.    

b.  INNOVATION  LABORATORIES  –  PosiEoning  challenges  and  opportuniEes  from  the  community  (local  and/or  global)  in  the  center  of  learning  and  educaEon  goals  through  student-­‐  and  teacher-­‐driven  innovaEon  projects.  

c.   CULTURE  OF  INNOVATION  -­‐  Context  and  frame  for  learning  is  real  world  and  purpose  driven  incorporaEng  failure  as  feedback  to  the  learning  process.  A  culture  of  innovaEon  is  conducive  to  learning,  improving,  and  adapEng  while  fostering  risk  taking.  In  this  view,  learning  cannot  be  achieved  without  feedback  as  an  integral  part  of  the  learning  loop.  WHAT  IS  NEW  IS  MAINSTREAMING  ENGINEERING  &  ARTISTIC  DESIGN  PROCESSES  (APPLIED)  WITHIN  THE  ACADEMIC  CONTEXT—INTEGRATION  (and  not  or).  

d.  PRE-­‐K  TO  PhD  NETWORKS,  SYSTEMS,  &  PATHWAYS  -­‐  Sequenced,  integrated  and  transferable  courses  across  K-­‐12,  Community  College,  University  and  the  Adult  ConEnuing  EducaEon  spectrum  of  lifelong  learning.    

!Classical Contemporary Education - Pedagogical  InnovaEon  

a.   INTEGRATED  ACADEMICS  &  CTE  PRACTICE  -­‐  Delivering  integrated  CTE  and  academic  courses  and  programs  of  study  (coherent  course  sequences);  

b.  MAINSTREAM  ARTS  INTEGRATION  -­‐  IntegraEng  fine  arts,  performing  arts,  cultural  arts,  commercial  arts,  and  creaEvity  as  foundaEonal  to  school  culture  and  outcomes  (not  an  add  on);    

c.   APPLIED  LEARNING  PRACTICE  -­‐  Applying  knowledge  and  skill-­‐based  learning  through  apprenEceship,  expert  modeling,  and  project  work;  

d.  INTERDISCIPLINARY  LEARNING  -­‐  IntegraEng  disciplinary  knowledge  across  subjects  through  innovaEon  themes,  projects,  and  compeEEons;  and,  

e.   INTERDISCIPLINARY  DESIGN  &  DEVELOPMENT  -­‐  IntegraEng  professional  development  within  and  across  faculty  professional  development  subjects/disciplines.  

Denton ISD, Texas

Programs of study connecting pathways to both 2 year and 4 year post secondary degrees.

Delia Weaver, Principal

Former Director of CATE

San Benito CISD


A Brief Introduction to the Adaptive Leadership Framework!Ronald Heifetz, Harvard University

When we face a challenge where people have to change, leadership’s role is to engage the people with the problem to solve it for themselves—rather than prescribing a solution from the top down.

“There are kids on Maui who have never been to

the top of the mountain or to Hana much less have they traveled off of the


How do we cultivate innovation and innovators in our schools?

!Indigenous Invention - “We must move beyond school reform through the implementation of outside ideas to a new approach, one that embraces inside innovation, imagination, and invention...” !--School Reform: The Flatworm in a Flat World: From Entropy to Renewal through Indigenous Invention, PAUL E. HECKMAN, University of California, Davis and VIKI L. MONTERA, Sonoma State University

The key ingredient of 21st century education is Innovation

— the creation of new discourse, knowledge,

processes, systems, tools, and/or languages.


1,000 MPG eq. Fuel Cell Car

Indian River State College Current and

Emerging Pattern Languages

Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Leadership

Humanities-Law-Human Development


Medical-Bio-Life Sciences

Architecture, Media & Arts

Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Leadership

FLOW: A Pattern for Play, Learning, Cooperation and


*C.S. - Computer science





For  Dr.  Francis  X.  “Duke”  Kane  liberal  education  and  the  arts  are  part  and  parcel  to  STEM  education  and  the  cultivation  of  the  “creativeforce”  we  need  for  the  missions  ahead.  For  

Duke,  “creativity  and  collaboration”  were  the  two  

necessary  qualities  to  engender  in  the  education  of  what  he  affectionately  called  

the  “Speed  of  Light  Generation.”  

Is there a STEM workforce shortage?

What is the technology shift changing the economy?

What are the implications for workforce, economic development, and industry?

How should education respond?

“What are we going to

do to change the world

today?” Dr. Francis X. Kane

Military Father of GPS (Col. USAF,






Community Innovation Laboratories

STEM 2.0 Transformational Thinking About STEM for Industry, Education, Workforce, Economic Development Practitioners TWC, San Antonio, TXDecember 3, 2013 JIM BRAZELL [email protected]

R.U.R. is a 1920 science fiction play by Karel Čapek. R.U.R. stands for Rossum's Universal Robots.!The play begins in a factory that makes artificial people, made of synthetic organic matter, called "robots." !The play is a social commentary about the division of the world into two classes—the know'ers and the do’ers.


Cyber physical systems utilize information technology (computers, software, and networks) to direct the

communication and control of physical processes and systems (or

vice versa).

STEM impacts all jobs and academic disciplines—all aspects of life.

5.5% of Jobs in U.S. are STEM Jobs