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An Indian FMCG company wants to map profile of its target audience based on lifestyle, attitude & perception. The marketing research team has prepared a set of 15 statements. The respondents had to agree or disagree on a 5 point rating or Likert scale (Note: 1= Strongly Agree; 2=Agree; 3=Neutral; 4=Disagree; 5=Strongly Disagree) with each statement

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  • 1. An Indian FMCG company is looking to launch a value for money product The company wants to map profile to identify the target group(s) Parameters for profiling: Lifestyle, attitude & perception The marketing research team has prepared a set of 15 statements The respondents had to agree or disagree on a 5 point rating or Likert scale[Note: 1= Strongly Agree; 2=Agree; 3=Neutral; 4=Disagree; 5=Strongly Disagree]

2. Variable NO.Description1Email is preferred over letters2Quality products are always high priced3Think twice before buying anything4Television is a major source of entertainment5Car is a necessity rather than a luxury6Prefer fast food & ready to eat products7People are most health conscious today8Entry of foreign companies have increased the efficiency of Indian companies9Women are active decision makers in purchases10Politicians can play a positive role11Enjoys watching movie12I would like to settle abroad13I always buy branded products14Frequently go out on weekends15Prefer to pay by credit cards than cash 3. Step-1 Running hierarchical clustering Using agglomeration schedule to fix the number of clusters to be formedStep-2 Running the k-means clustering Using the final cluster centers for interpretation 4. Clusters/VariablesCluster-I (Mean)Cluster-II (Mean) Cluster-III (Mean) Cluster-IV (Mean)email over letter2.202.402.201.50Qlty products_high price2.203.662.002.40Think twice_buy2.603.662.253.60TV_Entrtnmt3.203.503.002.20Car_need_luxury3.423.603.752.20Fastfood_preference4.403.303.254.20People_health_conscious2.804.501.751.60Foregin Comp_eff_Indian2.401.503.504.40Women_Active_Purchase3.422.503.252.20Pol_+ve_Role2.203.604.752.80Movie_Enjoy3.803.662.501.80Abroad_Settle2.403.502.002.20Pref_Branded_items2.404.161.253.00Weekend_hangout3.203.672.752.40CreditCards_over_Cash4.002.503.252.40 5. The relative score for degree of agree or disagree over different factors are derived by statistical means. Since 5-point rating scale has been used, the interval for the range in measuring each service was calculated as : (5-1) / 5 = 0.8 , as belowScoreDegree(Agree)1 to 1.8Most1.81 to 2.6High2.61 to 3.4Neutral3.41 to 4.2LowAbove 4.2Least 6. Prefer email over letters & feel quality comes at price Very careful spenders & dont feel that TV is a major form of entertainment Dont feel that car is a necessity Dont like fast foods Not sure about the health consciousness of people Not sure whether entry of foreign companies have made Indian companies more efficient Disagree that women play active role in decision making Feel that politicians can play an active role Dont enjoy watching movies or going out on weekends Prefer buying branded products Dont prefer credit cards & may consider staying abroad 7. Prefer email over letters & dont feel quality comes at price Likes to spend freely & feel that car is a luxury Dont feel that TV is a major form of entertainment Not very fond of fast food Dont think that people are health conscious Strongly feels entry of foreign companies have made Indian companies more efficient Feels that women play active role in purchase decisions Dont believe in politicians; dont like movies Dont want to settle in abroad; dont stress on branded products Dont like to go out on weekends; prefer using credit cards for payment 8. Prefer using email & feel that quality is measured by price Careful spenders & indifferent towards television Car is a luxury to them ; not too fond of fast food Believe that the people are health conscious today Dont think that entry of foreign companies have made Indian companies more efficient Dont believe in women power; dont like politicians Prefer buying branded products Enjoy watching movies& willing to settle abroad Go out on weekends & moderately prefer credit card for payments 9. Regular email users & strongly feels that quality by price Free spenders & enjoy watching television Car is a necessity for them; Not too fond of fast food They believe that the people are health conscious today Disagree that entry of foreign companies have made Indian companies more efficient Highly believe in women power & enjoy watching movies Indifferent towards politicians & willing to settle abroad Likes to go out on weekends & prefer credit card for payments 10. Cluster- IExhibits traditional values except the adaption of emails Likes to use credit cards, spends freely & believe in woman powerCluster- IIFeel quality products can be cheap & also have a patriotic streak Not very outgoing; believe in economics rather than politics Not a free spender, but health consciousCluster- IIIPrefer branded products Comparatively outgoing in nature& even willing to settle abroad Dont Believe in woman power; indifferent towards TV Optimistic in nature & free spendersCluster- IVVery good target for TV advertisements But dont get influenced by brands & may prefer value for money May decide to spend a lot if they see value 11. Targeting market segment(s)Designing the marketing mix based on the targeted segment(s)Effective positioning through marketing mix**Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place & Promotion 12. Variable No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Label email over letter Qlty products_high price think twice_buy TV_Entrtnmt Car_need_luxury Fastfood_preference People_health_conscious Foregin Comp_eff_Indian Women_Active_Purchase Pol_+ve_Role Movie_Enjoy Abroad_Settle Pref_Branded_items Weekend_hangout CreditCards_over_Cash 13. References Analysis