You are not in control

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  1. 1. YOU are not in CONTROL How misrepresentation in the media can damage your personal brand. CCImagecourtesyofUnspashonPixabay. By Jae Gee
  2. 2. Theres a common saying YOUare the CREATORof your own DESTINYCCImagecourtesyofUnspashonPixabay.
  3. 3. Its simple. You are a BRAND. YOU are in charge of your BRAND. CCImagecourtesyofStartupStockPhotosonPixabay.
  4. 4. The Reputation Economy is a marketplace where professionals are treated like products, are rated,commented on, and judged based on reputation. -Forbes Magazine CCImagecourtesyofUnspashonPixabay. Schawbel,Dan."TheReputaPonEconomyIsComing-AreYouPrepared?"Forbes.ForbesMagazine,n.d.Web.12June2015.
  5. 5. CCImagecourtesyofMarkusspiskeonPixabay. But in the DIGITAL AGE, 140 characters can easily determine your fate.
  6. 6. CCImagecourtesyofzrylzizouonPixabay. Take Justine Sacco, a Communications Professional from New York City. She was living the life she always dreamed of
  7. 7. CCImagecourtesyofCQuadratNetonPixabay. Until before a flight to Africa, she tweeted: Going to Africa. Hope I dont get AIDS. Just kidding. Im white!
  8. 8. CCImagecourtesyofBessionPixabay.
  9. 9. The furor over Saccos tweet had become not just an ideological crusade against her perceived bigotry but also a form of idle entertainment. - Jon Ronson, New York Times CCImagecourtesyofBroadmarkonPixabay. Ronson,Jon."HowOneStupidTweetBlewUpJusPneSaccosLife."TheNewYorkTimes.The NewYorkTimes,14Feb.
  10. 10. Sacco had lost EVERYTHING that was important to her. Her job, family, friends IDENTITY. She even lost her CCImagecourtesyofRyanMcGuireonPixabay.
  11. 11. CCImagecourtesyofUnspashonPixabay. All of a sudden you dont know what youre supposed to do. If I dont start making steps to reclaim my identity and remind myself of who I am on a daily basis,! then I might lose myself. -Justine Sacco! Ronson,Jon."HowOneStupidTweetBlewUpJusPneSaccosLife."TheNewYorkTimes.The NewYorkTimes,14Feb.
  12. 12. Unfortunately Saccos case isnt unique. Take the story of amateur Polish photographer Zdzislaw Molodynski. CCImagecourtesyoffunnytoolsonPixabay.
  13. 13. One day, he encountered a sleigh accident involving a frightened horse and an injured Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Moldynski took pictures and uploaded them onto the media mongrel, TVN. CCImagecourtesyofjarmolukonPixabay.
  14. 14. CCImagecourtesyofAndrysonPixabay. The next day, Molodynski woke to find that TVNhad created a FAKE STORY about the drivers that had included fake quotes from himself.
  15. 15. When I read it, I was completely broken. - Zdzislaw Molodynski CCImagecourtesyofGeraltonPixabay. White,Alan."HowAFakeViralNewsStoryWreckedThreePeople'sLives."BuzzFeed. BuzzfeedNews,n.d.Web.12June2015.
  16. 16. CCImagecourtesyofStokpiconPixabay. Whats worse is that